23 February 2020

9.30 am Family Worship Duty Team: 11 Sound: Alastair Swan
10.00am St Columba Kids
11.15 am Morning Worship Sound: Brian McKinlay

THE MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers that adorn the Sanctuary today, have been given to the Glory of God by Jan & Bill Pettigrew, Hugh & Margaret McCutcheon and Rosina Farrell
SOUND TODAY: 9.30am John Crone and 11.15am Keith Fullerton
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON COMMUNION: 26th February at 2.00pm in the Centenary Aisle. Followed by tea in the Struthers’ Room.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in January was £63.31. Recipient still to be confirmed.
ELDERS please uplift your copy of the Accounts from your pigeonholes ahead of the TRUSTEES MEETING ON TUESDAY 25TH FEBRUARY.
THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING will be held on Tuesday 3rd March at 7.30pm in the Church.
THE FEBRUARY PRAYER CALENDAR is at the doors today for those interested to uplift.
OASIS CAFÉ: Drop into the Struthers Room 10.30am – 12 for a cup of tea/coffee. The Team will be here every Thursday morning, with a warm welcome, cosy chat and friendly faces.
BIBLE EXPLORATION GROUP will meet on Wednesday 26 February at 7.30pm in the Struthers Room, when we will be discussing Ruth Ch. 3&4: ‘Love Story or Protest Song?’ All welcome.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Monday 24th February 7.30pm in Struthers Room. The Speaker is Zee Fletcher from Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, one of this year’s chosen Charities. A warm welcome to any visitors who come along.
SUNDAY SOUP LUNCH – today Sunday 23rd February, please join us for soup and desert. All monies will be donated to Ayrshire Hospice.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Castlehill Church on Friday 6th March at 2pm. All welcome.
EASTER HOLIDAY CLUB: Mon. 13 – Frid 17 April – volunteers needed, to help with a wide variety of tasks incl. admin; kitchen; crafts; games story telling etc. Please sign up in the Carrick Park Vestibule or speak to Stuart or Irene.
FOOD BANK: Please remember that the need for donations of basic foods, UHT milk and juice are always present – a few extra items in your weekly shop make so much difference. Thank you.
ALL-AGE ECO-EVENT on Saturday 7 March from 1.00pm – 4.00pm, in Alloway Parish Church Halls. Stalls to interest and inform with exhibitions from Lavemill Larder, Eco Ayrshire, Eco Jewellery, Recycling Challenge and Fair Trade. Entry is free except for the Dark Sky Planetarium (£3). Refreshments available and children very welcome. All welcome.

We extend our sympathies and prayers to Mollie and all the family on the passing of Matt McLeish. The funeral service will be held in the Church on Tuesday 25th at 12 noon followed by the Committal at Masonhill at 1.15pm.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Isabella McDougall; Isabella’s funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Friday 28th February at 2.45pm

Resources for the spiritual journey …. If you are looking for a resource for the spiritual journey, then do consider the new book of Mark Oakley, Dean of St. John’s College, Cambridge on the life of George Herbert. Also, you can sign up for the daily meditations of Fr Richard Rohr, Centre for Action and Contemplation.

Mark Oakley         My Sour-Sweet Days