14 June 2015

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. We are a congregation drawn from all parts of Ayr and beyond, and we come together to worship and to take part in all kinds of Christian service in the community. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place!
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan,
Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. Alan McHarg, Mr. Alan Hawthorn.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. David Savage, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley and Mr. & Mrs. C McEwan
SUNDAY 21 June 2015 Father’s Day
9.30 am Family Service           Duty Team: 11     Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00am Summer break – No Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship                                    Sound: Mr. David Campbell
KIRK SESSION: there will be an extra ordinary Kirk Session meeting on Sunday 21st June at 12.30pm, in the Sanctuary. Agenda Item: Assistant Minister.
ALL ELDERS are asked to check the Lists for Communion Duty in the Carrick Park Vestibule and to tick their name to confirm their availability for the June Service of Holy Communion.
COLUMBA NEWS: Elders are asked to uplift their Summer Magazines and Communion Cards from their pigeonhole for immediate delivery. Thank you!
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £136.50. This year monies will go to The Beatson Cancer Charity. This Charity has been established fairly recently and provides support services for patients and families involved with the Beatson.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
FOOD BANK: much needed this week, spaghetti, rice pudding, biscuits, milk, fruit juice, tinned or packet meals, packets of rice and of instant mash, coffee, jam, tinned fruit and tinned vegetables.
AMERICAN CHOIR – COTTON PATCH – the Musical: we have a unique opportunity to hear this wonderful Christian Musical performed by a choir of senior school pupils from North Carolina on Thursday 25th June. Tickets, priced £5 on sale after both services from the Office..
BIG CLEAN! Thank you to all the volunteers – there is still time to add your name to the list in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please come along tomorrow Monday 15th and/or Tuesday 16th June at 7.00pm , armed with a bucket, cleaning materials and cloths and you will be allocated a part of the church to spruce up for summer. Supper will be served by our Hospitality Committee each evening. Thank you in anticipation!
LOCHSIDE SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB: Will run from Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July , daily 10:00am to 12 Noon. Volunteers are needed to help with games or crafts or just general for this worthy mission work, one day or more would be most appreciated. Please add your name and telephone number to the list on the Carrick Park notice board or telephone Malcolm Mackay 01292 264509. Many thanks for your support.
SENIOR OUTING to Gleneagles on Monday 22nd June. The bus will leave the Church at 9.30am travelling via Stirling leaving Gleneagles at 5.00pm.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Betty Hamilton (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Gavin Orr (Macmillan)
VALE OF LEVEN HOSPITAL Mr. Dick Mabon (Ward 15)
GOLDEN JUBILEE: Mr. Jim Wilcox and Mr. Norman Wallace
SOUTHERN HOSPITAL: Mr. Jim Brown (Ward 6b)

Thursday 25th June at 7.30pm American Youth Choir – the musical “Cotton Patch” Tickets now
on sale from the Office priced £5
Monday 20th July at 7.30pm Cologne Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra

The service of thanksgiving for the life of Mrs Jean Ronald of Prestwick who died in Ayr Hospital this past week will be held at Masonhill on Friday 19th June at 11.15am. Jean was a very faithful attender at the 11.15 service each Sunday. We extend our warmest sympathy to her sons and daughters and grandchildren, and her sister, Miss Nan Picken.