WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: For 116 years this building has stood at the heart of this part of our ancient Royal Burgh. It has witnessed wars, been favoured by a Royal visitor, welcomed holidaymakers, and been served by illustrious ministers, devoted musicians and dedicated members. Throughout these years, in anxious and sad times, in days of celebration and rejoicing, this Church has served the people as a place of sanctity, stability, and continuity. Today, in a society where the things of faith are often neglected, we strive to maintain an inclusive Christian presence, seeking ever to enhance the lives of everyone who comes into contact with us, and to reach out in mercy and compassion to a deeply troubled world. Here we explore and are not afraid to fail; here we are encouraged to ask questions; here we try to be a safe place for all ages. If you are here for the first time today, we pray that you will know something of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and that you will go home feeling inspired, strengthened, challenged and comforted.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. George McMillan, Mr. Robin Doncaster, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. Walter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Miss Hope Cousins, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Paterson and Mrs. Ann Vance
Sunday 12th August 2018
9.30 am Family Worship Duty Team: 1 Sound: Mr. Duncan McCallum
10.00 am St. Columba Kids on Holiday!
11.15am Morning Worship Sound: Mr. Stuart McKinlay
The Minister will be on annual leave from Saturday 4th – 25th August inclusive. If you require pastoral assistance during this time, please contact the Church Office.
20’s IN THE PEWS: total collected in July £87.76. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of ACE (Racerunning) Disability Recreation and Sport, Ayr.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.50
HOLIDAY CLUB: is here! Bags are packed, the banners are all up and we are off to the Seaside. The Team are excited to bring you a fantastic Holiday Club – “Seaside Rock”! From tomorrow, Monday 6th – 10th August; Time: 1pm – 3pm. Snack lunches and Registration from 12.30pm. All children pre-school to P7 are most welcome. If you have young people visiting please bring them along –one day or all week!
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the next edition should be with the editor next Sunday 12th August. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
SUMMER OASIS: The Summer drop in café is open to everyone – please bring a friend! Meeting every Thursday 10.30 – 12.00 in the Struthers’ Room, this is a place to relax, a place to chat!
FOOD BANK: The items most needed this week are – Coffee, small bottles of Diluting Juice, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Mince/Stew/Cold Meat, Tinned Tomato and UHT Milk. Please remember a few extra items when you shop.
SOUTH AYRSHIRE CLOTHES BANK is a charity that provides school uniforms for children who would otherwise have none. There are leaflets in the Carrick Park vestibule and donations of jackets, items of uniform, PE kits, school bags and stationery can be left in the Church Office. All ages need to be catered for from 5 – 15 years. Thank you for all the donations already made your generosity is greatly appreciated.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Lex Barclay (Stn. 6)
THE BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Betty Davidson (Urquhart)
QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL, GLASGOW: Mrs. Marlene Hamilton (Spinal Unit)
Our warmest sympathy and support is extended to Mrs. Jan Pettigrew and all the family on the death of her brother, Robert – the funeral service will take place on Monday 6th August at 11.00 am at Masonhill; and to Mr. James Brown (Ardlui Road) and the family on the passing of his wife Mrs. Netta Brown (Claremont Care Home) – the funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Tuesday 7th August at 1.15pm; and to Mrs. Jean Peterson (Taybank Drive), Norma and the family on the death of Norman – the service details have still to be confirmed.
DATES for your DIARY:
Sunday 26th August – CRADLE ROLL SERVICE at 11.15 am
Sunday 26th August – 10.00am – ST. COLUMBA KIDS resumes. Lots of new and exciting activities, crafts and other surprises have been planned – come along and bring your friends!
MRS LOUISA WILSON would like to thank everyone for their kindness on the occasion of her 106th birthday – cards, flowers, gifts, prayers and good wishes were all very gratefully received!”