Thursday 5 August

Give thanks for the news that most Covid restrictions are to be eased from early next week in Scotland and pray that everyone will be careful about their behaviour, always thinking of others and acting accordingly in the interests of all.

Friday 6 August

Our tv screens in recent days have been filled with pictures of the dreadful fighting in Afghanistan. Pray for the people there where there are fears of a new humanitarian crisis with worsening violence, hunger and fear, together with the loss of all that has been gained for women’s education and other benefits of the help they have received in recent years. During these years. so many of our own and US soldiers have been killed or seriously injured. Pray for the families of all these who will be wondering if their efforts have been in vain.

Saturday 7 August

Many churches have been able to hold holiday clubs out of doors this past week and will do so next week before the schools resume for the new term. Pray for the impact of these events where exercise and fun have supplemented the Christian teaching which they enable and give thanks for all those whose hard work has made them happen, in spite of restrictions.

Give thanks that in our own congregation much work has taken place to refresh our church website which has become such an important tool during the pandemic, remembering the hard work of all with the necessary skills to make this improvement possible. Pray for more members to make use of it and so keep in regular touch with congregational activities and plans at Midton Road and at Lochside..

Sunday 8 August

Give thanks that services in church have been able to expand in terms of numbers which can be accommodated. Pray for all who will worship in St. Columba, at Lochside and online today and for those who will be leading our services, including the small group from the choir who can lead the praise in the Sanctuary. Pray too for those who clean and prepare our buildings for this and for all involved in the recordings, asking that we may never take for granted their excellent service to the congregation. Give thanks for those who donate, arrange and distribute the flowers each Sunday. May they, too, know that their work is very much appreciated.

Monday 9 August

Our local NHS and care staff are still working under enormous pressure, with staff absences, holidays, the continuing virus and trying to catch up with delays in other treatments caused by the pandemic. Pray for them and for understanding of their situation.

Tuesday 10 August

Our Presbytery meets tonight for the sole purpose of reviewing the progress, thus far, of the plans for the amalgamation of six Presbyteries into the new Presbytery of S.W. Scotland. These are difficult days for the Church of Scotland as it seeks to reduce expenditure and buildings. Pray for harmonious discussions and wise and helpful decision- making: that God’s will may be discerned and implemented. Remember George Park, our Presbytery elder, as he participates.

Wednesday 11 August

With fewer than 100 days to COP 26 in Glasgow, floods and wild fires across the world are increasing with further loss of life and livelihoods. The call continues for us to be serious about the damage to the planet and the implications for us all. Pray about our individual and corporate responses, giving thanks for the wonderful world of nature in which we have been set.