Thursday 26 August
The Paralympic Games began on Tuesday in Tokyo involving hundreds of inspirational disabled athletes from many different countries and including a team of refugees. Pray for all taking part in these Games, for their helpers and the Games organisers. The Covid pandemic has spiked again in several places in Japan. Pray for the safety and good health of all involved in the Games.
Pray for our Cub Scouts resuming their activities tonight in person after all the months of being unable to meet face to face and for the Beavers and Scouts also resuming tomorrow evening. Give thanks for those who give up time and energy to lead our children and young people in Scouting’s wide range of worthwhile activities asking that they may be blest in all that they do.
Friday 27 August
This morning the friendship walk, organised by the Worship, Mission and Outreach Committee of the Kirk Session takes place, starting at 10.30 a.m. at St Quivox Church, Auchencruive and finishing up at the home of Helen and Tony Greig at St. Quivox for a bowl of soup. The Session Clerk and Church Secretary will be joining them for this special meeting. Pray for an enjoyable time of healthy exercise in good weather and happy fellowship.
Saturday 28 August
As social life has opened up for many again, with the easing of restrictions, weddings are once more taking place on Saturdays as many usually did, some involving our own youngsters. Pray for all being married today, for those ministers and Deacons conducting the services and for couples embarking on a lifetime’s commitment to one another. Ask God to bless the young folk at this special and happy time in their lives, that they may take seriously the vows they will make today; and bless their families and friends as they support them.
Sunday 29 August
Pray for all those who will attend and conduct worship today, whether in church or online and for our Sunday Kids whose second meeting of the new session takes place this morning.
On this particular Sunday, the whole Church of Scotland is asked to focus on the work of its monthly “house” magazine: Life & Work which, for 140 years, has aimed to communicate church news, inform, educate, entertain and sometimes even provoke the membership of the Church to debate and action. Pray for those who produce the magazine, edit and write articles, and distribute it in their congregations and communities to those who subscribe to it, including our own Hazel Steele. Pray for more of our members and friends to take out a regular subscription. (For more details of the history and range of the magazine, see its website at lifeandwork.org)
Monday 30 August
Give thanks for all who contribute to and staff the food banks in Ayr, especially the one which runs at our Lochside Church. Pray for all who have to use food banks, especially those with families or who have no work or regular income. Pray for an end to the situations which have led them to be in this position of need, asking that no one should go hungry in this day and age.
Tuesday 31 August
As another month ends, give thanks for all that we have been able to enjoy in the summer now drawing to a close, not least the mostly good weather with which we have been blest in this country. However, we know that other countries have continued to struggle with searing heatwaves, floods, forest fires, people having to flee their homes because of the dire situations in countries like Afghanistan, Haiti, Syria and Israel and places where there have been other disasters and disruptions. Pray for those reaching out to help all those in such places : that they may have sufficient supplies to meet medical and other needs, bringing healing and help to exhausted, traumatised people. Pray especially for children orphaned in these places of crisis: that there may be those available to comfort them and bring them hope.
Wednesday 1 September
As the tragedy in Afghanistan unfolds, we pray in our helplessness for all the people in their despair, for those on the ground doing their best to help, including our troops, and for forgiveness for those who have caused this disaster, that they will take responsibility and learn from their mistakes.