WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Caleb who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith,Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. Dennis Johnston, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Norman Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hawthorn, Mr. & Mrs. John Crone and Mrs. Fiona Davidson
SUNDAY 12 October 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 4 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, Revd. David is preaching at St. Leonard’s and Dalrymple today.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in August was £138.27. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes -Diluting Juice, Instant Mash Potato, packets noodles or rice, Jam, and Coffee. Thank you so much for your continued support.
PIANO MOVE: 6 strong men are required at 19.00 on Tuesday 7th October to move the Piano onto a trailer at Carrick Park and offload at Cathcart Street Hall. If you can help please speak to John our Church Officer.
MONDAY CLUB: The new session starts tomorrow evening, October 6 at 7.30pm, when we will be entertained by our Cumnock friends Gail and Bill Gilchrist who have proved very popular in the past. This will be preceded by a very short EGM. The committee look forward to having the company of old and new members who will all be given a very warm welcome.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: The first meeting of the new session will be held tomorrow evening, Monday the 6th October in the Session Room starting at 7.30 p.m. The Guest speaker is the Revd. David Prentice – Hyers from Troon. The title for his presentation is! “How to order a pizza from a Nuclear Bunker” (sub title)”Savouring a slow cooked fate in a Microwaveable World” intrigued, well why not come along. David has promised we will have an interesting and enjoyable evening.
TOY DRIVE: Ayr St Columba Church has teamed up with the Salvation Army in a toy drive, to help families, for whom, without help – Christmas just won’t come! We are asking you to buy a new toy and leave it in the box in the Carrick park vestibule. You can make such a difference to families who struggle even to buy food for their children, let alone Christmas gifts.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDIES: will restart this month. They will take place fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon at 2p.m. where we will look at the “Spread of the Early Church into the Wider World” through studying Paul’s Missionary Journeys. The first meeting will be held on 15th October and continue fortnightly. All are welcome to join in discussion and sharing in the presence of Our Lord.
HAVE YOU GOT TALENT? At present we have four teams taking 30 minute Worship Services on one Sunday afternoon each month at Creggan Bahn, Cumnor Hall, Glenfairn and South Lodge Nursing Homes. We have been invited to provide a similar service for Windyhall Nursing Home. We require five or six volunteers to form our fifth team for this very worthwhile Christian outreach into our community. Services usually contain three/four hymns, a prayer, a Bible reading and a short ” thought for the day” type of message and ending with a benediction. If you are interested please phone Sandy Allan 286703 or Irene in the Church Office.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Dorothy Wilson (Lindsay)
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY: Mrs Mary Reid (St George’s Road)
Kenneth and Barbara would like to thank, most sincerely the Minister, Hospitality Committee, Organist and congregation for all their support and kindness following the death of their dear Mum, Helen (Cockburn).
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Calum and Kyle who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Stuart Greig, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Catherine Brown, Mrs. Nan Conway & Mrs. Marilyn Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Tom Connaughton.
SUNDAY 5 October 2014
9.30am Family Service – Duty Team: 3 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
6.30pm Evening Service
KIRK SESSION: meets on Thursday 2nd October at 7.30pm in Cathcart Street Hall. Agenda and Minutes are available to uplift.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in August was £138.27. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes -Diluting Juice, Instant Mash Potato, packets noodles or rice, Jam, and Coffee. Thank you so much for your continued support.
HARVEST: Donation envelopes should be placed in the collection plate or returned to the Office. Thank you
ST COLUMBA CURLING Ayr St. Columba Curling Club are holding a ‘Come and Try Day’ at Ayr Ice Rink, Limekiln Road, Ayr, today, Sunday 28th September 2014 at 1.30pm. Anyone interested in trying curling should contact Duncan McCallum, Secretary on 01292 261243 (No Charge)
GUILD: The first meeting of our 2014/15 session will be on Monday 29th September at 7.30pm, when Revd. Fraser Aitken will dedicate the work of this session and also talk to us on subject of “Desert Islands Discs” We look forward to being together again with old and new members for our time of friendship, fellowship and of course great speakers.
KINGCASE CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Our friends at Kingcase Parish Church are holding a Flower Festival “Kingcase 80 years on” on 4th and 5th October from 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm. £5
PIANO MOVE: 6 strong men are required at 19.00 on Tuesday 7th October to move the Piano onto a trailer at Carrick Park and offload at Cathcart Street Hall. If you can help please speak to John our Church Officer.
TOY DRIVE: Ayr St Columba Church has teamed up with the Salvation Army in a toy drive, to help families, for whom, without help – Christmas just won’t come! We are asking you to buy a new toy and leave it in the box in the Carrick park vestibule. YOU can make such a difference to families who struggle even to buy food for their children, let alone Christmas gifts.
AYR ARTS GUILD presents “Prima Donna Double!” Featuring our own Rachel Hynes and Cheryl Forbes in a programme of opera arias/duets and songs from the shows. Sunday 5th October, 3pm, Ayr Town Hall Council Chamber. Tickets £10 (including refreshments) available from Matthew.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. John Kiltie (Stn. 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Dorothy Wilson (Lindsay)
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY: Mrs Mary Reid (St George’s Road)
The Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Mrs. Helen Cockburn will take place here in the Church tomorrow, Monday 29th September at 10.30am. Elders are asked to assemble in the Session Room at 10.15am.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mrs. Hazel Steele, Mr. Graham Hamilton, Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Malcolm Mackay and Mr. Brian Morrison
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Ms Shona Taylor and Mrs. Fiona Hosie.
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 2 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, the Revd David Ness, is on holiday for two weeks.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in August was £138.27. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes -Diluting Juice, Instant Mash Potato, packets noodles or rice, Jam, and Coffee. Thank you so much for your continued support.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Members of the committee are reminded that a meeting will be held in the Session Room on Monday the 22nd at 7-15 pm when plans and duties for the winter will be formalised . Any suggestions for encouraging new members will be appreciated.
HARVEST: Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday 28th September. Donation envelopes should be delivered with your Columba News – if you have not received one please uplift from the Carrick Park vestibule.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the October edition should be with the editor by today Sunday 21st September 2014. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
MACMILLAN COFFEE at AYR ST COLUMBA: 26th September in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 3pm. Coffee, Craft stalls and Prizes! Tickets available after the Service and from the Office priced £3.
ST COLUMBA CURLING Come and Try Day: Ayr St. Columba Curling Club are holding a ‘Come and Try Day’ at Ayr Ice Rink, Limekiln Road, Ayr on Sunday 28th September 2014 at 1.30pm. Any one interested in trying curling should contact Duncan McCallum, Secretary on 01292 261243 (No Charge)
TOY DRIVE: Some of you will already have started buying and putting away gifts for Christmas. Think for a moment of people who can’t do that, the families who rely on the Food Bank for the bare necessities of life. Ayr St Columba Church has teamed up with the Salvation Army in a toy drive, to help families, for whom otherwise, Christmas just won’t come! We are asking that you buy a toy and deposit it in the box situated in the Carrick park vestibule. YOU can make such a difference to families who struggle even to buy food for their children, let alone Christmas gifts. It may seem to be early to be asking this, but the Salvation Army require our gifts by mid-November. Thank you.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. John Kiltie (Stn. 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Dorothy Wilson (Lindsay)
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY: Mrs Mary Reid (St George’s Road)
The funeral service for Mrs Angela Donaldson of Glendale Crescent will be held here in the Church on Wednesday 24th September at 10.30, followed by the committal at Masonhill – our warmest sympathy and support are extended to Ean and Angela and the family.
Our sincerest condolences and prayers are sent to our Session Clerk, Bob, and all the family on the passing of his Dad, Bryce. The service of thanksgiving for Bryce’s life will be held at Masonhill on Tuesday first, 23rd September, at 3.30p.m.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Miss Hope Cousins, Mr. George McMillan, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Dorothy Hutcheson, Mrs. Margaret Campbell and Mr. & Mrs. Ian McBride.
SUNDAY 21 September 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
ON REFERENDUM DAY – Thursday 18th – the Church will be open for quiet prayer and reflection from 9.00 – 1.00pm.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in August was £138.27. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes -Diluting Juice, Instant Mash Potato, packets noodles or rice, Jam, and Coffee. Thank you so much for your continued support.
ORGAN RECITAL: On Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm we welcome the Organist from York Minster, Mr. Robert Sharpe. A splendid evening of music is guaranteed.
LUNCH CLUB: there will be a start- up meeting of all the Helpers on Tuesday 16th September at 10.30am in the Session Room. Due to retirements there is an opening for knitters! Anyone willing to give some time to this very worthwhile venture please come along to this meeting.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Members of the committee are reminded that a meeting will be held in the Session Room on Monday the 22nd at 7-15 pm when plans and duties for the winter will be formalised . Any suggestions for encouraging new members will be appreciated.
HARVEST: Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday 28th September. Donation envelopes should be delivered with your Columba News – if you have not received one please uplift from the Carrick Park vestibule.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the October edition should be with the editor by next Sunday 21st September 2014. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
MACMILLAN COFFEE at AYR ST COLUMBA: 26th September in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 3pm. Coffee, Craft stalls and Prizes! Tickets available after the Service and from the Office priced £3.
FASHION SHOW: at M & Co, Troon on Friday 19 September at 7.00 pm. Sponsored by Ayr & Prestwick Lions Club tickets priced £5 are available from the shop or from Lions Club member Miranda (tel. 01292 220385) or at the door on the night. Included in the price is a glass of white wine/ juice and shortbread. During the evening there will be an opportunity to purchase goods at a 10 % discount.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jay Mair (Macmillan) and Mrs Dorothy Wilson (Lindsay)
SOUTHERN GENERAL, GLASGOW: Mrs Cynthia Donaldson (Ward 61)
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY: Mrs Mary Reid (St George’s Road)
Our warmest congratulations are extended to Professor George and Mrs Dorothy Irving on St Leonard’s Road, who celebrated their Golden Wedding last week.
Our sincerest condolences are extended to Mrs Jill Crawford and Mr Brian Hannah and the family of Mrs Agnes Hannah of Logan Drive, Troon, who passed away in the Biggart Hospital last week. The funeral service took place yesterday morning.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mrs. Linda Hunter, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mr. Jim Orr, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cardie, The Henderson Family and Mrs. Margaret Duncan
SUNDAY 14 September 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 12 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in July was £115.50. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
PARENTS & TODDLERS: the Groups are all up and running but we Urgently need three or four ladies (or gents) to make tea and coffee. If you are able to spare a little time for this very worthwhile service we would be most grateful. Please contact the Office.
ORGAN RECITAL: On Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm we welcome the Organist from York Minster, Mr. Robert Sharpe. A splendid evening of music is guaranteed.
MONDAY CLUB Committee members are reminded of the meeting on Monday 8th September at 7.30pm in the Session Room.
LUNCH CLUB: there will be a start- up meeting of all the Helpers on Tuesday 16th September at 10.30am in the Session Room. Due to retirements there is an opening for knitters! Anyone willing to give some time to this very worthwhile venture please come along to this meeting.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1), Mrs Mary Reid (St George’s Road) (Stn. 10) and Mrs Dorothy Wilson (Stn 7)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jay Mair (Macmillan)
The funeral service for Mrs Mary McLean of Glenfairn Care Home, Ayr, and formerly of Fairfield Flats, Ayr, will be held at Masonhill Crematorium on Tuesday first, 9th September, at 2.00p.m.. Mary was a very faithful member of our Church. Our sympathy is extended to her niece who has only this past week returned to her home in Australia after being here to visit her Aunt.
Our warmest congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr and Mrs George Wilson of Bourtree Park who celebrated their Diamond Wedding last week.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Iain Campbell, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Betty Gray, Mrs Jessie W. Davidson, The Whiteford/Love Families and the McNair Family.
SUNDAY 7 September 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 11
10.00am Sunday School and Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – WWI Commemorative Service
6.30pm Evening Service – "Songs of Praise"
THE MINISTER is covering pastoral duties for Alloway Church whilst the Revd Neil McNaught is on holiday.
SUNDAY SCHOOL resumes today, Sunday 31st August at 10am. The teachers look forward to welcoming you all to the new session.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in July was £115.50. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
MOTHERS’ & TODDLERS’: the Groups are all up and running but we Urgently need three or four ladies (or gents) to make tea and coffee. If you are able to spare a little time for this very worthwhile service we would be most grateful. Please contact the Office.
DOG BOARDING: a local firm (Wacky Hounds) are looking for Host Homes to become part of this new business venture. All dogs are family pets and have been vetted by the company, to allow families to have their pet looked after during the owners absence (e.g. away on holiday), in a home environment rather than a boarding kennel. If you would like to know more about this – there is a notice in the Carrick Park vestibule.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jay Mair (Macmillan)
IF YOU KNOW of anyone who requires a visit from the Minister or who has been admitted to/discharged from hospital, please let the Minister know by leaving a message at the Manse or in writing. Thank you.
DATE for your DIARY:
Wednesday 17th September – Organ Recital – Organist from York Minster at 7.30pm
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the families of Charlie and Sam who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mrs. Christine McLaughlin, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mrs. Margaret Doncaster and Mr. Jim Hunter.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God from the Swan Family Wedding.
SUNDAY 31 August 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 10
11.15 am Morning Worship – Cradle Roll Service
THE MINISTER is covering pastoral duties for Alloway Church whilst the Revd Neil McNaught is on holiday.
SUNDAY SCHOOL resumes on Sunday 31st August at 10am. The teachers look forward to welcoming you all to the new session.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in July was £115.50. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
MOTHERS’ & TODDLERS’: the groups restarted last Friday and the Groups will meet during school term time, on Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays. All pre-nursery aged children are most welcome. Meet in the Midton Road Hall at 10.00am.
CRECHE: We are urgently in need of helpers to cover the many Baptisms we have in the Church. If you are able to spare a little time for this very worthwhile service we would be most grateful. Please contact the Office.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1), Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn. 10) and Miss Maddie McColm (Stn 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jay Mair (Macmillan)
IF YOU KNOW of anyone who requires a visit from the Minister or who has been admitted to/discharged from hospital, please let the Minister know by leaving a message at the Manse or in writing. Thank you.
DATE for your DIARY:
Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
Wednesday 17th September – Organ Recital – Organist from York Minster at 7.30pm
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Marion who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Maureen Fullerton, Mrs. Sheila Campbell and Mrs. Mary Reid.
SUNDAY 24 August 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 9 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
CHURCH KEYS: The lock on the Carrick Park door has been changed; as a result key holders will require new access keys. Old keys will be replaced during Office hours. Please note without a new key you will not have access to the building.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £115.50. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
MOTHERS’ & TODDLERS’: groups restart on Friday 22nd August. All pre-nursery aged children are most welcome. Meet in the Midton Road Hall at 10.00am. Groups will meet thereafter on Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1), Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn. 10), Miss Maddie McColm (Stn 7) and Miss Catherine Banks (Stn. 16)
IF YOU KNOW of anyone who requires a visit from the Minister or who has been admitted to/discharged from hospital, please let the Minister know by leaving a message at the Manse or in writing. Thank you.
DATE for your DIARY:
Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
Wednesday 17th September – Organ Recital – Organist from York Minster
Mrs. Annie Wilson would like to thank the Minister and Congregation for the lovely flowers and get well wishes; they have all been very much appreciated.
We extend our warm sympathy to the family of Mr George Brown of Doonfoot Road who died at home this past week. The funeral service will be held on Friday 22nd August at Masonhill at 12 noon.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Rose who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Donald Macrae,Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Muir and Mr. John Halliday
SUNDAY 17 August 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 8 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER is conducting worship at St. Leonard’s Parish Church this morning.
ELDERS PLEASE NOTE: There will be a short meeting of the Kirk Session in the Church after the 11.15am Service today, Sunday 10th August (12.20pm approx.). Agenda item: Membership of sub-committee to consider the appointment of new Elders.
CHURCH KEYS: The lock on the Carrick Park door has been changed; as a result key holders will require new access keys. Old keys will be replaced during Office hours. Please note without a new key you will not have access to the building.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £115.50. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor today, 10th August 2014. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: An afternoon club will start tomorrow, Monday 11th and run until Friday 15th August, 1:00 to 3:00pm. Time with the children before this while they have a lunchtime snack is also planned. If you would like to volunteer and join the team please pass your details on to Irene in the office or contact Dylan by email at ayr@razzamataz.co.uk or by calling 01292 388112.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1) and Miss Maddie McColm (Stn. 6)
We extend our sympathy and support to the family of Mr. Robert MacIntosh of Maidens who passed away last week. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Wednesday at 11.15am and condolences are extended Eleanor and the family of Mr. Ian Montgomery , the funeral took place on Friday last.
DATES for your DIARY: Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
Wednesday 17th September – Organ Recital – Organist from York Minster Abbey.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Robbie Park, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Jim Hume, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Shauna Jack, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton and Mrs. Helen Craig – in memory of her twin sister.
SUNDAY 10 August 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 7 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
THE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 20th July till Friday 8th August inclusive. If you require the services of a Minister, please get in touch with the Office in the first instance.
ELDERS PLEASE NOTE: There will be a short meeting of the Kirk Session in the Church after the 11.15am Service on Sunday 10th August (12.20pm approx.). Agenda item: Membership of sub-committee to consider the appointment of new Elders.
CHURCH KEYS: All access keys for Carrick Park door will be replaced week commencing 4th August. Key-holder meetings will be held on Tuesday 5th 7 pm – 8pm to issue new keys. Please note without a new key you will not have access to the building.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £135.30. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
HALL LETS – CARRICK PARK / MIDTON ROAD: Notice of all the current Hall bookings is available on the Notice Board. All bookings must be made through the Church Officer: John Stewart
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by next Sunday 10th August 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: An afternoon club is scheduled to run from Monday 11th to Friday 15th August, 1:00 to 3:00pm. Time with the children before this while they have a lunchtime snack is also planned. If you would like to volunteer and join the team please pass your details on to Irene in the office or contact Dylan by email at ayr@razzamataz.co.uk or by calling 01292 388112.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Annie Wilson (Stn. 1), Mrs. Sandra Lowrie (Stn. 1) and Miss Maddie McColm (Stn. 6)
DATE for your DIARY: Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
THANK YOU Mr. John McBride wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to members and friends of Ayr St. Columba for all the support and care shown to him on the passing of his beloved, Jessie.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Ella-Rose who will be blessed at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr. Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Jim Hunter, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Elaine Kerr and Mrs. Diana Johnston.
9.30 am – Family Service – Duty Team: 6 – Sound: Mr. Alistair Swan
11.15 am – Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
Both Services conducted by Revd David Ness LTh
THE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 20th July till Friday 8th August inclusive. If you require the services of a Minister, please get in touch with the Office in the first instance.
ELDERS PLEASE NOTE: There will be a short meeting of the Kirk Session in the Church after the 11.15am Service on Sunday 10th August (12.20pm approx). Agenda item: Membership of sub-committee to consider the appointment of new Elders.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £135.30. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
HALL LETS – CARRICK PARK / MIDTON ROAD: Notice of all the current Hall bookings are available on the Notice Board. All booking must be made through the Church Officer: John Stewart
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by Sunday 10th August 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
CONCERT: tomorrow evening we have a rare and privileged opportunity to welcome the Chamber Philharmonia Cologne to the Church. The programme will include Vivaldi’s famous “Four Seasons”; and pieces by Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience one of Germany’s finest ensembles! Tickets priced £15/13 and £11 are only available from the Visit Scotland office on the Sandgate or at the door on the evening of the concert.
FOOD BANK: this week’s request list includes – Tinned meals, diluting juice, small packets rice, long-life milk, packets noodles and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: An afternoon club is scheduled to run from Monday 11th to Friday 15th August, 1:00 to 3:00pm. Time with the children before this while they have a lunchtime snack is also planned. If you would like to volunteer and join the team please pass your details on to Irene in the office or contact Dylan by email at ayr@razzamataz.co.uk or by calling 01292 388112.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Annie Wilson (Stn. 1)
DATE for your DIARY: Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
We extend our sincere sympathy to John McBride on the death of his beloved wife, Jessie. The Service of celebration took place last week.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. John Robertson, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Nan Lorimer and Mr. Fraser Walker.
SUNDAY 27th JULY 2014
9.30 am – Family Service – Duty Team: 5 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
11.15 am – Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
Both Services conducted by Revd Lawrie Lennox, MA BD
THE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 20th July till Friday 8th August inclusive. If you require the services of a Minister, please get in touch with the Office in the first instance.
SUNDAY 3rd AUGUST at 9.30 and 11.15 – Worship led by the Revd David Ness LTh
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £135.30. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CRECHE: we urgently require helpers for the 11.15am Crèche. The Crèche is organised for Baptismal Services to support parents of young children attending the Service. If you are able to give any help please contact the Office.
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by Sunday 10th August 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
CONCERT: we will welcome the Chamber Philharmonia Cologne to the Church on Monday 28th July. The programme will include Vivaldi’s famous “Four Seasons”; and pieces by Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience one of Germany’s finest ensembles! Tickets priced £15/13 and £11 are only available from the Visit Scotland office on the Sandgate or at the door on the evening of the concert.
FOOD BANK: Items urgently required this week are – tinned meals, diluting juice, tinned potatoes or instant mash, small packets of rice and chocolate biscuits. Thank you so much for your continued support.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: An afternoon club is scheduled to run from Monday 11th to Friday 15th August, 1:00 to 3:00pm. Time with the children before this while they have a lunchtime snack is also planned. If you would like to volunteer and join the team please pass your details on to Irene in the office or contact Dylan by email at ayr@razzamataz.co.uk or by calling 01292 388112.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Annie Wilson (Stn. 1) and Mrs. Jessie McBride (Stn. 9)
DATE for your DIARY: Sunday 31st August – Cradle Roll Service at 11.15am
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2000 years old, but our thinking is not! We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We think of ourselves as a progressive Christian congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together – faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: TEAM 3: Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. Dennis Johnston, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCulloch, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mrs. Janice Paterson and Mrs. Rena Smith.
SUNDAY 20th JULY 2014
9.30 am – Family Service – Duty Team: 4 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
11.15 am – Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
6.30 pm – Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
THE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 20th July till Friday 8th August inclusive. If you require the services of a Minister, please get in touch with the Office in the first instance.
SUNDAY 20th JULY at 9.30 and 11.15: Worship led by Miss Muriel Wilson DCS and Mr David Wallace
SUNDAY 27th JULY at 9.30 and 11.15 – Worship led by the Revd Lawrie Lennox, MA, BD
SUNDAY 3rd AUGUST at 9.30 and 11.15 – Worship led by the Revd David Ness LTh
CHURCH VISITING CARDS are available on the table in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Please take one if you are going off on holiday and leave at any church where you are worshipping.
20’s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £135.30. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of Diabetes, are the recipients. There are 3.8m people in the UK with diabetes, and an estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CONCERT: we will welcome the Chamber Philharmonia Cologne to the Church on Monday 28th July. The programme will include Vivaldi’s famous “Four Seasons”; and pieces by Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience one of Germany’s finest ensembles! Tickets priced £15/13 and £11 are only available from the Visit Scotland office on the Sandgate or at the door on the evening of the concert.
WEDDING SD CARD: an SD card has been found in the Church please contact the office if you have lost one!
FOOD BANK: tins or packets of custard, diluting juice, tinned potatoes or instant mash, small packets of rice and sachets or tins of coffee. Many thanks for all contributions.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Annie Wilson (Stn. 1) and Mrs. Joan Kirk (Stn. 9)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the families of Erik and Fraser, who will be baptised at the 11.15 am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY Team 2: Mrs. Helen Greig, Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig, Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Stuart Greig, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mrs. Jo Bruce, Nr. Duncan McCallum, Mr. John Eaglesham
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The McNair Family, Mrs. Jean Nicolson and Mrs. Anne Aitcheson.
SUNDAY 13th JULY 2014
9.30 am – Family Service – Duty Team: 3 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
11.15 am – Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in June was £135.30. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – Sachets or jars of coffee, tinned vegetables, sponge puddings, diluting juice, long life milk, sachets of instant mash potato, sachets of custard and jars of jam. Thank you.
FIONA DAVIDSON: I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored me on the 63 mile cycle challenge in aid of the British Heart Foundation. Your support, which has helped raise in excess of £3500, is so much appreciated. If you added your name to my sponsor sheet and have not yet paid, would you please be kind enough to hand in your donation to the office. Thank you all so much.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs Annie Wilson (Stn.3)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – we warmly invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table today, all who love Him and are members of any branch of His Church. A special welcome if you are visiting our Church for the first time today, whether you are seeking faith, visiting Ayr on holiday or business, or looking for a congregation to join, we are pleased to have you with us today. We are a diverse fellowship, seeking to be a vital Christian presence in the heart of Ayr. We try to make the love of Jesus known in our town through our worship, preaching, prayer, fellowship, service and openness to the Holy Spirit. ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray below the handle.
There will be a Retiring Offering today for Lochside Church
9.30 am – Team: 11 – Sound: Mrs. Irene Bartholomew
11.15 am – Team: 12 – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
6.30 pm – Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mrs. Linda Hunter, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mr. Jim Orr, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie
Team 12: Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Miss Hope Cousins, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae
Team 1: Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mrs. Hazel Steel, Mr. Graham Hamilton, Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Malcolm Mackay and Mr. Brian Morrison
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Alan McKinlay, Mrs. Rine Kidd, Mrs. Helen Mackay, Revd. & Mrs. Roderick McNidder and Mrs. Catherine Ritchie.
9.30 am – Family Service – Duty Team: 2 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
11.15 am – Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
6.30 pm – Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
THE KIRK SESSION is delighted to announce that Mr John Stewart of Ronaldshaw Park, an Elder and our Fabric Convener, has been appointed as our Beadle and Church Officer. We wish John every blessing as he undertakes this great responsibility on our behalf and we are confident that he will prove to be a fine ambassador for St Columba.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £88.72. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK : A sincere thanks to all who donated to the recent Christian Aid Week. The sum of £1483 was raised as a result of your generosity. This money will be used to help and support those people affected by conflicts in their countries.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Special requests for this week are – Sachets or jars of coffee, tinned vegetables, sponge puddings, diluting juice, long life milk, sachets of instant mash potato, sachets of custard and jars of jam. Thank you.
MONDAY CLUB: Committee members are reminded of the meeting on Monday 30th June at 7.30pm.
FIONA DAVIDSON: I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored me on the 63 mile cycle challenge in aid of the British Heart Foundation. Your support, which has helped raise in excess of £3500, is so much appreciated. If you added your name to my sponsor sheet and have not yet paid, would you please be kind enough to hand in your donation to the office. Thank you all so much.
THANK YOU: Pat Watson and family have been very touched by the number of cards with warm messages sent by many members of the congregation on the occasion of Jim’s sudden death and would like to say a very sincere thank you to all.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley,Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Iain Campbell, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Eccles and Miss Ann Thomson
We welcome members of the Priory of St Margaret of Scotland within the Order of St John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller who celebrate their Patronal Feast Day with us today.
9.30 am – Team: 11 – Sound: Mrs. Irene Bartholomew
11.15 am – Team: 12 – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
6.30 pm – Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
ELDERS are asked to check the Communion Duty List in the Glass Cabinet in the Carrick Park vestibule and indicate their availability, as a matter of urgency. It is essential that the Session Clerk knows who is available for this duty.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £88.72. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK : A sincere thanks to all who donated to the recent Christian Aid Week. The sum of £1483 was raised as a result of your generosity. This money will be used to help and support those people affected by conflicts in their countries.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – Sachets or jars of coffee, tinned vegetables, sponge puddings, diluting juice, long life milk, sachets of instant mash potato, sachets of custard and jars of jam.. Thank you.
SALLY MAGNUSSON: will be speaking about her book – "Where memories go" – at New Laigh Kirk, John Dickie Street, Kilmarnock on Monday 23rd June at 7pm. Tickets priced £3 (redeemable against book purchase on the night) are available at the door.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION: it is with great sadness that we note the sudden death of committee member Gordon Gilchrist, of Ballantyne Drive, Ayr. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Janette and family
FAIRTRADE GARDEN PARTY: Saturday 28th June at 14 Ewenfield Avenue, Ayr from 1pm – 5pm. Tickets Adults £3 and Children £1.50 including home baking, a glass of bubbly or tea/ coffee. All welcome.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Anna who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mrs. Christine McLaughlin, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Mr. John Stewart
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Miss Nan Picken, Mr. & Mrs. David Savage and The Mair Family
SUNDAY 22nd June 2014
9.30 am Family Servic – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00 am No Sunday School & Bible Class – Summer holiday
11.15 am Morning Worship – Patronal Festival – The Order of St. John of Jerusalem – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £88.72. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK : A sincere thanks to all who donated to the recent Christian Aid Week. The sum of £1483 was raised as a result of your generosity. This money will be used to help and support those people affected by conflicts in their countries.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – Sachets or jars of coffee, tinned vegetables, sponge puddings, diluting juice, long life milk, sachets of instant mash potato, sachets of custard and jars of jam.. Thank you.
SENIORS’ OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. Outing fully booked!
SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETY: The Kyle Branch Annual Coffee Morning will be held in Ayr Newton Wallacetown Church Hall, Main Street, on Saturday 21st June from 10 am until 12 noon. Tickets, priced £2.50 each, are available from Aileen Hope and will be available in the Carrick Park Hallway, after each service. A Fund Raising Quiz Sheet is also available, price £1.00
SALLY MAGNUSSON: will be speaking about her book – "Where memories go" – at New Laigh Kirk, John Dickie Street, Kilmarnock on Monday 23rd June at 7pm. Tickets priced £3 (redeemable against book purchase on the night) are available at the door.
THE ARK, Citadel Quay is celebrating 10 years with a "Community Day" on Saturday 21 June. Various attractions from 11am till 4pm free entry and an evening event 5 – 10pm with live music, DJs & Dance Adults £3 Child £2.50. See poster in vestibule.
PIANO: The current piano in Cathcart Street Hall has become surplus to requirements. If anyone would like to make a donation it is available to uplift! Please speak to John Stewart or the Secretary.
CRÈCHE: Mrs. Karen Thomson, our Crèche Organiser, has retired because of family commitments. If you would like to help to organise our Crèche Rota, please get in touch with the Church Office. The duties are not demanding!
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone,Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Nan Conway & Mrs. Marilyn Miller, Mrs. Jean Stewart and Mr. Hugh Nelson.
SUNDAY 15th June 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 9 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
Sunday School & Bible Class on vacation for the summer
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ – TODAY! BBQ at 1.00pm in Foresters Field, Rozelle. tickets priced £2.50; £10 per family (2 adults + 3 children) are available after both services today. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £88.72. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
AYR ST COLUMBA DEFIBRILLATOR APPEAL: anyone who has signed up to support the appeal, but who hasn’t yet paid their dues please settle up as soon as possible. John completed the half marathon and there is pictorial evidence in the Carrick Park vestibule! He is well on course to be able to fund the Defibrillator and training. Well done everyone!
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – Sachets or jars of coffee, tinned vegetables, sponge puddings, diluting juice, long life milk, sachets of instant mash potato, sachets of custard and jars of jam.. Thank you.
SENIORS’ OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. There are only a few seats left!
WEDNESDAY 11th JUNE 2014 at 7.30 pm in Ayr St. Columba Church: At the invitation of the Ayr Amateur Radio Group, Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV, will speak on low power radio communications and the construction of simple radios. You are cordially invited to attend this special evening — it’s an open meeting, there’s no charge and there’s tea and biscuits afterwards.
SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETY: The Kyle Branch Annual Coffee Morning will be held in Ayr Newton Wallacetown Church Hall, Main Street, on Saturday 21st June from 10 am until 12 noon. Tickets, priced £2.50 each, are available from Aileen Hope and will be available in the Carrick Park Hallway, after each service. A Fund Raising Quiz Sheet is also available, price £1.00
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Ron McLean (Stn 14)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jennifer McKinstry (F2)
Our warmest sympathy and support are extended to the family of Mrs. Jean Keenan of Lochside Road, who died last week. The funeral was held on Thursday. We extend our very sincere sympathy and support to the family of Mrs. Mae Gamble, Overmills Crescent who died last week, the funeral service will be held on Wednesday 11th June at 2pm at Holmsford Bridge Crematorium, Dreghorn.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Robbie who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Margaret Hamilton and Mr. John Ballantyne.
SUNDAY 8th June 2014 – PENTECOST
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 8 – Sunday School and Bible Class Prize Giving – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
1.00pm The Annual Church Outing to Rozelle.
Our thanks are extended to Mr. David Mackay who is deputising for Matthew at both services today.
MR MICHAEL MCCALL: Michael informed us last week that he had taken the decision to resign from his position as Church Officer and Beadle. His last day with the Church was Friday 30th May. We thank Michael for all he has done over the past year and extend to him our best wishes for a happy and successful future.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in May was £88.72. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
AYR ST COLUMBA DEFIBRILLATOR APPEAL: anyone who has signed up to support the appeal, but who hasn’t yet paid their dues please settle up as soon as possible. John completed the half marathon and there is pictorial evidence in the Carrick Park vestibule! He is well on course to be able to fund the Defibrillator and training. Well done everyone!
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – coffee, sachets or jars, chocolate biscuits, tinned veg, sponge puddings diluting juice, long life milk, tinned rice pudding, custard, small or large packets of sugar. Thank you.
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ tickets are now available after both services today. The BBQ / PICNIC will be held at Rozelle on Sunday 8th June at 1.00pm. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
SENIORS’ OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. Due to demand extra seats have been acquired and there are 15 places available. Please return a form to the office immediately. No cancellations can be accepted after Sunday 8th June.
SCOUT GROUP COFFEE MORNING: Saturday 7th June. Tickets £2.50 and £1 are available at the door next Saturday.
CHURCH OFFICER AND BEADLE: Anyone who is interested in the position of Church Officer and Beadle is asked to contact Mr Bob Bartholomew, Session Clerk, by Wednesday 3rd June at the latest. Contact details are: Email: sessionclerk@ayrstcolumba.co.uk Phone : 01292 265794
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Edwina Mabon (Stn. 7)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jennifer McKinstry (F2)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the families of Roman, Brody, Zoe and Max who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Robbie Park, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Jim Hume, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. William Duncan, Mrs. Dorothy Beesley and Mr. & Mrs. David Scott.
SUNDAY 1st June 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 7 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
WEDNESDAY SERVICE of HOLY COMMUNION: Wednesday 28th May at 2pm followed by tea in the Session Room. All welcome.
CHURCH OFFICE: the newly refurbished Office is now situated in the former Carrick Room. The former Office … renamed "Carrick Room" … has also been refurbished and provides a meeting room and first class storage facility. Everyone connected with the office is most appreciative of all the volunteers who have assisted with the move!
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in April was £107.09. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – coffee, sachets or jars, chocolate biscuits, tinned veg, sponge puddings diluting juice, long life milk, tinned rice pudding, custard, small or large packets of sugar. Thank you.
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ tickets are now available after both services today. The BBQ / PICNIC will be held at Rozelle on Sunday 8th June at 1.00pm. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
SENIORS OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. Both buses are now full. No cancellations can be accepted after Sunday 8th June.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Summer edition should be with the editor today, Sunday 25th May 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at editor.columbanews@gmail.com
SCOUT GROUP COFFEE MORNING: Saturday 7th June. Tickets £2.50 and £1 are available today after both services.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Helen Craig (Stn. 11)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
Sincerest sympathy and support to Mr. Charlie McDonald and Kirsty on the death of Margaret of Castlehill Crescent, Ayr. The funeral will be held at Masonhill Crematorium on Tuesday 27th May at 2pm.
DATE for your DIARY: Sunday 8th June 9.30am – Sunday School and Bible Class Prize Giving followed, at 1pm, by the Annual Outing to Rozelle.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Jim Hunter, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Dorothy Kane and Mrs. Claire Howat and in loving memory of Bill Farrell.
SUNDAY 25th May 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 6 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
THE MINISTER is at the general assembly – please phone the office if you require a Minister.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in April was £107.09. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – diluting juice, long life milk, tins of rice pudding, custard, small or large packets of sugar, chocolate and plain biscuits. Thank you.
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ tickets are now available after both services today. The BBQ will be at Rozelle on Sunday 8th June at 1.00pm. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
The FLOWER TEAM’S next meeting will be held in the Church at 7.30pm, on Wednesday May 21st, when we will make up the rota for the summer months. Please come along with your diary! If you are unable to attend I would be grateful if you would contact me with your availability, either by phone 442584, or by email, anne@uglyduckling.demon.co.uk.
MONDAY CLUB: Committee members are reminded of the meeting on Monday 19th May at 7.30pm
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY offers a space where people can meet together to share their thoughts and questions about faith and life. The last Bible Study of this session will be on 21 May from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room, when we will explore the Parable of the Great Feast in Luke ch.14. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (678463) or Rev. John Matthews (264382).
SENIORS OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. One bus if full, a second bus will be available if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to go on the outing forms MUST be in the office by Friday 23rd May.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Summer edition should be with the editor by Sunday 25th May 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
SPONSORSHIP: ‘One of Ayr St Columba’s ‘pensioner elders’ is participating in, the Edinburgh Marathon Festival on Sunday 25 May 2014 – half marathon , he seeks your help with sponsorship. The proceeds of the sponsorship will go in full to purchase a defibrillator for the Church – which trained personnel will be able to use in an emergency.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. John Robertson, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Ron Currie, Miss Kathleen Mitchell and Mrs. Sheena Boyd.
SUNDAY 18th May 2014 – Fifth of Easter – Assembly Sunday
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 5 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in April was £107.09. This year Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes are the recipients. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – 1kg sugar, tinned fruit, custard, puddings, long life milk and diluting juice. Thank you.
PRAYERS ACROSS SCOTLAND: Prayers on aspects arising at the General Assembly 2014 will be offered at a special service today in Kingcase Parish Church at 3pm. All welcome.
THE LUNCHEON CLUB OUTING – Friday 16th May. The bus will leave from the Church at 9.30am travelling to Kelvingrove in Glasgow and onwards for an excellent day. Cheques payable to Jean Stewart, post-dated 14th May will be accepted now. Enquiries – Jean at 263343.
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ tickets are now available after both services today. The BBQ will be at Rozelle on Sunday 8th June at 1.00pm. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK – SUNDAY 11th TO SATURDAY 17th MAY. This year the focus of Christian Aid will be on "The human cost of conflict" and monies raised will be used to help people caught up in the terrible wars that are around us today by supplying medical care, food, water, shelter and support. Please return the envelope in the pew leaflet to the church next week either by placing it in the offering plate or handing it to an elder or into the church office. Many thanks in advance for your support.
The next meeting of the FLOWER TEAM will be held in the Church at 7.30pm, on Wednesday May 21st , when we will make up the rota for the summer months.
Please come along with your diary! If you are unable to attend I would be grateful if you would contact me with your availability , either by phone 442584, or by email, anne@uglyduckling.demon.co.uk
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 14th at 2pm in the Session Room, this will be the last meeting for the session. All welcome.
SENIORS OUTING: Summer Outing on Thursday 19th June 2014. The coach will leave Church at 9.30am calling at Lomond Shores for coffee and shopping, then on to Cameron House for afternoon Tea. One bus if full, a second bus will be available if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to go on the outing forms MUST be in the office by Friday 9th May.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Summer edition should be with the editor by Sunday 25th May 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
SPONSORSHIP: ‘One of Ayr St Columba’s ‘pensioner elders’ is participating in, the Edinburgh Marathon Festival on Sunday 25 May 2014 – half marathon , he seeks your help with sponsorship. The proceeds of the sponsorship will go in full to purchase a defibrillator for the Church – which trained personnel will be able to use in an emergency.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
We record with sadness the passing of Miss Maisie Goldie of Broomfield Care Home who dies last week. The funeral service will be held tomorrow at Masonhill at 9.45am Maisie was a faithful attender at the 11.15 service for many years.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith,Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Les Wallace and Mrs. Marion Robertson.
SUNDAY 11th May 2014
9.30 am Family Servic – Duty Team 4 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell – Presentation of Long Service Certificates to Choir members.
ASSISTANT MINISTER: Dr Joel Gonzalez-Garcia’s time with us as Assistant Minister drew to a close at the end of April. We record our thanks for the work he has done here and we extend our best wishes to him and his family as they move on, during the coming summer, to missionary work in Mexico.
THE OFFERINGS from our united Holy Week Services with Alloway which will be given to the Southern General Hospital Brain Tumour Charity, raised a total of £2003.59. Thank you for your wonderful support.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in April was £107.09. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY offers a space where people can meet together to share their thoughts and questions about faith and life. On 7 May from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will discuss The Second Coming of the Son of Man focusing on Luke 21, vv.25-38. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (678463) or Rev. John Matthews (264382).
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – 1kg sugar, tinned fruit, custard, puddings, long life milk and diluting juice. Thank you.
PRAYERS ACROSS SCOTLAND: Prayers on aspects arising at the General Assembly 2014 will be offered at a special service on Sunday 11th May in Kingcase Parish Church at 3pm. All welcome.
THE LUNCHEON CLUB OUTING – Friday 16th May. The bus will leave from the Church at 9.30am travelling to Kelvingrove in Glasgow. Cheques payable to Jean Stewart, post-dated 14th May will be accepted now. Enquiries – Jean at 263343.
CHARITY PLANT SALE for Crossroads South on Saturday 10th May from 9am – 1pm in Prestwick South Church Hall. Tea, coffee, cake stall and a quiz . Adults £2.50 and Children £1.00 available at the door.
CHURCH FAMILY BBQ tickets are now available after both services today. The BBQ will be at Rozelle on Sunday 8th June at 1.00pm. Bring your own picnic and some garden chairs and sit and enjoy the fresh air.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK – SUNDAY 11TH TO SATURDAY 17TH MAY. This year the focus of Christian Aid will be on "The human cost of conflict" and monies raised will be used to help people caught up in the terrible wars that are around us today by supplying medical care, food, water, shelter and support. As is our custom you will find an envelope in your pew leaflet on Sunday 11th May which you are asked to return to the church the following week either by placing it in the offering plate or handing it to an elder or into the church office. Many thanks in advance for your support.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Bob Seath (Stn.4)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
THE BEATSON: GALSGOW: Miss Irene Taylor (Ward B5)
Sincerest sympathy and support to Mrs. Sandra Wallace of Auchinleck on the death of her mum, Mrs. Agnes Gemmell of Glenfairn Care Home. The funeral took place on Friday.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Miss Hope Cousins, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae
Team 1: Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Graham Hamilton, Mrs. Hazel Steele, Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Malcolm Mackay and Mr. Brian Morrison
Team 2: Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig, Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Stuart Greig, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Graeme McKinstry and Mrs. Pat Jackson
SUNDAY 4th May 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
6.30 pm Evening Service – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in March was £77.04. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
HEARTSTART: the training will be held on Monday 28th April at 7.30pm in Church.
ALMA COLLEGE CHOIR: Thursday 1st May at 7.30pm in the Church. This is a return visit from the superb Alma College Choir from the USA. The choir’s reputation for excellence, its many traditions, and its ambitious performing, touring and recording schedule continue to grow with each new concert season. This will be an excellent evening of splendid entertainment.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – 1kg sugar, tinned fruit, custard, puddings, long life milk and diluting juice. Thank you.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 30th April at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jean Nicolson (Stn. 11) and Mr. Tony Voak (Stn.11 )
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
THE BEATSON: GALSGOW: Miss Irene Taylor (Ward B2)
Our warmest sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of Mrs Kirsteen Jess of Tweed Street, Ayr. The service of thanksgiving will be held here in the Church next Friday, 2nd May, at 12 noon, followed by the committal at Masonhill; and to the family of Mrs Janey McQuaker of Monument Road. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Wednesday first, 30th April, at 10.30 am.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mrs. Linda Hunter, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mr. Jim Orr, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Ellen Faulds & Mrs. Jo Bruce and Mr. Robbie Turnbull
EASTER SUNDAY – 20th April 2014 – Duty Team 11
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30 am: Family Service – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
11.15 am: Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
9.30 am – Team: 12 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
11.15 am – Team: 1 – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
6.30 pm – Team: 2 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
9.30 am Sunday School and Bible Class
THE OFFICE will be closed Easter Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd April
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in March was £77.04. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – 1kg sugar, tinned fruit, custard, puddings, long life milk and diluting juice. Thank you.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY offers a space where people can meet together to share their thoughts and questions about faith and life. On 23 April from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will discuss Jesus the healer and teacher, focusing on Luke 7, vv.1-10 and Luke 6, vv.20-26. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (678463) or Rev. John Matthews (264382).
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 30th April at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jean Nicolson (Stn. 11)and Mr. Tony Voak (Stn.11 )
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
Our sincerest appreciation to Anne and Alastair Swan for erecting our Easter Cross; and to everyone who has brought flowers. We have 70 families who have been bereaved since last Easter. If you can take a bouquet or two to deliver, we would be very grateful.
Our warmest sympathy is extended to Mr. Jackie Dunlop and the family, Burnbank Road, Ayr on the death of his wife, Moira. The funeral service took place on Thursday.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Liz Pitt and Mr. Alec Mooney.
HOLY WEEK Monday 14th – Friday 18th April 2014 at 7.30pm
All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A. with guest Preachers each day as follows
Services to be held in Ayr: St. Columba except Thursday. The Maundy Thursday – Communion Service will be held in Alloway Church. Guest Preachers are:
Monday: Revd. David Prentice- Hyers from Troon Old Parish Church
Tuesday: Mr. Tom McLeod from Alloway Parish Church (Probationary Assistant)
Wednesday: Revd. David Ness from Ayr St. Columba
Thursday: Revd. Fraser R. Aitken MA. BD. from Ayr: St. Columba
Friday: Revd. Neil McNaught MA, BD. from Alloway Parish Church
HOLY WEEK: please remember that ALL Church Halls will be closed all day during Holy Week.
HOLY WEEK DUTY TEAMS: Mon/Tues – Team 8; Wed. Team 9 and Frid. Team 10
EASTER SUNDAY – 20th April 2014
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30 am: Family Service – Duty Team 11 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
11.15 am: Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.
ELDERS: Please attend to the notice in the glass cabinet regarding duties for Holy Communion on 27th April.
COLUMBA NEWS: Elders are asked to uplift their Magazines and Communion Cards from their pigeonhole for immediate delivery. Thank you!
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in March was £77.04. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
THE HANDMADE PALM CROSS which you will receive today has been purchased from a small charity, African Palms. Its aim is to give people living in a poor part of Tanzania a chance to earn some more money, to supplement their very modest income. The charity also supports schools and medical work in the area.
EASTER BREAKFAST: Please sign the list in the Carrick Park vestibule if you will be sharing breakfast on Easter Sunday morning at 8am.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – 1kg sugar, tinned fruit, custard, puddings, long life milk and diluting juice. Thank you.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
Our warmest sympathy and support are extended Mrs Jean McWhirter and the family of Gould Street, on the passing of her husband John. The service of thanksgiving will be held at Masonhill on Tuesday first, 15th April, at 9.45a.m.
We say a fond farewell to Mr Sam and Mrs Ann Wales of Seafield Crescent who are emigrating to New Zealand to be nearer family. We will miss them from our congregation and wish them all good things in their new life!
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Robbie Park, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Jim Hume, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs Helen Craig, Mr. & Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Jean Watson and Mrs. Nancy Murray
SUNDAY 13th April 2014 – Palm Sunday
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 7 – Sound: Mr. Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am No Sunday School & Bible Class – classes resume on Sunday 27th April at 9.30am
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
THE MINISTER is covering Pastoral Duties for Alloway Church from 1st – 12th April.
HOLY WEEK: please remember that ALL Church Halls will be closed all day during Holy Week.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in March was £77.04. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB Mon 7th to Fri 11th April 2014 (9:30am to 12:30): Volunteers are urgently required for Easter Holiday Club and if you can help, even one morning, please give your name & contact details to Malcolm or to the office. Thank you.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – long life milk, rice pudding, custard, jam, tinned fruit, small bags of sugar. Thank you.
ELDERS’ CONFERENCE: Carrick Centre, Maybole on Saturday 10 May 2014 from 10.00am – 4.00pm
The Conference is open to all. This is an opportunity for elders and members to meet each other on an informal basis and to consider together the topic of ‘Spirituality and St Columba’, and how to translate this sense of spirituality into our practice and worship. Tea/coffee and lunch will be provided. Our chaplain for the day will be Revd. Neil Urquhart BD, Irvine Fullarton Parish Church. Revd. Sheila Mitchell, Chaplain at Ailsa Hospital, will lead the morning session on ‘Spirituality and Well-being’. The afternoon session will be led by members of Iona Community’s Wild Goose group, with a focus on ‘Spirituality and Music’ in the worship of the church. This promises to be a very interesting and exciting programme, which will enrich the life of our church. Please let the office know if you are interested in attending – by Easter Sunday 20 April.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will explore what the Gospels are saying to us today. On 9th April from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will be discussing ‘Jesus and Politics: The Manifesto of a Social Reformer’ (Luke 4: 14-30). Contact numbers – Bryce Hartshorn (678463) or Rev. John Matthews (264382).
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 7)
Holy Week Monday 14th – Friday 18th April 2014 at 7.30pm
All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A. with guest Preachers each day as follows
Services to be held in Ayr: St. Columba except Thursday. The Maundy Thursday – Communion Service will be held in Alloway Church. Guest Preachers are:
Monday: Revd. David Prentice-Hyers from Troon Old Parish Church
Tuesday: Mr. Tom McLeod from Alloway Parish Church (Probationary Assistant)
Wednesday: Revd. David Ness from Ayr St. Columba
Thursday: Revd. Fraser R. Aitken MA. BD. from Ayr: St. Columba
Friday: Revd. Neil McNaught MA, BD. from Alloway Parish Church
Easter Sunday – 20th April 2014
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30 am: Family Service
11.15 am: Morning Worship
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Naismith Family, Mr. & Mrs. John Caddis and Mrs. Betty McLellan.
SUNDAY 6th April 2014 – Fifth in Lent
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 6 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
THE MINISTER is covering Pastoral Duties for Alloway Church from 1st – 12th April.
KIRK SESSION meets on Thursday 3rd April at 7.30pm
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £73.59. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB Mon 7th to Fri 11th April 2014 (9:30am to 12:30): Volunteers are urgently required for Easter Holiday Club and if you can help, even one morning, please give your name & contact details to Malcolm or to the office. Thank you.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – long life milk, rice pudding, custard, jam, tinned fruit, small bags of sugar. Thank you.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 2nd April at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart) and Mrs Mary McLean (Drummond)
Holy Week Monday 14th – Friday 18th April 2014
All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A. with guest Preachers each day as follows
Monday: Revd. David Prentice-Hyers – Troon Old Parish Church
Tuesday: Mr. Tom McLeod – Alloway Parish Church (Probationary Assistant)
Wednesday: Revd. David Ness – Ayr St. Columba
Thursday: Revd. Fraser R. Aitken MA. BD. – Ayr: St. Columba
Friday: Revd. Neil McNaught MA, BD. – Alloway Parish Church
All Services to be held in Ayr: St. Columba except Thursday.
The Maundy Thursday – Communion Service will be held in Alloway Church
Easter Sunday – 20th April 2014
7.30 am: Service on the Low Green
8.00 am: Breakfast in the Church Hall
9.30 am: Family Service
11.15 am: Morning Worship
12.30 pm: Celebration of Holy Communion
You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.
Mary Martin would like to express heartfelt thanks to the Minister and all friends in the Congregation for the good wishes, cards and gifts on the occasion of her 90th Birthday.
Congratulations and very best wishes are extended to Helen and John Caddis on the occasion of their Diamond wedding anniversary.
We extend our sympathy to Netta , Douglas, Gillian and the family on the passing of John (Ean) Espie. The service of thanksgiving will be held in the Church on Thursday 3rd April at 3.30pm.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Ben who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Janette Fraser, Mrs. Isabel Kelly and Mrs. Margaret Dickie.
SUNDAY 30th March 2014 – Fourth in Lent
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 5 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
WEDNESDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION – 26th March 2014 at 2.00pm followed by tea in the Session Room
OUR ASSOCIATE, the Revd David Ness, is on holiday.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £73.59. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
HALL LET MEETING: the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees, particularly if your Group is not represented.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB Mon 7th to Fri 11th April 2014 (9:30am to 12:30): Volunteers are urgently required for Easter Holiday Club and if you can help, even one morning, please give your name & contact details to Malcolm or to the office. Thank you.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – long life milk, rice pudding, custard, jam, tinned fruit, small bags of sugar. Thank you.
THE MONDAY CLUB: tomorrow 24th is the last meeting of the session. The speaker will be Revd Fraser Aitken. His topic is "These I have known …" and will be preceded by short AGM.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will explore what the Gospels are saying to us today. On 26th March from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will join Jesus for a dinner party with a difference at the home of Simon the Pharisee, in Luke 7, vv.36-50. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (678463) or Rev. John Matthews (264382).
MEN’S ASSOCIATION. Tomorrow evening Monday the 24th will see our last meeting of the winter session. The meeting will start with the A.G.M. and will be followed by presentations from John Ferguson and Dennis Johnston. I am sure this will be a most interesting and enjoyable meeting and look forward to our usual good attendance.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 2nd April at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
CONCERT – AYR & PRESTWICK LIONS: present Cantanti in the Auld Kirk Church Hall, Ayr, on Friday 28th March at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £5 are available at the door.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart)
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs Joan Kirk (Stn 14) and Mrs Mary McLean (Stn 16)
Our warmest sympathy and prayers are extended to Mr and Mrs John Morrison of Cowan Crescent, Ayr, on the death of their daughter, Catherine. The funeral service took place on Thursday.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr : St Columba Church, a congregation of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we gather to worship God, share fellowship and friendship, and challenge each other to grow in faith. Grounded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, we strive to discern God’s will for our day and further embody Jesus’ mission of justice, peace and compassion. Led by the Holy Spirit, our faith is constantly in dialogue with the world. We are a vibrant, progressive, thriving community of faith, and whether you simply attend on a Sunday morning, join one of our groups, attend a Bible study, or help with some outreach work, there is something here for everyone.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Denis Grier and Mr. Ronald Brash.
SUNDAY 23rd March 2014 – Third in Lent
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 4 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
WE EXTEND THANKS to Mr. David Mackay who is deputising for Matthew at the Organ for both services today.
WE EXTEND THANKS to Mr. Bill McCulloch who is acting as Beadle this morning in Michael’s absence.
OUR ASSOCIATE, the Revd David Ness, is on holiday for the next two weeks.
ASSISTANT MINISTER: the Session Clerk informs the Congregation that by mutual agreement with the Kirk Session, the contract of Dr. Gonzalez-Garcia will be drawn to a close on 30th April 2014 and that he will be on leave of absence until that time.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £73.59. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
ELDERS: who have not uplifted their Conference invitation are asked to check their pigeonhole today.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
THE ANNUAL BUSINESS meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm, followed by tea in the Session Room.
HALL LET MEETING: notice is given of the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 – this will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees, particularly if your Group is not represented.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB Mon 7th to Fri 11th April 2014 (9:30am to 12:30): Volunteers are urgently required for Easter Holiday Club and if you can help, even one morning, please give your name & contact details to Malcolm or to the office. Thank you.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION. Committee members are reminded that there will be a meeting in the Session Room tomorrow evening the 17th at 7 p.m. END OF SESSION LUNCH is being held in the Carrick Lodge Hotel on Wednesday the 2nd April (12.30 for 1pm). Would any member wishing to attend who has not yet booked please contact the Secretary on 443793.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – long life milk, juice, tinned vegetables, tinned meals, custard, jam, instant mash, puddings, microwave rice and sweets. Thank you.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 19th March at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
THE GUILD: Our final meeting is on Monday 17/3/14 at 7.15pm. This will be our AGM, followed we are delighted to announce, by Alistair Swan’s "Window on the World". It is the season of significant birthdays and we have another to celebrate at this meeting. Look forward to our last evening of friendship and fellowship for 2013/14 session.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the April edition should be with the editor by Sunday 23th March 2014. Where possible articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mrs. Helen Greig, Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Revd. & Mrs. David Ness, Mr. Iain McCrae
SUNDAY 16th March 2014 – Second in Lent
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 3 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
ASSISTANT MINISTER: the Session Clerk informs the Congregation that by mutual agreement with the Kirk Session, the contract of Dr. Garcia- Gonzalez will be drawn to a close on 30th April 2014 and that he will be on leave of absence until that time.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £73.59. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.
THE ANNUAL BUSINESS meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm, followed by tea in the Session Room.
HALL LET MEETING: notice is given of the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 – this will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees, particularly if your Group is not represented.
LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB Mon 7th to Fri 11th April 2014 (9:30am to 12:30): Volunteers are urgently required for Easter Holiday Club and if you can help, even one morning, please give your name & contact details to Malcolm or to the office. Thank you.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: special requests for this week are – long life milk, juice, tinned vegetables, tinned meals, custard, jam, instant mash, puddings, microwave rice and sweets. Thank you.
THE MONDAY CLUB: on 10th March we will be holding another fund raising evening for our two charities and Ronnie Russell will entertain "Laughter Lines again " tickets available at a cost of £4.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 19th March at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
THE GUILD: Ayr Presbyterial Spring Rally is on Thursday 13th March at 2.00pm in Dalmellington Parish Church, when the speaker will be Mrs Marjorie Paton, National Convenor of the Guild.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will focus on what the Gospels are saying to us today. Meeting on Wednesday 12th March at 7.30pm in the Session Room when we’ll discuss two of Jesus’ healing miracles in Luke 5, vv 12-26.
COFFEE MORNING: in the Midton Road Hall, hosted by the Inner Wheel (Alloway), 10am – noon Saturday 15th March – in aid of SeAscape and The Trussell Trust. Tickets are available at the door.
MEN’S ASSOCIATION; Tomorrow evening the 10th sees a change of speaker. This will be our last visiting speaker and Frank Murray will enlighten us on "ALFRED NOBEL AND THE AYRSHIRE CONNECTION" I would appreciate it if members would let me know of any potential speakers for next winter.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart)
AYR HOSPITAL: Miss Alice Montgomery (Stn.11), Miss Mattie Murdoch (Stn 15), Mrs. Beryl Robertson (Stn. 3) and Mr. Frank Young (Stn. 8)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Charlotte who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Dr. Helen Hunter,Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Graham Hamilton, Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. May Kerr, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mrs. Morag Bryden and Mrs. Kirsty Muirhead.
SUNDAY 9th March 2014 – 1st Sunday in Lent
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected in February was £73.59. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £1.80.
THE ANNUAL BUSINESS meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm, followed by tea in the Session Room.
HALL LET MEETING: notice is given of the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 – this will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees, particularly if your Group is not represented.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: foodbank still urgently need tinned meals, tinned veg, jam, custard, small sugar, packets of noodles and rice, long life milk and diluting juice Thanks to everyone for their support.
THE MONDAY CLUB: on 10th March we will be holding another fund raising evening for our two charities and Ronnie Russell will entertain "Laughter Lines again " tickets available at a cost of £4.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Wednesday 5th and 19th March at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
THE GUILD: Daffodil Tea, this an annual event will be held on Monday 3rd March 2014 at 2.00pm, when we will be entertained by three musicians, Sheila, Mary and Tom "SMT". We also will be joined by ladies from various other Guilds, so we look forward to a happy afternoon.
World Day of Prayer is on Friday 7th March 2014 at 2pm in Ayr: St. James Church Prestwick Road Ayr. The service "Streams in the Desert" has been written by Christian Women of Egypt.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay)
AYR HOSPITAL: Miss Catherine Banks (Stn 11); Miss Alice Montgomery (Stn11 );Mrs. May Kerr (Stn 3)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Liz Seath (Ward 5a)
THANK YOU: Mrs. Jessie W. Davidson wishes to thank the Ministers of St. Columba and Lochside, The Guild, Hospitality, the +80’s flower convenor and the many friends in the Congregation for the flowers, gifts and cards she received on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
Our sincere sympathy is extended to Fiona, Alison and the family, daughters of George Rae of Temple House, Mossblown and formerly of Dunure who died this past week. The funeral will be held next Friday, 7th March, at 12noon in the Church, thereafter at 1.00p.m. at Dunure Cemetery. Our condolences are extended to the friends of Mrs. Freda Auty, Malin Court, formerly of Carrick Avenue, who died on Thursday, the funeral service will be held on Tuesday, 4th March, at 10.30 at Masonhill. Our warmest sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Gordon McNeil and family of Sunningdale Drive on the death of Gordon’s father. The funeral service will take place at Masonhill on Thursday first, 6th March, at 11.15a.m.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark and Mr. & Mrs. William Pettigrew.
SUNDAY 2nd March 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
WEDNESDAY SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION – 26th February 2014 at 2.00pm
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Dr. Gonzalez – Garcia is unable to return to work at present. We continue to keep him and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected during January was £64.95. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
THE TRUSTEES: are asked to note that the meeting for the Approval of the Accounts for 2013, will be held in the Church on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30pm. The Annual Business meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm. ADDITIONAL item for the Agenda – The Assistant Minister.
HALL LET MEETING: notice is given of the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 – this will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees, particularly if your Group is not represented.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Special request this week – tinned meals, tinned vegetables, jam, custard in addition to milk and diluting juice and ongoing essentials.. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of others.
THE MONDAY CLUB: Christine Logan will be speaking on Monday 24thFebruary – the topic is "Why are Hats so Expensive" . We look forward to welcoming the ladies of the Guild who will join us. At our meeting on 10th March we will be holding another fund raising evening for our two charities and Ronnie Russell will entertain "Laughter Lines again " tickets available at a cost of £4.
MENS ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow night Monday the 24th our Guest Speaker will be Bill Rogers whose presentation will be, "Preserving our Heritage with The National Trust of Scotland".
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will focus on what the Gospels are saying to us today. On 26th February from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will explore the Call of the First Disciples, as depicted in Luke’s Gospel. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (01292 678463) or Rev. John Matthews (01292 264382).
LEADERSHIP SEMINAR: for all Church leaders on Friday 28 February in St. Ninian’s Church, Prestwick 9.30am – 4.30pm. The Seminar will be run by the Josiah Leadership. Further details are on the noticeboard – please let the Office know if you wish to attend. The cost for the day is £30.
ABBAS REST ORPHANS {ARO} (www.abbarest.org) is a wonderful little local charity supporting at present 213 orphans in Malawi. A local young Christian girl, Tambudzai, runs the project very efficiently. She is supported here in Scotland by Trustees and sponsors. ARO is currently in need of assistance with Admin; Gift Aid etc. If anyone would like to help and / or is interested in finding out more about us, please contact Muriel Wilson 264939.
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Mary McDill (Urquhart) and Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Ms Alice Montgomerie, Mrs. Isobel Stewart and Mr. Bill Caven.
SUNDAY 23 February 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 12 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Dr. Gonzalez – Garcia is unable to return to work at present. We continue to keep him and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected during January was £64.95. The recipient for 2014 will be Diabetes (UK), the leading charity that cares for every person affected or at risk of diabetes. There are 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes, and the estimated 850,000 who are unaware that they have the condition!
THE TRUSTEES: are asked to note that the meeting for the Approval of the Accounts for 2013, will be held in the Church on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30pm. The Annual Business meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm
HALL LET MEETING: notice is given of the Hall Let meeting for 2014/15 – this will be held on Tuesday 25th March at 7.00pm in the Session Room. As a new system will be implemented it is imperative that all organisations send a representative to the meeting. While every effort will be made to honour historical lets – there are no guarantees.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Urgently needed – long life milk, diluting juice, cartons of juice, and tinned meals. Foodbank is having to buy these items at the moment. Ongoing essentials are tinned vegetables, packets of noodles or pasta in sauce. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of others.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: the next meeting will be on Wednesday 19th February at 2pm in the Session Room. All welcome.
THE GUILD: meets on Monday 17th February 2014 at 7.30pm for an evening of Musical Entertainment by Tom Raffel and friends and a Birthday Celebration will also be taking place!!! If you are new to the congregation, please do not feel it is too late in the session to join us, come along and meet us in friendship and fellowship.
LUNCH CLUB: will meet on Friday 21st February in Cathcart Street Hall from 12 noon – 1.30pm. Excellent homemade meals at very reasonable prices … please drop in and enjoy good food and fellowship. All proceeds are given to our Hospice.
LEADERSHIP SEMINAR: for all Church leaders on Friday 28 February in St. Ninian’s Church, Prestwick 9.30am – 4.30pm. The Seminar will be run by the Josiah Leadership. Further details are on the noticeboard – please let the Office know if you wish to attend. The cost for the day is £30.
AYR: Mrs. Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn. 9) and Mrs. Dorothy Simpson (Stn. 12)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Mary McDill (Urquhart) and Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay)
We extend sincerest sympathy to Isobel, Wilma and all the family of Mr Matthew Knox, Crossgates Care Home, Kilmarnock, who died last week. The funeral was held at Patna Cemetery on Friday. The funeral service for Mrs Nan Allison of Creggan Bahn Care Home, who died this past week, age 100, will take place tomorrow, Monday, 17th February at 2.00p.m. at Masonhill. Our warmest thoughts are extended to her son, David, and the family in Cumnock.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Ryan who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Isobel Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Swinn, Mrs. Fiona Boyd and in memory of Mrs. Janet Burgess.
SUNDAY 16 February 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 11 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. John McCrone
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a third month. We continue to keep him and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected during January was £64.95. The recipient for 2014 will be announced following the upcoming Kirk Session meeting.
THE TRUSTEES: are asked to note that the meeting for the Approval of the Accounts for 2014, will be held in the Church on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30pm. The Annual Business meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will focus on what the Gospels are saying to us today. On 12th February from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room we will continue to reflect on ‘Scenes from the Life of Jesus and their relevance for today’, as portrayed in Luke’s Gospel. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (01292 678463) or Rev. John Matthews (01292 264382).
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: there is an urgent need for diluting juice (750ml), long life milk, tinned meals, small sugar, Coffee, packets of noodles, packets of pasta in sauce.. The Foodbank are having to buy many of these items at the moment. Also the ongoing essentials are tinned vegetables, custard, snacks/sweets. Thank you all so much for your unstinting and continuing support.
THE FLOWER TEAM’S next meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th February at 7.30 in the Carrick Room , when we will make up the rota for the next few months. Any new members will be made most welcome. If you are unable to attend the meeting could you please phone 442584, or email me , anne@uglyduckling.demon.co.uk , with your availability.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: the next meeting will be on Wednesday 19th February at 2pm. All welcome.
BURNS SUPPER: Saturday 15th February – please note the correct time – 6.45pm for 7pm in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets sold out!
THE MONDAY CLUB: meet tomorrow at 7.30 when the speaker will be Mr Ian Hilderley. Iain will give us an insight into his work as a "Campus Cop" .
THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: tomorrow evening, 10 February our own David Waters will tell us about his "3 months in Borneo with Raleigh International". This is sure to be an interesting evening so come along and support this young man.
AYR: Mrs. Jo Cameron (Stn. 5) and Mrs. Dorothy Simpson (Stn. 16)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Mary McDill (Urquhart) and Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay)
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker,Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart.
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Jean Johnston, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Mrs. Joyce Kennedy.
SUNDAY 9 February 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a third month. We continue to keep Dr. Joel and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: The total collected during January was £64.95. The recipient for 2014 will be announced following the upcoming Kirk Session meeting.
KIRK SESSION: will meet at 7.30pm at Cathcart Street Hall on Thursday 6th February, 2014
THE TRUSTEES: are asked to note that the meeting for the Approval of the Accounts for 2014, will be held in the Church on Tuesday 25th February at 7.30pm. The Annual Business meeting for the Congregation will be held in the Church on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: there is an urgent need for diluting juice (750ml), long life milk, tinned meals, small sugar. The Foodbank are having to buy these items at the moment. Also the ongoing essentials are tinned vegetables, custard, snacks/sweets. Thank you all so much for your unstinting support.
THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.
HOLY LAND: If you are planning to join the Minister and the Revd David Watson on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land on September 3rd 2014, would you please let the Minister have your deposit (Cheque £200 per person, made payable to McCabe Pilgrimages), along with the completed form, by tomorrow. BA must have final numbers by 5th February. Thank you so much.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: the next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th February and then Wednesday 19th February. This would set these meetings to the already agreed days of 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month which should not clash with other events too often.
BURNS SUPPER: Saturday 15th February – please note the correct time – 6.45pm for 7pm in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets sold out!
THE GUILD: The Guild meets on Monday 3rd February 2014 at 2.00pm when we hear from two of our ladies Jessie Davidson and Emily Haggerty of their experience of attending the Annual Guild Rally. Their memories will be accompanied by a recording of the highlights of the rally. Looking forward to seeing you at this, one of our afternoon meetings.
AYR: Mrs. Jo Cameron (Stn. 5)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Mary McDill (Urquhart), Mrs Jean Harkness (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart)
We extend our sympathy and support to the family of Mr. Ian Low, Lochlea Drive, the funeral was held last Friday; and to the family of Mrs. Margaret Medlaw of Airlie House, the funeral will be held on Wednesday first at 2pm at Masonhill.
THANK YOU: The Savage family are very grateful for all the cards, telephone calls and good wishes delivered during Lillias’s recent stay in hospital. In no small measure, these are all contributing to Lillias’s steady return to better health.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – we warmly invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table today, all who love Him and are members of any branch of His Church. A special welcome if you are visiting our Church for the first time today, whether you are seeking faith, visiting Ayr on holiday or business, or looking for a congregation to join, we are pleased to have you with us today. We are a diverse fellowship, seeking to be a vital Christian presence in the heart of Ayr. We try to make the love of Jesus known in our town through our worship, preaching, prayer, fellowship, service and openness to the Holy Spirit. ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray below the handle. There will be a Retiring Offering today for Lochside Church
Team 6: Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Robbie Park, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown
Team 7: Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald
Team 8: Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone,Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Minister, Miss Janette Otterson and Mrs. Cathy Wilson
SUNDAY 2 February 2014
9.30am Family Service – Duty Team 9 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
6.30pm Evening Worship in the Centenary Aisle
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a third month. We continue to keep Dr. Joel and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: December’s donations totalled £113.82 resulting in a total figure of £1443 being sent to Hansel Village in 2013.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Happy New Year – this week’s essentials are tinned meals of any kind, Long-life Milk and Small bags of sugar. Your continued support is highly valued by the Food Bank. Thank you. THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.
HOLY LAND: If you are planning to join the Minister and the Revd David Watson on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land on September 3rd 2014, would you please let the Minister have your deposit (Cheque £200 per person, made payable to McCabe Pilgrimages), along with the completed form, by 14th February. Thank you so much.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: dates of upcoming meetings are – Wednesday 5th February and then Wednesday 19th February. This would set these meetings to the already agreed days of 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month which should not clash with other events too often. All are most welcome.
BURNS SUPPER: Saturday 15th February – 6.45pm for 7pm in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets sold out! WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will begin on 29 January from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room. The focus will be ‘Scenes from the Life of Jesus and their relevance for today’, as portrayed in Luke’s Gospel. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (01292 678463) or Rev. John Matthews (01292 264382).
MENS ASSOCIATION. Tomorrow evening the 27th Members are invited to come and see and hear about Britain’s First "Clear Sky Observatory" based at Craigengillan Estate, near Dalmellington. MONDAY CLUB: tomorrow evening’s meeting will be entitled "Zumba Gold" and will be led by Christine Jarvis – all welcome.
AYR: Mrs Jean Harkness (Station 10), Mrs. Jo Cameron (Stn. 6) and Mrs. Molly Cross (Stn. 14) GOLDEN JUBILEE, CLYDEBANK: Mrs. Lillias Savage
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Mary McDill (Urquhart) and Mrs. Irene Lumsden (Urquhart)
The funeral service for Mrs. Brenda Watt of Lindfern Place, Ayr took place on Thursday. Our prayers are extended to the family.
THANK YOU – Jean Harkness would like to thank the Ministers, her elder and the ladies of the Congregation for visits and cards which are so welcome during her stay in hospital.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Aimée who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Younger Family.
9.30 am – Team: 6 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart – Crèche in the Midton Room.
9.30 am Sunday School and Bible Class
11.15 am – Team: 7 – Sound: Mr. George McMillan – Crèche in the Midton Room.
6.30 pm – Team: 8 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a third month. We continue to keep Dr. Joel and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: December’s donations totalled £113.82 resulting in a total figure of £1443 being sent to Hansel Village in 2013.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Happy New Year – this week’s essentials are tinned meals of any kind, Long-life Milk and Small bags of sugar. Your continued support is highly valued by the Food Bank. Thank you.
THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.
THE COMMUNION LINEN TEAM: will meet in the Church on Saturday 25th January at 10.30am
HOLY LAND: If you are planning to join the Minister and the Revd David Watson on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land on September 3rd 2014, would you please let the Minister have your deposit (Cheque £200 per person, made payable to McCabe Pilgrimages), along with the completed form, by 14th February. Thank you so much.
THE GUILD: the topic for tomorrow’s meeting will be "A Life and Legacy – Irvine Lassies Burns Club
CONCERT: Iain White and Amie Aitken present a Concert in aid of The Tumaini Fund, Scotland, in Ayr Town Hall on Sunday 26th January at 7.00 pm. Tickets are free and are available from the Office.
PARENTS & TODDLERS: there are three groups that meet on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10am – 11.30am. There are lots of toys and games for the children and tea and coffee for the parents. If you have babies or toddlers under the age of 3 please come along and join us.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: After discussion with those who were present at the Afternoon Bible Study last Wednesday, 8th January, it was decided that, because of various events occurring in the Church calendar in the next few weeks on a Wednesday, we should restart these meetings on Wednesday 5th February and then Wednesday 19th February. This would set these meetings to the already agreed days of 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month which should not clash with other events too often.
BURNS SUPPER: Saturday 15th February – 7.30pm in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets are on sale after both services today priced £20 and are very limited.
Can the Gospels still shape our lives? A Wednesday Evening Bible Study will begin on 29 January from 7.30-8.30pm in the Session Room. The focus will be ‘Scenes from the Life of Jesus and their relevance for today’, as portrayed in Luke’s Gospel. For more information, contact Bryce Hartshorn (01292 678463) or Rev. John Matthews (01292 264382).
LUNCH CLUB: the next meeting will be on Friday 24th January – 12 noon – 1.30pm. Excellent, inexpensive menu available to suit all tastes. You are cordially invited to come along and enjoy lunch in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We look forward to welcoming you!
AYR: Mrs Jean Harkness (Station 10) and Mrs. Molly Cross (Stn. 14)
We extend our sympathy to John and David Wilson and their families on the death of their mother, Margaret of Kyle Court, the Service of Thanksgiving at 12noon on Friday 24th January, will follow a private cremation.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Alastair and Mrs. Anne Swan and Mrs. Irene Bartholomew and Mrs. Chrissie Luke.
SUNDAY 19 January 2014
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 5 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a third month. We continue to keep Dr. Joel and his family in our prayers.
20s IN THE PEWS: December’s donations totalled £113.82 resulting in a total figure of £1443 being sent to Hansel Village in 2013.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Happy New Year – this week’s essentials are tinned meals of any kind, Longlife Milk and Small bags of sugar. Your continued support is highly valued by the Food Bank. Thank you.
THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.
HOLY LAND: If you are planning to join the Minister and the Revd David Watson on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land on September 3rd 2014, would you please let the Minister have your deposit (Cheque £200 per person, made payable to McCabe Pilgrimages), along with the completed form, by 14th February. Thank you so much.
MONDAY CLUB–The speakers at our meeting tomorrow evening are Mr. and Mrs Cormack Brown who will present an illustrated talk on "The Ayrshire Pilgrims’ Trail"–a new faith journey along an ancient path. We look forward to welcoming members of the MEN’S ASSOCIATION as our guests on this occasion.
DRIVER: there is an urgent need for a driver to bring a member from Belmont Road to the 9.30 am Service. If you are able to help please contact Elizabeth-Ann Stewart (convenor) on 261272 or the Office.
CONCERT: Iain White and Amie Aitken present a Concert in aid of The Tumaini Fund, Scotland, in Ayr Town Hall on Sunday 26th January at 7.00 pm. Tickets are free and are available from the Office.
CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS: To the generous folk of St Columba Church and the many visitors, we extend a very big thank you for the wonderful response in the Offering at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, when the total was £5,500. This sum will be divided between the Disasters Emergency Fund for the Philippines and the situation in Syria, and "Silverline", a new phone line for the elderly and lonely.
CONGRATULATIONS!: we extend our very warmest congratulations to one of our young Mum’s Mrs. Eileen Granger, who has been awarded the MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List for her sterling work in Fundraising for CLIC Sargent and raising the awareness of childhood cancers. Well done!
PARENTS & TODDLERS: there are three groups that meet on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10am – 11.30am. There are lots of toys and games for the children and tea and coffee for the parents. If you have babies or toddlers under the age of 3 please come along and join us.
AYR: Mrs. Mae Gamble (Stn. 16), Mrs Jean Harkness (Station 10) and Mrs. Margaret Wilson (HDU)
THE BEADLE, Michael, would like to thank everyone who took time to send him cards and gifts at Christmas. Your kindness is very much appreciated.
WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Finlay who will be baptised at the 10.30am Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope
SUNDAY 12 January 2014 – Second Sunday of Christmas
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 4
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship
To the generous folk of St Columba Church and the many visitors, we extend a very big thank you for the wonderful response in the Offering at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, when the total was £5,500. This sum will be divided between the Disasters Emergency Fund for the Philippines and the situation in Syria, and "Silverline", a new phone line for the elderly and lonely.
OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a second month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.
KIRK SESSION MEETING: there will be a meeting of the Kirk Session following the 10.30am Service this morning. The Agenda is available to uplift from Elders’ pigeonholes.
20s IN THE PEWS: December’s donations totalled £113.82 resulting in a total figure of £1443 being sent to Hansel Village in 2013.
FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Most needed items this week are Jam, tinned meals, small bags sugar and 750ml diluting juice but extremely grateful for everything and anything received.
THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.
HOLY LAND: If you are planning to join the Minister and the Revd David Watson on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land on September 3rd 2014, would you please let the Minister have your deposit (Cheque £200 per person, made payable to McCabe Pilgrimages), along with the completed form, by 14th February? Thank you so much.
THE GUILD: The first meeting in 2014 is tomorrow Monday 6th January at 7.30pm, when we look forward to learning of the work of the Vine Trust. Mr Grant Young will be talking on the "Street Boys of Peru". It will be good to be together again in this new year with old and new friends.
AYR: Mrs. Mae Gamble (Stn. 16) and Mrs Jean Harkness (Station 10)
THE MINISTER is very appreciative of the mountain of cards and Christmas greetings which have arrived at the Manse. Thank you so much.
Our sincerest sympathy and prayers are extended to Mrs. Elizabeth Roger and the family, Kerse Park, Alloway, on the death of her Mum, Mrs. Mary Eaglesham, of Prestwick. The service of thanksgiving is in the Church on Thursday 9th January at 12.30, followed by the committal at Prestwick Cemetery.