Ayr St. Columba Church – Carrick Park, Ayr. KA7 2SL
SUNDAY WORSHIP – in the absence of worship in our own Sanctuary may I direct you to BBC Radio 4 at 08.10am Sunday 22nd March – Morning Worship for Mothering Sunday led by The Archbishop of Canterbury from Lambeth Palace
The Archbishop reflects on this troubling time for our nation in this service recorded in the Chapel of Lambeth Palace.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £62.59.
THE MARCH PRAYER CALENDAR is available on the website.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the will be retained until we return to normal!
OASIS CAFÉ: During our enforced closure – please remember your Thursday morning friends and maybe give each other a call!
FOOD BANK: Please remember that the need for donations of all basic foods are even more urgently required during this crisis. If you go to the Church website or FB page you will find details of places where food can still dropped off.
COLUMBA NEWS: will not be printed in April but our editor Norman will be producing a newsletter which will be uploaded to the website. If you have anything you would like Norman to include please send it to him by Sunday 22nd March. Please email articles to the editor at editor.columbanews@gmail.com
Our condolences are extended to the family of Catherine Murray, who passed away last week.
Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the family and friends of Sheena Struthers who passed away in Malin Court last week.
Our thoughts and prayers are extended to Hazel Steele and all the family on the passing of Hazel’s mum Edith McMahon
Attendance at funerals is now restricted to close family and friends
SERMONS ONLINE: The text of the full sermon, for Mothering Sunday, will be available on our website. www.ayrstcolumba.co.uk
Resources for the spiritual journey ….
If you are looking for a resource for the spiritual journey, then do consider the new book of
Mark Oakley, Dean of St. John’s College, Cambridge on the life of George Herbert. Mark Oakley My Sour-Sweet Days
Also, you can sign up for the daily meditations of Fr Richard Rohr, Centre for Action and Contemplation.