7 August 2016

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. We are a congregation drawn from all parts of Ayr and beyond, and we come together to worship and to take part in all kinds of Christian service in the community. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place! A very special welcome to the families of Ella, Nathan and Sophie who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir and The Waugh Family.

SUNDAY 14 August 2016
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team: 11 – Sound: Mr. John Crone

No St. Columba Kids & Bible Class – Summer holiday

11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

20’s IN THE PEWS: 20s for July – the total is £242.96. This includes an anonymous donation of £122.00 which was raised by the knitting and selling of poppies. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Combat Stress at Hollybush House, Ayr.

THE SERVICE OF DEDICATION of our new Peal of Bells will take place on Sunday 14th August at 9.30 am. The Bells, cast and fitted by Taylors of Loughborough, are gifted in memory of Miss Edna, Miss Chrissie and Miss Jean Semple, all very faithful members of our Congregation, and to mark the 25th Anniversary of Fraser’s Ministry here at St. Columba.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor today Sunday 7th August 2016. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com

FOODBANK: Thank you for your continued support. All foods are very gratefully accepted (please no beans or soup) but long life milk, diluting juice, tinned meals, tinned  fruit and vegetables, small packets of rice, packets of pasta in sauce. biscuits, jam, coffee are most needed!

“OASIS”: Drop in cafe, Struthers’ Room this Thursday 10.30 – 12.00. A place to relax, a place to chat, bring a friend! Come when you can, leave when you want. Morning papers available. A team of volunteers has been secured to allow the Café to continue during the summer months.

MUSIC CONCERT – SATURDAY 20th AUGUST 2016. To support Heather and Keith’s fundraising for the Ayrshire Hospice as they trek the Great Wall of China – by Luath (Keith’s folk band); and also featuring Stuart and Nicola  McKinlay and the Parkhills. Donation tickets of £5, which includes a half time interval refreshment.

ST COLUMBA HOLIDAY CLUB – Come and join the fun in the church halls. Olympic-themed games, songs and choruses, Bible stories, arts and crafts and Olympic-sized challenges! 8-12 August for children aged 4-12. We are still looking for volunteers for this holiday club. Please see Graeme or Irene in the office if you can help out.

ANNIVERSARY LUNCH: The lists with all the names attending the lunch are available for checking in the Midton Road Hall. You are kindly asked to make sure your name is on the list and tick to say you have read. PLEASE DO NOT tick anyone else’s name without their knowledge, and please do not make any changes to the list. If changes are required please notify Jane Hunter on 01292 281013

AFTERNOON TEA – Ayrshire Hospice Fundraiser: at Seamill Hydro on Thursday 18th August. The bus will leave Church at 12.30pm. Enquiries to Jean Stewart 263343.

MESSY CHURCH: Messy Church will be held on Saturday 20th August, 4-6pm.  Times of worship, prayer, fellowship, games, crafts and challenges and will finish with a 2 course meal.  It is suitable for all ages, with all adults requiring to be accompanied by a child!  All welcome.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Eddie Ecrepont (Stn.12), Miss Betty Murray (Stn.7) and Mr. Allan Boyle (Stn. 14)
THE BIGGART: Mrs Irene Wybar (Urquhart) and Mr Alec Morton (Drummond)

Sympathies and prayers are extended to the family of Mr. James Glass, Patna The funeral was held at Masonhill last Thursday.