12 January 2020

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Helen Greig , Jack McConnachie, Tony Greig, Michael Warren, Fiona Taylor, Alan McKinlay, Ginnie Mackenzie, Jo Bruce, Duncan McCallum and John Eaglesham
SOUND TODAY: 9.30am Duncan McCallum and 11.15am David Campbell
9.30 am Family Worship Duty Team: 3 Sound: John Crone
10.00am St Columba Kids
11.15 am Morning Worship Sound: Brian McKinlay
THE MINISTER REVD. DR. SCOTT MCKENNA will be preaching at Lochside on the 19th.
THE MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers that adorn the Sanctuary today, have been given to the Glory of God by Irene Bartholomew
ELDERS are asked to check the Communion Duty Lists in the Carrick Park vestibule as soon as possible. Please indicate your availability on this list.
COLUMBA NEWS: are in the Elders’ pigeonholes for immediate delivery. Please check you have uplifted the correct District.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in December for Alzheimer’s (Scotland) was £125.05
SERMONS ONLINE: The text of the full sermon, preached at the later service, is available on our website. www.ayrstcolumba.co.uk
THE BIBLE EXPLORATION GROUP resumes on Wednesday 15 January at 7.30 in the Struthers Room, when we will begin a short series on the prophet Jonah.
MENS ASSOCIATION: first meeting of 2020 is Monday 13th January at 7.30pm when we are guests of the Ladies Fellowship. The Speaker is Kenny McLean, his talk is entitled “Bagpipes”. New members always warmly welcomed.
FLOWER CALENDAR: for 2020 is now in place in the Carrick Park Vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion, please add your name and telephone number to your chosen Sunday.
BURNS SUPPER: Friday 7 February in the Midton Hall. 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Tickets are priced £20.00. Tickets to be collected and paid for after both the 9.30 and 11.15 services on Sunday 19 January and on Monday 20 January between 10 -12.
SUNDAY SOUP LUNCH – Sunday 19th January at 12.30pm. All proceeds this week will be for the Hospice.
SOUTH AYRSHIRE FOODBANK Please remember a few extra items for the Food Bank. There has been a huge run on requests during the Christmas season and stocks are low.
We record with sadness the passing of Mrs. Diana Johnson (Coventry), our sympathy is extended to Gordon and all the family. There will be a Service of Thanksgiving in Church for Diana’s life, later in January.
Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Helen and Mabel on the passing of their dear Mum, Mrs. Violet Davidson. Funeral arrangements still to be confirmed, but will be held in Dumfries.
Our thoughts and prayers are extended to Robin and Margaret Doncaster on the passing of a very dear aunt, Mrs. Agnes Friend. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Monday 27th at 11.15am.
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to Drew, Mo and Gillian Howie on the very sudden passing of Drew’s sister, Katherine. Funeral arrangements still to be confirmed.