Thursday 9 July

Recalling what our hard working Secretary, Irene, said in her daily blog the other day about the need for patience, let us give thanks that today the First Minister has announced further easing of lockdown into Phase 3 of the Scottish Government’s strategy for embarking on the ”new normal”. That this is now possible is because the incidence of Covid – 19 in Scotland has reduced to a level which makes our politicians confident that it is now appropriate. However, she has counselled that the vicious virus is still there and that we must not become complacent. Pray that we will heed her words and live accordingly.

Friday 10 July

One of the rules which becomes effective from tomorrow is the need to wear masks in shops and supermarkets and that people will be fined if they do not comply. Pray that we will all heed this injunction and remember all who find the wearing of masks tiresome and inconvenient. Pray that all of us will remember that this could be a means of saving others from infection and be a reminder of the need to do all we can to stop the virus from spiking again, as has happened in several other countries across the world.

Saturday 11 July

Give thanks that the installation of the new kitchen at Lochside has been  completed and pray that this improved facility will make life easier for those who use it. Give thanks for the resources and hard work which have enabled this enhancement of the premises. Pray for the team which has continued to help Lochside congregation throughout the lockdown and for the ministry to that part of our congregation.

Sunday 12 July

Today please pray for the Church, giving thanks that in these days of lockdown, so many people who did not attend traditional church services are turning to services and reflections which have been available to them through TV, the internet and other electronic means. The “Reflections at the Quay” which have been offered on BBC 1 to Scotland have currently been discontinued but a petition to have them reinstated is being sent to the BBC along with many letters pleading for this. Pray that these will be heeded and that this service, which is especially important for those not on line will be resumed. Continue to pray for all those who are trying to continue to support their congregations on line in various ways, including our minister, Scott, as he prepares his sermons and reflections for us.

Monday 13 July

Children in Yemen are dying of starvation daily and their families cannot afford to pay for medical care as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis continues. Pray for  those bringing humanitarian aid and trying to help in an almost impossible situation. Pray too for children living in poverty in this country as well and for those who through our many food banks are supporting them and their families. Ask that  those of us who can may be generous in our support of these.

Tuesday 14 July

Many are anxious about going out and about again as lockdown eases, Pray that they may know that God is always near and will never forsake them giving them courage to face the new challenges of daily life.

Wednesday 15 July

Restrictions are being lifted  to enable the re-opening of many premises today. Pray that these will go smoothly and that there will be no new outbreaks of the virus which will mean that lockdown has  to be re- introduced. Pray for those in the many countries where this has happened. Pray too for those recovering from Covid-19 but still suffering very difficult after effects which may take a long time to clear completely.