WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. Let no one feel a stranger in this place! ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord.
Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray below the handle.
SUNDAY 25 October 2015
9.30 am – Team: 7 11.15 am – Team: 8 6.30 pm – Team: 9
Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn Sound: Mr. David Campbell Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
Crèche in the Midton Room. Crèche in the Midton Room.
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
9.30am Sunday School & Bible Class
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Bob Templeton, Mr. Peter G. Macdonald
Team 8: Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mrs. Linda Sharp, Mr. John Hamilton, Mrs. Fiona Boyd, Mr. Stuart Reid, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Larraine Christian , Mr. John Ballantyne.
Team 9: Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mrs. Christine McLaughlin, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. Bill Caven, Mrs. Margaret Doncaster, Mr. Jim Hunter
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by the Mrs. June Dornan, The Naismith Family and Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
SUNDAY 1 November 2015
9.30 am Family Service Duty Team: 10 Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00am St. Columba Kids & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship Sacrament of Baptism Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
4.00 pm a Time to Remember
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON COMMUNION SERVICE will be held in the Centenary Aisle on Wednesday 28th October at 2.00p.m., followed by tea in the Struthers’ Room.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in September was £108.06. This year monies will go to The Beatson Cancer Charity. This Charity has been established fairly recently and provides support services for patients and families involved with the Beatson.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Christmas edition should be with the editor by Sunday 8th November 2015. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com.
FOOD BANK: This week’s list – Long life milk and diluting juice, custard, tinned potatoes or packets instant mash, jam, coffee, pasta sauce and tinned fruit. Thank you for your continued support.
The series of BIBLE SEMINARS, exploring the relevance and diversity of this special book, will continue on Wednesday 28 October from 7.30 to 8.30 in the Struthers Room.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY will meet on 28th October 2015 at 2.00pm in the Carrick Room. All most welcome.
GUILD: Our meeting this Monday 26th October is one of our afternoon meetings, commencing at 2.00pm. We look forward to hearing from Valerie Ferguson and Moira Malcolm of Rainbow Glass about the thoughts behind and the crafting of the stain glass window “Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild”. All welcome as always.
AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT – Christmas Craft Fair in Cathcart Street Hall on Saturday 7th November from 2pm – 4pm. Tickets £3.50 incl tea/coffee & baking. Full details on the notice board
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs Rona Butler, (Stn.15), Miss Ann Thomson (Stn. 16), Mr. Fred McDougall (Stn. 1), Miss Jean Armour (Stn 8) and Mrs. Liz Cooper (Stn. 8)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr Matt McLeish (Lindsay), Mrs. Jean Stewart (Lindsay), Mrs. Irene Wybar (Lindsay) and Mrs Jean Barnard (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs. Rena Smith (Croy House)
Our sympathy is extended to Robert and all the family of Mr. Joseph Ingram who passed away last week. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on 28 October at 12 noon.