22 March 2015

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place!

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Bob Templeton, Mr. Peter G. Macdonald
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Moira Young and Mr. Jim Wilcox

9.30 am Family Service               Duty Team: 8                    Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship                                                      Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

WEDNESDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION – Wednesday 25th March at 2pm followed by tea in the Struthers’ Room
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £126.90. This year monies will go to The Beatson Cancer Charity. This Charity has been established fairly recently and provides support services for patients and families involved with the Beatson.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
FOOD BANK: Most needed this week are long life milk, diluting juice, fruit juice, sugar, rice, tins or packets of custard, packets of instant potato mash, coffee and jam.
HOLY WEEK: All Groups are reminded that all Halls will be closed during Holy Week. Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY will meet in the New Carrick Room on 25 March at 2.00pm. All most welcome.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the April edition should be with the editor today Sunday 22nd March 2015. Articles should be emailed to the editor: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
LOCHSIDE EASTER HOLIDAY CLUB: Easter Week finishing on Friday 10th April – Daily 10:00am to 12 Noon. Volunteers are urgently needed to help with games or crafts or just general help for this worthy mission work, one day or more would be most appreciated. Please add your name and telephone number to the list on the Carrick Park notice board or telephone Malcolm Mackay 01292 264509. Many thanks for your support.
THE MONDAY CLUB–The final meeting for the current session is tomorrow evening 23 March when, in preparation for summer, we will be attempting to lose those excess pounds with some Sumba Gold exercises. This will be preceded by a short AGM. It is hoped that as many members as possible will attend and bring with them any fresh ideas for the preparation of the syllabus for next session.
MENS ASSOCIATION. forthcoming dates – Mon. 23rd. A.G.M./Members Night: Speaker, George Rae. Wed. 25th end of term Lunch in the Carrick Lodge Hotel. (12-30 for 1.00)Wed. 1st April, Visit to Strandhead Farm, Tarbolton at 1-30 to see the new Robot Milking and Feeding Systems.

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Gavin Orr (Macmillan) and Mrs. Dorothy Simpson (Lindsay)

Holy Week Monday 29th March – Friday 3rd April 2015
All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken KSJ, M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A.
with guest Preachers each day as follows
Monday: Revd. Paul Russell Hospital Chaplain
Tuesday: Morag Crossan OLM Student
Wednesday: Passion Play by Doonfoot Primary School
Thursday: Revd. Neil McNaught MA, BD. Minister at Alloway Parish Church
Friday: Revd. Fraser R. Aitken MA. BD. Minister at Ayr: St. Columba
All Services to be held in Alloway Parish Church except Thursday.
The Maundy Thursday – Communion Service will be held at Ayr: St. Columba

Easter Sunday – 5th April 2015
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30 am: Family Service
11.15 am: Morning Worship
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.