24 September 2017

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: For 115 years this building has stood at the heart of this part of our ancient Royal Burgh. It has witnessed wars, been favoured by a Royal visitor, welcomed holidaymakers, and been served by illustrious ministers, devoted musicians and dedicated members. Throughout these years, in anxious and sad times, in days of celebration and rejoicing, this Church has served the people as a place of sanctity, stability, and continuity. Today, in a society where the things of faith are often neglected, we strive to maintain an inclusive Christian presence, seeking ever to enhance the lives of everyone who comes into contact with us, and to reach out in mercy and compassion to a deeply troubled world. Here we explore and are not afraid to fail; here we are encouraged to ask questions; here we try to be a safe place for all ages. If you are here for the first time today, we pray that you will know something of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and that you will go home feeling inspired, strengthened, challenged and comforted.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mrs. Nan Mackie,
Mr. Alec Mooney, Mrs. Jane Murnin, Mr. Jim Loch, Mr. John Morrison, Dr. Simon Farrell, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Susan Mills, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Ms. Shona Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hosie and Mr. Bill Caven.
EVENING SERVICE tonight at 6.30pm Centenary Aisle.
9.30 am Family Worship       Duty Team: 6               Sound: Mr Alastair Swan
10.00 am St. Columba Kids & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship                                           Sound: Stuart McKinlay
WEDNESDAY COMMUNION: will be held on Wednesday, 27th September at 2.00pm in the Centenary Aisle, followed by tea in the Struthers’ Room. All welcome
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.50.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the next edition should be with the editor today, Sunday 24th September. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
20’s IN THE PEWS: total collected in August is £196.09. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Parkinson’s Scotland.
MESSY CHURCH – Messy Church – Saturday first! 30th September. This is a fun family approach to Church – all parents/grandparents and children are most welcome.
“OASIS”: The weekly drop in cafe is open to everyone – please bring a friend! Meeting every Thursday 10.30-12.00 in the Struthers’ Room, this is a place to relax, a place to chat! The morning papers are available.
LIGHT PARTY – We are organising a Light Party on Halloween, Tuesday 31st October 6-8pm in the church halls. Using a plan promoted by Scripture Union, the Light Party is being held to welcome families from our church and from the community. This is an opportunity to offer an alternative to guising round doors, and welcome in children and families for a wonderful party -celebrating light in the darkness. In order to organise this WE NEED YOU. We are looking for people who are able to help in lots of ways: delivering leaflets, manning craft stations, running games, helping with competitions, serving snacks, helping to decorate the halls, and more. If you are able to help either, on the night or preparing or delivering leaflets in advance, then please come along to a planning meeting on Tuesday 26th September at 7pm.
LOOKING UP for Lochside – September opening realised £200 at No 7 Kyle Centre – many thanks to all who supported the day. Next sale day is Saturday 7th October; donated goods will be gratefully received on Wednesday 4th October from 10am – 2pm at No. 7. Liz Challis
MACMILLAN COFFEE – Morning/Afternoon this Friday – 29th September – 10am – 3pm in the Midton Road Hall. Please support this superb fundraising event. Entry at the door £3.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will resume on 4 October at 7.30pm in the Struthers Room. All welcome.
THE LOCHSIDE COMMUNITY is holding a MacMillan Coffee Morning on Saturday 30th September 11am – 1pm at Lochside Church. The community of Lochside would appreciate your support.
THE BIGGART: Mr. Charlie Symington (Urquhart) and Mrs. Helen Peters (Lindsay)
TEMPLETON HOUSE: Mr Donald Irving (Respite Care)
VALETTA HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jessie W. Davidson

THE FUNERAL SERVICE for Mr Alastair Glass who passed away in Glenfairn Care Home will be held on Thursday first at Masonhill at 2.00pm. Our warmest condolences are extended to his wife, Jean, and all the family.

The funeral service for Mr David Burton of Belmont Avenue who died on Thursday will take place at Masonhill on Friday first, at 1.15p.m.. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife, May, and all the family.

THANK YOU Iain and Phyllis McBride would like to thank everyone concerned for their good wishes which made their “big” day so special.