9 February 2020

9.30 am Family Worship Duty Team: 9 Sound: Duncan McCallum
10.00am St Columba Kids
11.15 am Morning Worship Sound: Jim Brown

SOUND TODAY: 9.30am Alan Hawthorn and 11.15am Alastair Swan
THE MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers that adorn the Sanctuary today, have been given to the Glory of God by Isobel Sutherland, Hugh & Margaret McCutcheon and Fiona Boyd

KIRK SESSION meeting on Tuesday 11 February at 7.30 pm in the Midton Road Hall. Agenda and Minutes have been emailed to ELDERS – there are extra copies in the Carrick Perk vestibule.

20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in January was £63.31. Recipient still to be confirmed.
THE FEBRUARY PRAYER CALENDAR is at the doors today for those interested to uplift.
BIBLE EXPLORATION GROUP will meet on Wednesday 12 February at 7.30pm in the Struthers Room, when we will be exploring the story of Ruth, chapters 1&2. All welcome.
LADIES FELLOWSHIP – OKLAHOMA! – sing along! A night at the movies. A Fund raiser event on Monday 10 February at 7pm. Tickets £6 available after the Services. Refreshments will be served at intermission.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Monday 10th February – PLEASE NOTE CHANGE – we are now joining the Ladies Fellowship fundraising evening, “Oklahoma!”. Starting at 7pm, donation ticket price £6
OASIS CAFÉ: Drop into the Struthers Room 10.30am – 12 for a cup of tea/coffee. The Team will be here every Thursday morning, with a warm welcome, cosy chat and friendly faces.
CLIMATE CONVERSATION An Eco-Congregation group is being set up in the Church and there will be a meeting in the Struthers Room at 7.30pm on Monday 17th February for all members interested in environmental issues. The meeting will take the form of a Climate Conversation and those interested in attending should sign up for the meeting in the church office.
SUNDAY SOUP LUNCH – £395 was raised for the Hospice at the last lunch. The next Soup Lunch will be Sunday 23rd February,
THE ROTARY CLUB OF ALLOWAY annual Crocus Coffee Morning on Saturday 22nd February in Alloway Parish Church hall between 10am and 12midday. Purple for Polio Eradication is the charity. Tickets are available from members of the club, or at the door on the day.
THANK YOU: Sincere thanks to everyone for the sympathy and kindness shown to us recently on Catherine’s sudden passing. Your thoughtfulness, cards and flowers were very much appreciated. Thank you. Jim, Drew, Mo & Gillian.

Resources for the spiritual journey ….

If you are looking for a resource for the spiritual journey, then do consider the new book of Mark Oakley, Dean of St. John’s College, Cambridge on the life of George Herbert.

Also, you can sign up for the daily meditations of Fr Richard Rohr, Centre for Action and Contemplation.

Mark Oakley            My Sour-Sweet Days
