Advent Apocalypse?

Sermon Sunday 1 December 2019 Lessons Isaiah 2: 1 – 5 St Matthew 24: 33 – 44 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. O Lord, place into our hearts a desire to please You. Help all our endeavours this day and every day. Strengthen us that we may run the race of faith, and overcome … Read more

What sort of ‘king’ is Christ?

Sermon Sunday 24 November, 2019 Christ the King Lessons Colossians 1: 11 – 20 St Luke 23: 33 – 43 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Holy God, whose Light shines upon us, shine into our hearts, that our lips may praise You, our lives may bless You and our meditations may glorify You; through … Read more

Tragedy and Meaning

Sermon Sunday 17 November 2019 Lessons Isaiah 65: 17 – 25 St Luke 21: 5 – 19 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. May the calm and peace, the shalom, of Your Spirit pervade our souls. May we be still and, through music, word and silence, sense Your Presence saturating all things. In the Name … Read more

10 November 2019

Sermon Remembrance Sunday 2019 Lessons Romans 8: 31 – 35 St John 15: 9 – 17 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Bless our reflection and meditation. May the love of Jesus fill our hearts to overflowing so that our deepest desires be shaped and driven by justice, integrity and peace. Amen. Prime Minister Herbert … Read more

Sunday 3 November

Sermon Sunday 3 November 2019 All Saints’ Lessons Ephesians 1: 11 – 23 St Luke 6: 20 – 36 Prayer of Illumination Let us pray. Sacred Spirit, Holy God, may we be at one with You, aware of Your warmth in the darkness of the soul, Your embrace of love, sustaining us. Amen. November 1 … Read more