17 November 2019

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mr. Robbie Park, Mr. Jim Hunter, Mr. Jim Hume,
Mrs. Liz Murray, Mr. Glynn McCaig, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown

Sunday 24 NOVEMBER 2019
9.30 am Family Worship: Duty Team: 7 Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am St. Columba Kids
11.15am Morning Worship Sound: Mr. Keith Fullerton
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Alan McHarg, Mrs Maureen Greenock and Miss Agnes Fisher.
SERMONS – are now available online at www.ayrstcolumba.co.uk
20’s IN THE PEWS: This year’s recipient is Alzheimers (Scotland). The total collected during October was £78. Please remember your 20’s for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the November edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.80.
CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH: 8th December at the Kylestrome Hotel, 1.00pm for 1.30pm. The list is full but we have a short reserve list in the vestibule – please add your name.
CHRISTINGLE SERVICE: Sunday 1st December at 4.00pm at Lochside Parish Church – all welcome.
GUILD COFFEE MORNING is on Saturday 23 November from 10 a.m. to 12 noon with the usual stalls. We hope you will be able to come along and enjoy a coffee, home baking, friendship and chat. All money raised is donated to charities local and national – we look forward to seeing everyone.
MENS ASSOCIATION: Monday 18th at 7.30pm in the Struthers Room. Our Speaker is Bernard Smith from Whiteleys Retreat, one of our chosen Charities. A warm welcome to visitors and new members
COFFEE EVENING on Wednesday 20th November from 7pm to 9 pm for BROWNIES and GUIDES. Tickets – under 5 free; children £1 and adults £2.50
FOOD BANK: Groceries urgently required – 750ml diluting juice, tinned potatoes, tinned main meals (mince, stew), jam; small packets of tea bags, tinned custard and tinned rice pudding. Also UHT milk.
OASIS CAFÉ: Drop into the Struthers Room 10.30am – 12 for a cup of tea/coffee. The Team will be here every Thursday morning, with a warm welcome, cosy chat and friendly faces.
LUNCH CAFÉ the next Sunday Lunch Café will be held today, Sunday 17th November at 12.30pm
NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS: This is a local charity, serving those in our community for whom Christmas may not have all the sparkle of our own. Please consider taking a box to fill for Christmas. There is a list of required items in the Carrick Park vestibule along with further boxes. Boxes will be dedicated in Church on 1st December.
DREGHORN MUSICAL SOCIETY: Christmas Concert – Wednesday 11th December – 7.30pm in Grand Hall, Kilmarnock. The bus list is available in the Carrick Park vestibule.
MALIN COURT – CHRISTMAS FAYRE: Wednesday 20th November from 2 – 4pm.

Sincere sympathies are extended to Dorothy and all the family of Jim Kane, who passed away last week. Jim’s service will be held in Church on Monday 18th November at 12noon, preceded by the Committal at Masonhill at 11.15am. Elders are respectfully requested to meet in the Struthers Room at 11.45am.
The funeral service for Mrs. Catherine Banks will be held at Masonhill on Tuesday 19th November at 2pm. We continue to remember her sister Margaret and all the family.
The funeral service for Mr. Tom Gilchrist will be held at Masonhill on Wednesday 20th November at 2pm. We continue to support Fiona and all the family