Intimations – 16th July 2017

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: Here at St Columba, you will find a warm welcome from committed Christian people who are serious about their faith journey but also enjoy having a good time. You will find passionate worship, which seeks to incorporate both the traditional and the new, and preaching that tries hard to make the Scripture message relevant to our daily living. If you want a Church that will honour your journey of faith and challenge you to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the place for you, and we are delighted to welcome you. Let no one feel a stranger in this place! A very special welcome to the family of Dylan who will be baptised at the Service this morning.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullarton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid,                 Mrs. Nancy Mortimer, Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Heather Fullarton, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Bob Templeton, Mr. Peter G Macdonald
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Bill and Mrs. Jean McCulloch and Mr. John McBride
SUNDAY 23rd July 2017
9.30 am Family Worship Duty Team: 8                    Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am HOLIDAY – No St. Columba Kids & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship                                          Sound: Mr Drummond Cameron
OUR MINISTER– although signed off for a few more weeks, Revd. Fraser is a little stronger this week and misses everyone dreadfully. We continue to remember him in our prayers.
OFFICE: Irene will be on holiday until 23rd July and is most grateful to Ann Naismith and Margaret Doncaster who are holding the “fort” in her absence.
20’s IN THE PEWS: total collected in June is £129.26. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Parkinson’s Scotland.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.50.
ORGAN CONCERT – in Church on Sunday 16 July at 7pm -Admission Free. There will be a Retiring Offering. Recital by Alessandro Bianchi, St. Paul’s Basilica, Cantu, Italy. Playing Works by Boellmann, Bossi, Chuckerbutty, Graf, Willscher and Young. It is a privilege to welcome such a renowned organist to our Sanctuary.
“OASIS”: The Summer drop in cafe is open to everyone – please bring a friend! Meeting every Thursday 10.30-12.00 in the Struthers’ Room, this is a place to relax, a place to chat! The morning papers are available.
TITANIC EXPERIENCE VISIT: Due to a cancellation, we have one place left for the trip to Belfast on Wednesday 16th August, leaving the Church at 9.30 am. Anyone interested should contact the office as soon as possible.
‘LOOKING UP’ – many thanks to all who supported the fundraiser at 7 Kyle Centre on Saturday 1st July. The sum raised was £400!! Everyone is pleased. The next intake of stock for the first Saturday in August is Wednesday 2nd August. Please note all goods should be brought to the shop, entering from the Mall (not to Lochside) between 10am and 2pm.
AHOY THERE LANDLUBBERS! We are running a holiday club from 24th–28th July in the Midton Road Hall, from 10 – 12noon. As pirates, we will be searching for hidden treasure on a desert island, where we hope to find the greatest treasure of all – knowing Jesus. All kids aged between pre-school to P7 are welcome to come along for a week full of games, crafts, songs, stories, snacks and challenges! We are looking for a willing crew to help make our holiday club happen – if you think you can help on any of the days, please contact Kerrie on 07450 291 762.
LOCHSIDE: Project 5000 So far over the past two weeks, 2016 rolls have been prepared and consumed!
HELP is required to spread rolls each weekday morning in the kitchen at Lochside 9 – 11 am
HELP is also required on the bus to hand out lunches, as it travels to the four hubs of Lochside, Newton, Dalmilling and James Brown Avenue. 12 -2 pm Please contact Rachel Stafford on 07564 841 706 if you can help this vital project.
COLUMBA NEWS; Material for the next edition should be with the editor by Sunday 6th August. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:
AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. David Burton (Stn. 16), Mr. Sam McNair (Stn. 2) and Mrs. Theresa Crone (Stn. 6)
THE BIGGART: Major Sandy Goodwin (Urquhart) and Mr. Charlie Symington (Urquhart)