20 October 2019

WELCOME TO ST COLUMBA CHURCH: People have been coming to this building to worship God for over a hundred years. While our town has journeyed through many changes over those years, the constancy of the witness of the “Church on Midton Road” has remained uninterrupted. The mission of any Church is to reflect through its presence, its music, its fellowship and its beauty the transcendence of God, and we seek to do that here in all that we share. We hope that everyone who enters these doors will find an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we are far from perfect, we are regularly discovering truths that are changing us individually and enriching our lives as a church community. As we worship together, learn from the Bible, and pray for one another, we are strengthened in our commitment to Jesus Christ as well as to each other. If this is your first time here, we welcome you, and invite you to share the joy that we have found.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Robin Doncaster, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Miss Kerrie Lee, Mr. Walter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Miss Hope Cousins, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mrs. Ann Gray, Mr. George McMillan, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Dorothy Dawson, Mrs. Betty McLellan, Mrs. Jean Arnott, Mrs. Jean MacCallum and Mrs. Pearl Brown
Sunday 27 OCTOBER 2019
9.30 am Family Worship: Duty Team: 1 Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am St. Columba Kids
11.15am Morning Worship Sound: Mr. George McMillan
6.30pm Evening Worship – conducted by Mr. David Wallace

INDUCTION OF REVD. DR SCOTT S McKENNA – THURSDAY 24th OCTOBER in the Church at 7.00pm. The Service of Induction will be followed by a social gathering.
WEDNESDAY HOLY COMMUNION – 23 October at 2pm followed by tea in the Struthers Room

ELDERS are asked to uplift their COLUMBA NEWS from their pigeonholes, all for immediate delivery.
SUNDAY 27th OCTOBER – There will be no Services of Holy Communion this Sunday. Rev Dr George Whyte, Principal Clerk to the General Assembly will preach Dr. McKenna into the charge at Ayr St Columba at 9.30am and 11.15am. The evening service will be at 6.30pm
20’s IN THE PEWS: This year’s recipient is Alzheimers (Scotland). The total collected during September was £80.28. Please remember your 20’s for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.80.
LIGHT PARTY: Tuesday 29th October from 6pm-8pm. This fabulous event offers an alternative Halloween celebration- focusing on light in the darkness. Traditional bobbing for apples; dressing up; pumpkin carving, hot chocolate, light disco and lots more! Party is geared to children from pre-school to P7. To help this event run smoothly we really need VOLUNTEERS if you can spare an evening to help please speak to Irene in the office or stuartmckinlay@icloud.com.
ALL AGE WORSHIP SERVICE: the Worship, Mission and Outreach Committee invite everyone to this special service on Sunday 6th November at 9.30am. The service will be followed by breakfast in the Midton Road Hall. Please sign the Breakfast list in the Carrick Park vestibule if you would like breakfast!
FOOD BANK: There is an urgent need for the following groceries – 750ml diluting juice, tinned potatoes, tinned main meals (mince, stew etc), jam; small packets of tea bags, tinned custard and tinned rice pudding. Also UHT milk.
THE OASIS CAFÉ will be closed on Thursday 24th October, to allow for preparations for the Induction of our new Minister.
LUNCH CAFÉ thank you to everyone who supported the Lunch Café last Sunday. The superb total of £505 was raised for the Charities.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Next Meeting Monday 21st October at 7.30pm in the Struthers Room, when the Speaker will be Barbara Graham on the life of Andrew Carnegie. A warm welcome is extended to all.
AYR HOSPITAL: Ms. Madge Allen
IRVINE CENTRAL: Mrs. Marilyn Montgomery (Douglas Grant Centre)
MALIN COURT: Mrs. Anne McNair
Our sympathies are extended to the family of Mrs. Veronica Ritchie, the funeral will be held on Monday 21st October at Masonhill at 12 noon.