2 April 2017

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship, which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. We are a congregation drawn from all parts of Ayr and beyond, and we come together to worship and to take part in all kinds of Christian service in the community. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place!
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Stuart McKinlay, Mrs. Linda Hunter, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Annette Cuthbert, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Dr. Kirsty Muirhead, Mrs. Janette Leishman, Mr. Tom Laurie
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Maureen Brennan and Mrs. Jean Watson.
9.30a.m. Family Worship                   Duty Team: 12                    Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am St. Columba Kids & Bible Class – ON HOLIDAY
11.15a.m. Morning Worship      Sacrament of Baptism                 Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
20’s IN THE PEWS: total collected in February is £106.50. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Parkinson’s Scotland.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.50.
NEW DUTY TEAM LEADERS: Notes for new leaders are available in the Carrick Park Vestibule in your own or additional Elders’ pigeonholes. Team Lists and Duty notes will be available at the Session meeting.
FOODBANK: Please remember the work of our Foodbank is vital. This week – life milk, diluting juice, tinned meals, pasta, rice, jam, coffee, instant mash potato, custard, biscuits and tins of tuna. Many thanks to everyone for their donations.
“OASIS”: Our drop in café is open to everyone – bring a friend! Meeting every Thursday 10.30 – 12.00 in the Struthers’ Room, this is a place to relax, a place to chat! Come when you can, leave when you want. The morning papers are available.
ORGANISATIONS please note that all Church Halls will be closed during Holy Week and on Easter Monday 17th April.
LIBRARY UPDATE: Dorothy Bone very kindly donated an excellent biography of Martin Luther “Here I stand” by Roland Bainton. It is a very timely addition to the library after last week’s visit from Pfarrer Johnathan.
FOR SALE – CHAIRS… Due to over-supply, there are a number of brand new chairs for sale at £4.99 each or 5 for £20. Suitable for outdoors too!!!
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Sunday 11th June – 9.30am and 11.15am: visit by The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland–The Right Reverend Dr. Derek Browning–Presentation of Long Service Certificates. Congregational Lunch at 1.00pm with the Moderator at Dumfries House-£30 (two courses and a glass of wine).
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Gordon McPherson (Stn 12), Mr. David Burton (Stn 10) and Major Sandy Goodwin (Stn16)
THE BIGGART: Mrs. Isobel Graydon (Macmillan)
HOLY WEEK Monday 10th April – Friday 14th April 2017
All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken GCSJ, M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A. with guest Preachers each evening as follows:
Monday: Revd. Paul Russell MA, BD Hospital Chaplain
Tuesday: Mr. Graeme Parkhill Assistant Minister, Ayr St. Columba
Wednesday: Revd. Tom McLeod Local Ordained Minister Prestwick South with Symington
Thursday: Revd. Neil McNaught MA, BD. Minister at Alloway Parish Church
Friday: Revd. Fraser R. Aitken GCSJ, MA. BD. Minister at Ayr: St. Columba
All Services to be held in Alloway Parish Church except Thursday.
The Maundy Thursday – Communion Service will be held at Ayr: St. Columba
Easter Sunday – 16th April 2015
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall – please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park Vestibule
9.30 am: Family Service
11.15 am: Morning Worship
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hosie who celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary this past week and to Mr. and Mrs. Callum MacLeod who celebrated their Golden Wedding this weekend.