Sunday 16 August 2020 – ‘Jesus and the Canaanite Woman’

Lesson                         St Matthew 15: 21 – 28 We live in unsettled and unsettling times.   The virus has brought all sorts of stresses to everyday life.   At home and abroad, there is political upset and upheaval.   Far from being safer and more stable, the world seems more dangerous and volatile.   There are personal sadnesses also, including … Read more

Sunday 26 July 2020

Many thanks to our Associate Minister David for this week’s Sermon Amos 8: 1 – 10  /Matthew 13:  31 – 35           We are certainly living in difficult and uncertain times.  Who knows when things will ever return to normal.  Perhaps we will have to get used to a new normal.  Covid 19 has devastated … Read more