WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. We are a congregation drawn from all parts of Ayr and beyond, and we come together to worship and to take part in all kinds of Christian service in the community. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place!
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. John Hamilton,Mrs. Fiona Boyd, Mr. Stuart Reid, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mrs. Linda Sharp, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mrs. Sheena Stewart, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by MISS Sheena M. Struthers and Mr. Fraser Walker
SUNDAY 31 July 2016
9.30 am Family Service Duty Team: 9 Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
No St. Columba Kids & Bible Class – Summer holiday
11.15 am Morning Worship Sound: Mr. Stuart McKinlay
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £102.17, which included an anonymous donation of £50.00. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Combat Stress at Hollybush House, Ayr
THE SERVICE OF DEDICATION of our new Peal of Bells will take place on Sunday 14th August at
9.30 am. The Bells, cast and fitted by Taylors of Loughborough, are gifted in memory of Miss Edna, Miss Chrissie and Miss Jean Semple, all very faithful members of our Congregation, and to mark the 25th Anniversary of Fraser’s Ministry here at St. Columba.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by Sunday 7th August 2016. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
THANK YOU: everyone who contributed towards the £62 collected for the Malawi Charity – Abbas Rest at the Oasis Café on 14th July.
A CAR DRIVER is required for July and August to bring one of our members, Mrs Rae Clark, from Glenford Place to the 9.30 service. If you can help, please speak to the Minister or Office.
FOODBANK: Thank you for your continued support. All foods are very gratefully accepted (please no beans or soup) but long life milk, diluting juice, tinned meals, tinned fruit and vegetables, small packets of rice, packets of pasta in sauce. biscuits, jam, coffee are most needed!
“OASIS”: Drop in cafe, Struthers’ Room this Thursday 10.30 – 12.00. A place to relax, a place to chat, bring a friend! Come when you can, leave when you want. Morning papers available. A team of volunteers has been secured to allow the Café to continue during the summer months.
SUMMER EVENTS: Summer Games on Ayr Beach (beside Blackburn car park): 1 – 5 Aug.11am-3pm
Olympic Games Sleepover for teenagers: Friday 5 Aug at 7pm for games and fellowship, watch the opening ceremony on the big screen, sleepover, then enjoy an Olympic Breakfast
“On Your Marks” Kids’ Holiday Club ages 4+ 8 – 12 Aug, 10 am – 12 noon in Church Halls.
Volunteers to assist with any of these events will be made most welcome.
Lochside Holiday Club – The Big Race – Volunteers needed – The next Lochside Holiday Club takes place Mon 1st August – Friday 5th August at Lochside Church and we are in need of volunteers to help run the week. The commitment for volunteers is 9am – 12.30 – we even provide you with a light lunch! If you can help either working with the children, helping on registration, crafts, or juice, then please contact the Lochside office on 01292 286981. Also, for this holiday club we are looking for any shoe box lids that you might have around your house, if you have any of these then please either drop them into Lochside or leave them in the Midton Road Church Office to be collected.
CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes are extended to Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Burton on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.
THANKS – Bill and Jean McCulloch thank everyone who kindly sent cards, flowers, gifts and donations to various charities on the occasion of their Golden Wedding.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Eddie Ecrepont (Stn.12), Miss Betty Murray (Stn.7) and Mr. Allan Boyle (Stn. 14)
THE BIGGART: Mrs Irene Wybar (Urquhart) and Mr Alec Morton (Drummond)
ROYAL HOSPITAL for SICK CHILDREN: Angus Brodie (Ward 2A Schiehallion)
OUR SYMPATHIES are extended to the family of Mrs. Lucy Fullarton who passed away this week. The funeral service will be held next Friday 29th July, at 12 noon at Masonhill.