WELCOME TO ST COLUMBA CHURCH: People have been coming to this building to worship God for over a hundred years. While our town has journeyed through many changes over those years, the constancy of the witness of the “Church on Midton Road” has remained uninterrupted. The mission of any Church is to reflect through its presence, its music, its fellowship and its beauty the transcendence of God, and we seek to do that here in all that we share. We hope that everyone who enters these doors will find an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we are far from perfect, we are regularly discovering truths that are changing us individually and enriching our lives as a church community. As we worship together, learn from the Bible, and pray for one another, we are strengthened in our commitment to Jesus Christ as well as to each other. If this is your first time here, we welcome you, and invite you to share the joy that we have found. A very special welcome to the family of Ollie who will be baptised at the 11.15 Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. Alec Mooney, Mrs. Jane Murnin, Mr. Jim Loch, Dr. Simon Farrell, Mrs. Susan Mills, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Adam McCracken, Mrs. Nan Mackie, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Kerrie Lee, The Whiteford/Love Family, Mrs. Margaret Duncan and Mrs. Pamela Goodwin
9.30 am Family Worship: Duty Team: 6 Sound: Mr. Duncan McCallum
10.00 am St. Columba Kids
11.15am Morning Worship Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
20’s IN THE PEWS: This year’s recipient is Alzheimers (Scotland). The total collected during August was £128.08. Please remember your 20’s for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.80
A NEW AND EXCITING ‘YOUTH GROUP‘ for all young people in the S1-S3 age range starts TODAY! 1st September 2019 (running fortnightly). Meeting from 11.30am – 1.00pm. The Group will prepare and eat lunch together and during the course of the session, we will explore different aspects of the Bible. All young people are most warmly invited to attend. In addition we are looking for Volunteers (all ages) to assist and support the leaders – if you are able to help please contact Kerrie, Stuart or Irene via the office.
DOORS OPEN DAY: URGENT HELP REQUIRED! This Saturday 7th September from 10am – 4.00pm. Our Church will be participating once again in this event. We are justly proud of our building and heritage and enjoy sharing this with others. Tea/Coffee and homebaking will be served to our visitors in the Struthers’ Room. Please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park Vestibule if you can help and/or bake – or speak to Irene.
MENS ASSOCIATION weekly THURSDAY GAMES – restarts on 5th September; 2 – 4 pm in the Midton Road Hall. New members most welcome.
WEDNESDAY FITNESS AND RELAXATION class resumes on 4th September, 2 – 4pm. A little exercise, some relaxation and a cup of tea and bit of chat! All welcome.
FOOD BANK: Please remember all the folks who depend on your donations – this week’s shopping list includes – all tinned meats and fish (Chilli; Mince; Stew; Meatballs; Tuna), also – potatoes, other vegetables, fruit and cold meat. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
LUNCH CAFÉ: Ann, Laraine and the Team are delighted to announce that the Lunch Café has moved to new premises at Midton Road! There will be a “New Look” Café running once a month with proceeds going to our Charities. The first meeting will be next Sunday 8th September at 12.30pm. The Menu will include Soup, Sweets, tea & Coffee and Traybake. The Team look forward to welcoming you.
OASIS CAFÉ – OPEN: We look forward to welcoming you every Thursday morning when there is plenty of chat and lovely home-baking treats to tempt you!! Struthers Room between 10.30am and 12 noon. Everyone is most welcome.
AYR FILM SOCIETY – THE ORGANIST ENTERTAINS Charlie Chaplin in “City Lights” – Thursday 5th September 7.00pm Entry £5.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Isabel Fraser (Stn 8), Mrs. Sheila Lockhart (Stn 12), Mrs. Jenny Glencross (Stn 12), and Mrs. Hettie Brotherston (Stn 14)
IRVINE CENTRAL: Mrs. Marilyn Montgomery (Douglas Grant Centre) and Miss Mabel Davidson (Woodland View, Ward. 4)
THE BIGGART: Mrs. Chresta Clark (Lindsay)
THE BEATSON: Mrs. Isobel Smellie