Darwin Day

Sermon Sunday 16 February 2020 ‘Darwin Day’ Lessons Genesis 1: 1 – 5, 24 – 27 St John 1: 1 – 5 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Wisdom of God, Creative Spirit, Life-Giver, at home among the stars, in the seas’ depths and the darkness of the human soul, inspire us afresh, fill us … Read more

Christ nailed to the cross

Lessons 1 Corinthians 2: 1 – 12 St Matthew 5: 13 – 20 Prayer of Illumination Calm us, O Lord. For a time, let distractions melt away and in the beauty and stillness of this sanctuary may we rest awhile soaked in Eternity’s stillness. Amen. In his first letter to the church at Corinth, the … Read more

The Myth of Simeon and Anna

Lessons Malachi 3: 1 – 4 St Luke 2: 22 – 40 Prayer of Illumination Open our hearts, O God, to the movement and leading of Your Holy Spirit. May Your hand rest upon us, sustaining and comforting us. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen., They brought Jesus up to the temple. His … Read more

Call of the Disciples

Sermon Sunday 26 January 2020Sacrament of Holy Communion Lesson St Matthew 4: 12 – 23 Prayer of Illumination Rock of our life, Guardian of the soul, help us to rest in You. Bless us with the medicine of meditation that we may be one with You and resolute in our devotion and affection for You. … Read more


Sermon Sunday 12 January 2020 Baptism of Jesus Lessons Isaiah 42: 1 – 9 St Matthew 3: 13 – 17 Prayer of Illumination Bless our meditations. Through the written word may we encounter the Living Word. Amen. Jesus arrived at the Jordan. In the Tanakh, in the Old Testament book of Joshua, the Hebrew slaves, … Read more

The Twelve Magi of Shir

Sermon Sunday 5 January 2020 Epiphany Lessons Isaiah 60: 1 – 6 St Matthew 2: 1 – 12 Where did the ‘wise men’ come from? What do we make of the star, the star that stopped over where the Child was? What about Herod: why is he in the story? In Matthew’s Gospel, there is … Read more


Sermon                Sunday 29 December 2019 Lessons                Isaiah 63: 7 – 9                       St Matthew 2: 13 – 23 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Holy God, guide and companion to every pilgrim, every soul-seeker; journey with us this day.   Grant us insight, strength and spiritual nourishment.   Amen. ‘An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in … Read more

Dreaming Dreams

Sermon Sunday 22 December 2019 Lessons Romans 1: 1 – 7 St Matthew 1: 18 – 25 Prayer of Illumination Holy God, in this advent season of hope, open our eyes to Your Spirit. May we see and hear You through our reflective wanderings, our meditations, on sacred Scripture. Amen. Mary was betrothed to Joseph. … Read more

Pilgrimage and Poetry

Sermon Sunday 15 December 2019 Lessons Isaiah 35: 1 – 10 St Matthew 11: 2 – 11 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Fire our imagination, Holy God, that we may hear and see You in new and unexpected places. Be to us a God of surprises; open us to Your Presence and leading. Amen. … Read more

John the Baptist

Sermon                                                                                                Sunday 8 December 2019 Lessons                        Isaiah 11: 1 – 10                      St Matthew 3: 1 – 12 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Through the labyrinth of Scripture, the pathways of spiritual journey, we seek Your blessing on our reflections and meditations.   With each step, may we draw ever nearer to You.   Amen. This morning … Read more