Intimations Archive 2013

29 December 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Isla who will be baptised at the 10.30am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mrs. Helen Greig, Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Dick Dunlop

SUNDAY 5 January 2013 – EPIPHANY
9.30 am No Early Service
10.30 am Morning Worship – Duty Team 3 – “At the gate of the year” – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Dennis Johnston

OFFICE CLOSED: Wednesday 25th December – Thursday 2nd January inclusive

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a second month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

KIRK SESSION MEETING: there will be a meeting of the Kirk Session following the 10.30am Service on Sunday 5th January. The Agenda is available to uplift from Elders’ pigeonholes.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for November is £145.13.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Most needed items this week are Jam, tinned meals, small bags sugar and 750ml diluting juice but extremely grateful for everything and anything received.

THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.

AYR: Mrs. Elaine Flannigan (Stn. 1), Mrs. Jo Cameron (Stn. 8) and Mrs. May Gamble (Stn. 16)

THE MINISTER is very appreciative of the mountain of cards and Christmas greetings which have arrived at the Manse. Thank you so much.

THE OFFICE STAFF thank everyone who has taken time to send cards, gifts and season’s greetings. They are all very much appreciated.

Our warmest sympathy and prayerful support are extended to the family of Mr Alan Miller of Holmston Road, Ayr, who died last Sunday. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill Crematorium on Tuesday, 31st December at 1.15p.m

22 December 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Dr. Helen Hunter,Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Graeme Hamilton, Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Swan, Mrs. Laraine Christian and Mrs. Rine Kidd.

9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
1.15 pm Congregational Lunch at Western House Hotel, Ayr

CHRISTMAS EVE – Tuesday 24th December
7.00p.m. Family Carol Service by Candlelight – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.45p.m. Church doors open
11.30p.m. “Midnight at the Manger”

CHRISTMAS DAY – Wednesday 25th December
10.30a.m. Family Service – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan

No Early Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.30a.m. Morning Worship (Sacrament of Baptism)
11.30a.m. Holy Communion

OFFICE CLOSED: Wednesday 25th December – Thursday 2nd January inclusive

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a second month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for November is £145.13.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Most needed items this week are Jam, tinned meals, small bags sugar and 750ml diluting juice but extremely grateful for everything and anything received.

THE FLOWER CALENDAR for 2014 is now available in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers for a particular Sunday, please add your name and telephone number to the calendar. We are so grateful to all our donors for their generosity.

AYR: Mrs. Elaine Flannigan (Stn. 1) and Mrs. Jo Cameron (Stn. 8)
CANNISBURN, GLASGOW ROYAL: Mr. Frank Young (Ward 49)

THE MINISTER is very appreciative of the mountain of cards and Christmas greetings which have arrived at the Manse. Thank you so much.

THE OFFICE STAFF thank everyone who has taken time to send cards, gifts and season’s greetings. They are all very much appreciated.

We are very proud that Michael, our Beadle, received the South Ayrshire Young Achiever’s Award this past week. Our warmest congratulations to him! Michael’s week was saddened by the passing of his Gran on Thursday and we surround him with our prayers and affection.

15 December 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Max who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. John Halliday, Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Irene Morrison and Mr. John Davidson & Family.

9.30 am Family Service – Sunday School Nativity – Duty Team 12 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
4.30 pm Readings and Carols followed by Mulled wine and Mince pies – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan

9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
1.15 pm Congregational Lunch at Western House Hotel, Ayr

HOLY COMMUNION: The Wednesday afternoon Service of Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday 18th December at 2pm

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a second month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for November is £145.13.

MUSIC for ADVENT: played by David Mackay. The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm on Thursday 19 & Friday 20 December. Please come and go as you please!

CHRISTMAS SERVICES: VOLUNTEER Duty Teams are required for all the Christmas Services and for the Organ open days. Anyone willing to assist please give your name to the Office.

ELDERS: PLEASE uplift your copies of the Columba News for immediate delivery as they contain all the Christmas information. FWO envelopes are also ready for collection and delivery. Thank you.

COLUMBA NEWS: due to printers holidays material for the New Year edition should be with the editor by today 15th December 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

THE MONDAY CLUB: the Christmas Party will be held tomorrow at 7.30pm in the Midton Road Hall. You are warmly invited to attend.

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow evening the 16th Dec. John Walker will enlighten us on the workings of the “Guildry and the Common Good Fund”

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Most needed items this week are Jam, tinned meals, small bags sugar and 750ml diluting juice but extremely grateful for everything and anything received.

CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Sunday 22 December: will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale in the Carrick Park vestibule. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing

LOCHSIDE “MESSY CHURCH”: Monday 16th December 6.15 – 7.30pm. Urgent request for volunteers and donations of home baking for this evening where parents and others interested are invited to attend.

AYR: Mrs. Elaine Flannigan (Stn. 1)
BEATSON CANNISBURN: Mr. Frank Young (Ward 49)

Congratulations and warm wishes to Mr and Mrs. David Knox who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary earlier this month.

8 December 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Gregor who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Margaret Goodwin, Mrs. Alison Edwards, Mrs. Fiona Boyd and Mr. Bill Duncan.

9.30 am Family Service – Sunday School Nativity – Duty Team 12 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
4.30 pm Readings and Carols followed by Mulled wine and Mince pies – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan

HOLY COMMUNION: The Wednesday afternoon Service of Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday 18th December at 2pm

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for November is £145.13.

MUSIC for ADVENT: The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm on Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 and on Thursday 19 & Friday 20 December.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES: VOLUNTEER Duty Teams are required for all the Christmas Services and for the Organ open days. Anyone willing to assist please give your name to the Office.

ELDERS: PLEASE uplift your copies of the Columba News for immediate delivery as they contain all the Christmas information. FWO envelopes are also ready for collection and delivery. Thank you.

COLUMBA NEWS: due to printers holidays material for the New Year edition should be with the editor by 15th December 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

CONCERT – “CARRY the LIGHT”: an evening of festive entertainment from The Salvation Army Gospel Choir and guests, tonight at 5.30pm in Castlehill Church. Free admission.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week’s requests – cartons of juice, tinned meals, packets potato mash, small tins vegetables, diluting juice 750ml, and small 500g bags sugar. Thank you for all your support.

THE GUILD: The ladies of the Guild wish to thank their friends in the congregation for the wonderful support of the recent Guild Christmas Coffee Morning, when the magnificent sum of £1,800 was raised. Our last meeting of 2013 is tomorrow Monday 9th December at 2.00pm, when we welcome back the Salvation Army Songsters, which will be very uplifting and therapeutic. See you there!

CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Sunday 22 December: will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale in the Carrick Park vestibule. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing

LOCHSIDE “MESSY CHURCH”: Monday 16th December 6.15 – 7.30pm. Urgent request for volunteers and donations of home baking for this evening where parents and others interested are invited to attend.

AYR: Mrs. Freda Auty (Stn 10)

Our warmest sympathy and prayerful support are extended to Mrs Elaine Kerr, Tweed Street, and the family, on the passing of Elaine’s aunt, Mrs Ella Mathie, of Berelands Care Home Prestwick. Ella was one of our oldest members. The funeral took place on Friday morning; the funeral service for Mrs Rachel Gibbons of Citadel Place who died last Monday will take place on Thursday 12th December at 11.15 at Masonhill – we extend our warmest thoughts to her granddaughter, Mrs Pamela Patrick, and all the family.

1 December 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Grace who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley,Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Dorothy Wilson and Mrs. Joan Christison

SUNDAY 8 December 2013 – SECOND in ADVENT
9.30 am Family Service Duty Team 11 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. David Campbell

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.
OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, the Revd David, will be away on holiday until the 4th December.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for November is £145.13.

SHELTER BOXES: What a wonderfully generous response from our congregation last Sunday. The amazing sum of £3,235.03 was raised from both Services. Deepest thanks to all who contributed!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – in addition to the regular products there is a need for tinned sponge puddings and jam. Everything gratefully received. Many thanks for your continued support.

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow night Monday the 2nd December members and friends are invited to come along and join us as Dr Mike Blair will give a presentation in slides and music which shows off the Scottish Landscape at its very best. Anyone requiring transport should contact me (George Templeton) on 443793.

ELDERS: PLEASE uplift your copies of the Columba News for immediate delivery as they contain all the Christmas information. FWO envelopes are also ready for collection and delivery. Thank you.

COLUMBA NEWS: due to printers holidays material for the New Year edition should be with the editor by 15th December 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

CONCERT – “CARRY the LIGHT”: The Salvation Army Gospel Choir and guests, invite you on Sunday 8th December at 5.30pm in Castlehill Church, to an evening of festive entertainment. Admission is free and there will be a collection for Charity.

FESTIVE SOUP LUNCH: unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Lunch due to take place today has had to be postponed. Apologies to all.

AN AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: on Wednesday, 4 December at 2.00p.m. Come join with us in an informal meeting where we can read and discuss the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives and in the world today. All welcome.

THE MONDAY CLUB: tomorrow 2nd December at 7.30pm there will be a Make-up Demonstration by Elaine Hutton of Arcana Spa. All welcome.

AYR: Mr. John Caddis (Stn. 8)

DATES for your DIARY!
All tickets will be sold in the Carrick Park Vestibule after the Services.

Friday 6 December: there will be a Concert entitled “AND ON EARTH PEACE” at 7.30pm. This is the third visit from the Celebration Choir and promises to be an excellent evening. Tickets priced £5 (including refreshments) will be on sale after services in the Carrick Park vestibule.

Saturday 14 December: Sunday School Parties.

Sunday 15 December: 9.30 am – Sunday School Nativity
11.15 am – Morning Worship
4.30 pm – Service of Readings and Carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine

Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 December: Organ Music for Advent. The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm

Thursday 19 & Friday 20: Organ Music for Advent

Sunday 22 December: CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale from today. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing.

24 November 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Iain McCrae, Mrs. Fiona Davidson, Mrs. Jean Rosamond and Mrs. Madge Stephen

9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.00 am Kirk Session
11.15 am Morning Worship – Admission of New Communicants – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

THE MINISTER will be unavailable from Monday 25th – Wed 27th November inclusive. The Revd. David Gemmell of The Auld Kirk will cover pastoral duties.

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, the Revd David, will be away on holiday until the 4th December.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for October is £105.80

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – small bags of sugar, small packets rice, and any kind of tinned meals. Everything gratefully received. Many thanks for your continued support.

THE GUILD: At our meeting on Monday 25th at 7.30pm, the speaker will be Mr David O’Reilly from Hesselhead Wildlife Rescue Centre. Looking forward to being with friends old and new, to hear and learn of the work of the centre.

GUILD COFFEE MORNING: Saturday 30th November 10 am to 12 noon Guild Christmas Coffee Morning. Tickets priced £2.00 will be on sale after each service in the Carrick Park entrance, thank you in anticipation of your support.

POPPY SCOTLAND: The retiring offering for Poppy Scotland on Remembrance Sunday was £624.00. A big thank you to everyone who contributed.

AYR: Mr. John Caddis (Stn. 8), Mr. Bill Hamilton (HDU), Mrs. Freda Auty (Stn14) and Mrs. Barbara McLean (Stn.4)
WEDNESDAY COMMUNION; Wednesday 27th November at 2.00 p.m. followed by tea.

DATES for your DIARY!
All tickets will be sold in the Carrick Park Vestibule after the Services.
Sunday 1st December: Festive Soup Lunch at 12.30om
Friday 6 December: there will be a Concert entitled “AND ON EARTH PEACE” at 7.30pm. This is the third
visit from the Celebration Choir and promises to be an excellent evening. Tickets priced £5 (including refreshments) will be on sale from 24th November.
Saturday 14 December: Sunday School Parties.
Sunday 15 December: 9.30 am – Sunday School Nativity
11.15 am – Morning Worship
4.30 pm – Service of Readings and Carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine
Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 December: Organ Music for Advent. The Sanctuary will be open for quiet
Thursday 19 & Friday 20: Organ Music for Advent meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm
Sunday 22 December: CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale from Sunday 1st December. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing

Mr. Hugh Brown would like to thank everyone in the Men’s Association and Congregation for their warm support, messages and cards received on the passing of Irene. Each one is most sincerely appreciated.

Our warmest sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Theresa Brackenridge of Glenfairn Care Home who died last week. The funeral took place on Friday.

17 November 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach. A very special welcome to the family of Myles who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by the McHarg Family.

SUNDAY 24 November 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 9 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

OUR ASSISTANT MINISTER, Joel, is unwell and has been signed off work for a month. We extend our warm thoughts to him and the family.

OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, the Revd David, will be away on holiday until the 4th December.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for October is £105.80

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – small bags of sugar, small packets rice, and any kind of tinned meals. Everything gratefully received. Many thanks for your continued support.

THE MONDAY CLUB: meet tomorrow, 18 Nov, when we are hosting a panel night with invited guests, Revd. Liz Crumlish, Deputy Provost Mary Kilpatrick, Mr Graeme McKinstry & Mr. Peter G Macdonald.

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Mon 18 Nov at 7.30 pm: John Rattenbury on “Ayrshire Lighthouses”. All welcome

AN AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: on Wednesday, 20 November at 2.00p.m. Come join with us in an informal meeting where we can read and discuss the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives and in the world today. All welcome.

THE AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT “Christmas Craft and Coffee Afternoon” raised over an amazing £1500 on 9th November. It is your support and help that makes this such a successful and enjoyable event. Many thanks to all concerned.

AYR: Mr. John Caddis (Stn. 8), Mr. Bill Hamilton (HDU) and Mr. Ian Christison(Stn. 1)
ROSS HALL: Mr. Iain McFadzean

DATES for your DIARY!
All tickets will be sold in the Carrick Park Vestibule after the Services.

Saturday 23 November: Seniors Scottish Afternoon Tea. Midton Road Hall 2.30 – 5.00pm

Sunday 1st December: Festive Soup Lunch at 12.30om

Friday 6 December: there will be a Concert entitled “AND ON EARTH PEACE” at 7.30pm. This is the third visit from the Celebration Choir and promises to be an excellent evening. Tickets priced £5 (including refreshments) will be on sale from 24th November.

Saturday 30th November: Guild Christmas Coffee Morning 10 – 12 noon. Tickets £2 on sale after each service.

Saturday 14 December: Sunday School Parties.

Sunday 15 December: 9.30 am – Sunday School Nativity
11.15 am – Morning Worship
4.30 pm – Service of Readings and Carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine

Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 December: Organ Music for Advent. The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm

Thursday 19 & Friday 20: Organ Music for Advent

Sunday 22 December: CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale from Sunday 30th November. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing.

A service of celebration for the life of Mr Jim Houston of Windyhall Care Home, and formerly of Longlands Park, will be held tomorrow, Monday, at 1.15p.m. at Masonhill – our warmest sympathy is extended to his son, Jim, daughter Norma, and their families.

A service of thanksgiving for the life of Mrs Anna Waugh of Maybole Road, will be held on Tuesday first, at 1.15p.m., at Masonhill. Our sincerest affection and prayerful support are extended to her husband, Derek, her daughter, Lynn and son Peter.

10 November 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Ann Aitchison, Mr. & Mrs. Ian Reid, Mrs. Yvonne Russell and Mrs. Louise Speed.

SUNDAY 17 November 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 8 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, the Revd David, will be away on holiday from tomorrow for three weeks.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for October is £105.80

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the November edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Christmas edition should be with the editor today 10thNovember 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – long life milk, small sugars, individual small packets rice or noodles, small 40 tea bags, and sponge puddings. There is a special need for smaller packets of everything suitable for single people. Many thanks for your continued support.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm. Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

ROUTE HOPE 2013: For young folk from SI on, an evening of fun and games ending with a gig by the Royal Foundlings, a well-known Christian band, is being held by the Presbytery of Ayr at St Andrew’s Church, Park Circus, Ayr on Saturday 16 November from 7:00pm to 10.00pm. Opening Worship at 6:00pm. See poster in Carrick Park vestibule for full detail. All welcome to come along. Volunteers required.

THE GUILD: At our meeting on Monday 11th November 2013 at 7.30pm, we are happy that we will be joined by the gentlemen of The Men’s Association. Our speaker – Dr Jane Chestnut whose subject is “Life’s a Gas -the History of Anaesthesia, Past and Present”. Looking forward to being together, in friendship and fellowship once again.

CHRISTMAS GLAMOUR: A flower demonstration in West Kilbride Parish Church with Enid Reid on Thursday 21st November at 7.30pm in the Brisbane Suite, Seamill Hydro Hotel. Tickets £10. Full details on the notice board. Enid has arranged flowers for the 2012 Christmas edition of Downton Abbey and for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in Glasgow Cathedral.

SCOUT GROUP: our Scout Group are collecting the “WISH” tokens from the Ayrshire Post to raise funds for the Group – please support them by cutting out the tokens and placing them in the box provided in the Carrick Park vestibule. Thank you!

AYR: Mrs. Dorothy Wilson (Stn.8), Mr. John Caddis (Stn. 8) and Mr. Bill Hamilton (Stn. 1)

DATES for your DIARY!
Saturday 23 November: Seniors Scottish Afternoon Tea. Midton Road Hall 2.30 – 5.00pm

Sunday 1st December: Bible Class Soup Lunch

Friday 6 December: there will be a Concert entitled “AND ON EARTH PEACE” at 7.30pm. This is the third visit from the Celebration Choir and promises to be an excellent evening. Tickets priced £5 (including refreshments) will be on sale from next Sunday 13 November.

Saturday 14 December: Sunday School Parties.

Sunday 15 December: 9.30 am – Sunday School Nativity
11.15 am – Morning Worship
4.30 pm – Service of Readings and Carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine

Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 December: Organ Music for Advent. The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation from 12 noon – 2.00pm

Sunday 22 December: CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be held at Western House Hotel at 1.15pm. Tickets priced £25 to include a welcome drink, two course lunch and a glass of wine with your meal. Tickets on sale from Sunday 30th November. Our afternoon will end with some carol singing.

3 November 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Robbie Park, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Margaret McClymont, Mrs. Nancy Taylor, Mrs. Agnes Gemmill and Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod.

We extend a very warm welcome to our Guest Preacher this morning, the Revd. Neil Urquhart, of Fullerton Church, Irvine.

SUNDAY 10 November 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 7 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 am No Sunday School & Bible Class – our young people are encouraged to attend the Family Service at 9.30pm
10.50 am Morning Worship – The Act of Remembrance – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
Please note early start to include the 2 minute silence.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for October is £105.80

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the November edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Christmas edition should be with the editor next Sunday 10th November 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow evening Monday 4th November sees the return of Kara Craig by popular request. Following her excellent talk last year on her visit to Papua and New Guinea she will tell us of her follow up visit to Chile. We have been delighted to welcome 6 new members this year so why not come along and join us.

THE MONDAY CLUB: are holding a Coffee Evening tomorrow Monday 4th November at 7.30pm. The entertainment will be provided by members of the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra. All proceeds will be donated to MND and CLIC Sargent and your support for this event would be much appreciated.

ELDERS – Please note that ALL the pigeonholes have been reassigned. You are asked to stop in the vestibule and find where you are now located.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – long life milk, small sugars, individual small packets rice or noodles, small 40 tea bags, and sponge puddings. There is a special need for smaller packets of everything suitable for single people. Many thanks for your continued support.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm. Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls next Saturday, 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

CHRISTMAS GLAMOUR: A flower demonstration in West Kilbride Parish Church with Enid Reid on Thursday 21st November at 7.30pm in the Brisbane Suite, Seamill Hydro Hotel. Tickets £10. Full details on the notice board. Enid has arranged flowers for the 2012 Christmas edition of Downton Abbey and for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in Glasgow Cathedral.

SCOUT GROUP: our Scout Group are collecting the “WISH” tokens from the Ayrshire Post to raise funds for the Group – please support them by cutting out the tokens and placing them in the box provided in the Carrick Park vestibule. Thank you!

AYR: Mrs. Dorothy Wilson (Stn.8) and Mr. John Caddis (Stn.8)

Our warmest sympathy and prayers are extended to Mr. George McCabe and the family of Craigie Way on the death of Ray, a loving wife, Mum and Gran. The funeral was held on Thursday

27 October 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – we warmly invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table today, all who love Him and are members of any branch of His Church. A special welcome if you are visiting our Church for the first time today, whether you are seeking faith, visiting Ayr on holiday or business, or looking for a congregation to join, we are pleased to have you with us today. We are a diverse fellowship, seeking to be a vital Christian presence in the heart of Ayr. We try to make the love of Jesus known in our town through our worship, preaching, prayer, fellowship, service and openness to the Holy Spirit.

ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray.

There will be a Retiring Offering today for the ongoing work at Lochside Church

Team 3: Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope.
Team 4: Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. Ian Cathcart, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone.
Team 5: Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. & Mrs. Colin Naismith and Mrs. Janette Fraser.

SUNDAY 3rd November 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 6
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship
12.30 pm Communicant’s Class
4.00 pm Service of Remembrance
6.30 pm Evening Service

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for September is £158.86

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SUNDAY 3rd NOVEMBER at 4p.m. in the Centenary Aisle, there will be a short act of worship, remembering loved ones who have died. This service will be designed specifically for reflection and prayer, with short readings and times for quiet meditation. You will have the chance to light a candle to remember someone dear.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the Christmas edition should be with the editor on 10 November 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

THE GUILD: Our next time of friendship and fellowship, on Monday 28th October is one of our afternoon meetings, which starts at 2.00pm. The speaker will be Miss Muriel Wilson, whose talk “Life and Work as a Deacon” will be most interesting and enlightening. We look forward to being together, particularly with our afternoon ladies.

ELDERS – Please note that ALL the pigeonholes have been reassigned. You are asked to stop in the vestibule and find where you are now located.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week – long life milk, small sugars, individual small packets rice or noodles, small 40 tea bags, and sponge puddings. There is a special need for smaller packets of everything suitable for single people. Many thanks for your continued support.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm. Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls on Saturday 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

MONDAY CLUB: are holding a Coffee Evening on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm. The entertainment will be provided by members of the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra. All proceeds will be donated to MND and CLIC Sargent and your support for this event would be much appreciated.

AYR: Mrs. Dorothy Wilson (Stn.8) and Mr. John Caddis (Stn.8)

The service of thanksgiving for the life of Mrs Joan Mitchell, formerly of Creggan Bahn Care Home, and who moved south to be nearer family, will be held on Friday 8th November at 2.45p.m. at Masonhill. Our warmest sympathy is extended to her son, Bob, and all the family.

Helen and John Caddis would like to thank all the Church family for the kindness and care shown to them during their recent health concerns. All the cards, flowers, phone calls and visits are greatly appreciated.

Miss Ena Bryan, formerly of Laughlanglen Road, is now resident in The Queen’s Care Home in Prestwick

20 October 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Betty McLellan, Mrs. Pearl Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacCallum and Mr. Gordon Tiley

9.30 am – Team: 3 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart – Crèche in the Midton Room.
9.30 am – Sunday school and Bible Class
11.15 am – Team: 4 – Sound: Mr. George McMillan – Crèche in the Midton Room
6.30 pm – Team: 5 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan

Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church


NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS will meet this Sunday at 12.30pm

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for September is £158.86

ELDERS – please look at the Communion Duty lists in the glass cabinet in the Carrick Park vestibule and confirm your availability. Also please uplift Columba News and Communion Cards immediately – for delivery ahead of the Services of Holy Communion next Sunday.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SUNDAY 3rd NOVEMBER at 4p.m. in the Centenary Aisle, there will be short act of worship, remembering loved ones who have died. This service will be designed specifically for reflection and prayer, with short readings and times for quiet meditation. You will have the chance to light a candle to remember someone dear.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … long life milk, small sugars, individual small packets rice or noodles, small 40 tea bags, and sponge puddings. There is a special need for smaller packets of everything suitable for single people. Many thanks for your continued support.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm. Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

PHOTO-COPYING: due to problems which have arisen from inappropriate use of the Office machinery all future copying must be handled by the Office staff. Anyone with material to copy should hand it in to the office the week prior to requirement. Please note that there will be no copying of non -Service material done on Friday mornings. We apologise for any inconvenience.

MARY’S MEALS DAY will be held on Sunday 10th November in The Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Come and hear first hand accounts of the amazing work being done by this charity. Free places can be booked through the Office. Please let Irene know if you are interested before 27th October.

THE MONDAY CLUB look forward to hearing Mr Billy Herd who is the speaker tomorrow evening. He will tell us of the work of CLIC Sergeant, one of our two nominated charities for this session. Members and friends are also reminded of our Coffee Evening on Monday 4th November when entertainment will be provided by members of Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra. Tickets are on sale price £5

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls on Saturday 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

AN AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will take place fortnightly from Wednesday, 23rd October, 2013, at 2.00p.m. Come join with us in an informal meeting where we can read and discuss the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives and in the world today. All welcome.

THE COMMUNION LINEN TEAM will meet in the Church next Saturday, 26th October, at 3.00p.m. (Wedding at 2.00p.m.) to dress the Church.

THE MENS’ ASSOCIATION meet tomorrow evening at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Dr. Waiyin Hatton from “Sports disability”. A most interesting evening. All welcome.

AYR: Mrs. Dorothy Wilson (Stn.8)

Our sympathies are extended to the family of Mrs Nancy Kelly of Gavin Hamilton Court, funeral arrangement still to be finalised.

13 October 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Graeme Hamilton, Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Janet Wilson, Mrs. Helen Mackay and Mrs. Mary Macallan.

SUNDAY 20 October 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Holiday – No Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
12.30 pm Communicants Class

OUR ASSISTANT Dr Gonzales Garcia is on holiday from 12th October till 21 October.
OUR ASSOCIATE Revd. David Ness is preaching at Prestwick South , this morning.

HARVEST THANKSGIVING: our most sincere thanks are extended to everyone who very kindly donated to the Harvest Appeal. The sum of £2,189.15 will be distributed through Christian Aid to some of the poorest areas of our world where there has been no harvest.

NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS will meet this Sunday at 12.30pm

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for September is £158.86

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: A meeting for all now interested in going to the Holy Land in September 2014 will be held in the Session Room on Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … long life milk, juice, and rice puddings, thank you.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

PHOTO-COPYING: due to problems which have arisen from inappropriate use of the Office machinery all future copying must be handled by the Office staff. Anyone with material to copy should hand it in to the office the week prior to requirement. Please note that there will be no copying of non -Service material done on Friday mornings. We apologise for any inconvenience.

GUILD: Following, a happy and stimulating talk by Revd. Fraser Aitken for our dedication service, our next meeting is Monday 14th October at 7.30pm, when we are to be whisked off to Manila. Mrs Fay Reid will tell us of her Memories of Manila. Remember ladies of the challenge of our minister, new tables each meeting!

MONDAY CLUB: Tickets, priced £5 each, are now available from members of the Monday Club for their Coffee Evening on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm when entertainment will be provided by members of the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra. All proceeds will be donated to MND and CLIC Sergeant and your support for this event would be much appreciated

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls on Saturday 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

ST COLUMBA CURLING COME AND TRY DAY – Ayr St. Columba Curling Club are holding a ‘Come and Try Day’ at Ayr Ice Rink, Limekiln Road, Ayr today, Sunday 13th October 2013 at 1.30pm. Anyone interested in trying curling should contact Duncan McCallum, Secretary on 01292 261243. There is No Charge.

AN AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will take place fortnightly from Wednesday, 23rd October, 2013, at 2.00p.m. Come join with us in an informal meeting where we can read and discuss the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives and in the world today. All welcome.

AYR: Mrs. Faye Mackay (Stn. 14) and Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn 9)

6 October 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. John Halliday, Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. John Crone, Mr. & Mrs Alan Hawthorn and Mrs. Dorothy Hutcheson

9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell
12.30 pm Communicants Class

NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS will meet this Sunday at 12.30pm

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for September is £158.86

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the October edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: A meeting for all now interested in going to the Holy Land in September 2014 will be held in the Session Room on Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … long life milk, juice, and rice puddings, thank you.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

FLOWER TEAM :The next meeting of the Flower Team will be held on Wednesday 9th October, 7.30 in the Carrick Room. Old and new members warmly welcomed and we will be making up the rota into the new year. Special thanks to all the donors for their generous support which enables our team of willing and enthusiastic flower arrangers to adorn the Sanctuary so beautifully each week.

MONDAY CLUB: Another session begins tomorrow evening, Monday 7th October at 7.30pm when we will have a demonstration of autumn flower arranging by Cranberry Flower Boutique of Cathcart Street. An interesting syllabus has been prepared and the committee extend a very warm welcome to returning members and to any ladies who would like to share fellowship with us on Monday evenings.

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls on Saturday 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

ST COLUMBA CURLING COME AND TRY DAY – Ayr St. Columba Curling Club are holding a ‘Come and Try Day’ at Ayr Ice Rink, Limekiln Road, Ayr on Sunday 13th October 2013 at 1.30pm. Anyone interested in trying curling should contact Duncan McCallum, Secretary on 01292 261243. There is No Charge.

AN AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY: will take place fortnightly from Wednesday, 23rd October, 2013, at 2.00p.m. Come join with us in an informal meeting where we can read and discuss the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives and in the world today. All welcome.

AYR: Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14), Mrs. Faye Mackay (Stn. 14) and Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Miss Ena Bryan (Urquhart)

Our sincerest sympathy is extended to Dr Eric Irving and the family, Seafield Drive, on the sudden passing of Lorna, a dear wife and mum. The funeral service took place last Thursday.

Congratulations to Mr Jim and Mrs Jane Symington who celebrated their Golden Wedding this past week

The Church of Scotland Charity No. SC014338

29 September 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian Congregation that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peterson and Mrs. Nan Conway and Mrs. Marilyn Miller

SUNDAY 6 October 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 12 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown
12.30 pm New Communicants Class
6.30 pm Evening Service Duty: Scouts

NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS will not meet this Sunday.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for August is £78.27

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: A meeting for all now interested in going to the Holy Land in September 2014 will be held in the Session Room on Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week… long life milk, juice, and rice puddings, thank you.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

FLOWER TEAM: The next meeting of the Flower Team will be held on Wednesday 9th October, 7.30 in the Carrick Room. Old and new members warmly welcomed and we will be making up the rota into the new year. Special thanks to all the donors for their generous support which enables our team of willing and enthusiastic flower arrangers to adorn the Sanctuary so beautifully each week.

CAR BOOT SALE: will be held in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 1pm on Saturday 5th October. Admission including refreshments and home baking is £2. Please telephone the Office (269524) to book a table at £10.

GUILD: The first meeting of our 2013/14 session will be on Monday 30th September at 7.30pm, when Revd. Fraser Aitken will dedicate the work of this session and also talk to us on subject of “Where are we going?” We look forward to being together again with old and new members for our time of friendship, fellowship and of course great speakers.

AYRSHIRE CANCER SUPPORT are holding their Christmas Crafts and Coffee afternoon at Cathcart Street Church Halls on Saturday 9th November from 2 until 4pm.There is a £3 entry fee (children are free)which includes a cuppa and home baking. There are quality local crafters, Christmas cards and calendars and home baking (donations welcome- please call 01563 538008 or 01292 269888)

THANK YOU for your donations to the Harvest Appeal for 2013. Your money will be sent to assist folk in areas of the world where there is hunger and drought.

LUNCH CLUB: the fortnightly Lunch Club will resume on Friday 4th October. Everyone is invited and The Lunch Club Team look forward to welcoming you to this superb facility in Cathcart Street Hall, from i2noon till 1.30pm. Soup, snacks and light meals are all homemade and there is a sales table with jams and gifts to tempt you. Regular proceeds are donated to the Ayrshire Hospice

AYR: Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14), Mrs. Betty Davidson (Stn 10), Mr. David Fraser (Stn. 14), Mrs. Faye Mackay (Stn. 14) and Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn 10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Helen Ramsay (Macmillan) and Miss Ena Bryan (Urquhart)

The Church of Scotland Charity No. SC014338

22 September 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – Welcome to Ayr St Columba! We are part of the Church of Scotland, Presbyterian in government. As a congregation, our faith may be 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We take the Bible, God’s Word, seriously as our main source for living, but we do not take it literally. We like to think of ourselves as a progressive Christian that welcomes diverse people for reflection and action. We unite personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking and spirituality with action. Maintaining an atmosphere where humour, laughter and enthusiasm are present when we gather together, faith and hope and love are at the heart of our worship and our activities. Basing our lives on the faith that, in Christ, all things are made new, we seek to bring the message of Jesus to others, using many avenues of approach.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Marion Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Eccles and Mrs. Anne Drennan.

9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 11 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan

WEDNESDAY COMMUNION: Wednesday 25th September at 2.00pm in the Centenary Aisle

NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS meet in the Centenary Aisle at 12.30pm today.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for August is £78.27

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: A meeting for all now interested in going to the Holy Land in September 2014 will be held in the Session Room on Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm

HARVEST Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday 29th September. Donation envelopes should be delivered with your Columba News – if you have not received one please uplift from the Carrick Park vestibule.

MEN’S ASSOCIATION: A committee meeting will be held tomorrow night Monday the 23rd in the Session Room at 7.00 p.m. This meeting will allow us to make final plan’s for the coming winter session. A good attendance will be appreciated.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … diluting juice, instant noodles, small bags of sugar, small bags of tea bags and any size of custard – tins, cartons or packets. Thank you.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the October edition should be with the editor today 22 September 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

SWEDISH MALE VOICE CHOIR: tonight, Sunday 22nd September at 6pm we will have an opportunity to listen to a Touring Male Voice Choir from Sweden. This 20 strong choir’s repertoire has something for all tastes from Bach to Beatles!

MACMILLAN COFFEE at AYR ST COLUMBA: 27th September in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 3pm. Coffee, Craft stalls and Prize Ticket! Tickets available after the Service and from the Office priced £3.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7:30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

CAR BOOT SALE: will be held in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 1pm on Saturday 5th October. Admission including refreshments and home baking £2. Please telephone the Office (269524) to book a table at £10.

Charity Concert in aid of Victim Support South Ayrshire: “An Evening of Popular Classics”

Gordon Cree, classical pianist Jim Armour & percussionist David Cree will be performing at Holy Trinity Church, Fullarton St., Ayr on Tuesday 24th September at 7.30 p.m. Organisers: Terry Swinn / Annabelle McFadzean / Alec Mooney. Tickets £10 available at the door on the night.

GUILD – Ayr Presbyterial Council – Autumn Rally is on Thursday 26th September 2013 in St James Church Ayr with the speaker being Mrs Julie Griffiths from Alloway Parish Church, who works so enthusiastically with youth. All Guild members are welcome to attend. Our own first meeting will be on Monday 30th September at 7.30pm, when Revd. Fraser Aitken will dedicate the work of the new session and also talk to us on subject of “Where are we going?”

AYR: Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14), Mrs. Betty Davidson (Stn 10) and Mr. David Fraser (Stn. 7)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Mary Robson (Urquhart) and Miss Ena Bryan (Urquhart)

The Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Miss Jean Semple is on Tuesday 24th at 12.15pm at Church, followed by committal at 1.15 at Masonhill. The Service thanksgiving for Mr. Willie Rush of Greenan Way will be in the Church on Wednesday 25th September at 11.00 am, followed by the committal at Ayr Cemetery at 11.45am. Our warmest sympathy is extended to Wilson and Loraine.

Our prayers and warmest sympathy are extended to the family of Mr Bill Kerr of East Park Road who died suddenly this past week. The funeral service is on Friday 27th September at 1.15 at Masonhill.

15 September 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. We work on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Ian McBride and Mr. & Mrs. Tom Connaughton.

SUNDAY 22 September 2013
9.30 am Family Service – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00 am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

NEW COMMUNICANTS’ CLASS will enrol today at 4.00pm in the Session Room

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for August is £78.27

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

HARVEST Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday 29th September. Donation envelopes should be delivered with your Columba News – if you have not received one please uplift from the Carrick Park vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … fruit juice, instant noodles, small bags of sugar, small bags of tea bags and any size of custard – tins, cartons or packets. Thank you.

LUNCH CLUB: there will be a start- up meeting of all the Helpers on Tuesday 17th September at 10.30am in the Session Room. New volunteers most welcome.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the October edition should be with the editor by next Sunday 22 September 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

KNITTING: little hats for Malawi and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available! The group no longer require the Fish ‘n’ chip vests, but are most grateful for all your support.

SWEDISH MALE VOICE CHOIR: on Sunday 22nd September at 6pm we will have an opportunity to listen to a Touring Male Voice Choir from Sweden. This 20 strong choir’s repertoire has something for all tastes from Bach to Beatles!

AYRSHIRE HOSPICE CONCERT – in memory of Joyce Orr -will be held in Church on Saturday 21st September. Music is by Cantanti and Guests at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £5 including refreshments are available after services today and from the Office.

MACMILLAN COFFEE at AYR ST COLUMBA: 27th September in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 3pm. Coffee, Craft stalls and Prize Ticket! Tickets available after the Service and from the Office priced £3.

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club will be held at Lochside Community Centre on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names to Rota in Carrick Park vestibule.

CAR BOOT SALE: will be held in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 1pm on Saturday 5th October. Admission including refreshments and home baking £2. Please telephone the Office (269524) to book a table at £10.

Charity Concert in aid of Victim Support South Ayrshire: “An Evening of Popular Classics”: Gordon Cree, classical pianist Jim Armour & percussionist David Cree will be performing at Holy Trinity Church, Fullarton St., Ayr on Thursday 24th September at 7.30 p.m. Organisers: Terry Swinn / Annabelle McFadzean / Alec Mooney. Tickets £10 on sale after both services in entrance-hall or on night.

AYR: Mrs. Isobel McEwan (Stn. 8) and Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Mary Robson (Urquhart)
CARRICK GLEN: Mrs. Betty Davidson

Our warmest sympathy is extended to Mr Alex McKinlay and the family, Inkerman Court, on the death of his wife, Margaret. The funeral service is tomorrow, Monday, at 12 noon at Masonhill; and to the family of Mr Wylie Horn of Midton Road whose service of thanksgiving will be at Masonhill tomorrow, Monday, at 1.15.

Sincere condolences to the family of Miss Ella Porter of Whinhill Road, Ayr, who died this past week. The funeral service will be held on Saturday 21st at 12noon.

8 September 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. We work on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone,Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Henderson Family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cardie and Mr. & Mrs. David Campbell

SUNDAY 15 September 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 9 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

NEW COMMUNICANTS – enrol next Sunday at 4.00pm in the Session Room

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for August is £78.27

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: this week … instant noodles, small bags of sugar, small bags of tea bags and any size of custard – tins, cartons or packets. Thank you.

LUNCH CLUB: there will be a start- up meeting of all the Helpers on Tuesday 17th September at 10.30am in the Session Room.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the October edition should be with the editor by next Sunday 22 September 2013. Articles should be emailed to the editor at:

KNITTING: little hats for Malawi and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available! The group no longer require the Fish ‘n’ chip vests, but are most grateful for all your support.

ORGAN RECITAL: on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm we are hosting a superb Organ Recital by Ernst Wally, organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Ernst is an organist of international acclaim and this will be his UK debut. We are highly honoured and excited to have been invited to host this event. Admission is Free … with a retiring collection!

SWEDISH MALE VOICE CHOIR: on Sunday 22nd September we will have an opportunity to listen to a Touring Male Voice Choir from Sweden. This 20 strong choir’s repertoire has something for all tastes from Bach to Beatles!

AYRSHIRE HOSPICE CONCERT – in memory of Joyce Orr -will be held in Church on Saturday 21st September. Music is by Cantanti and Guests. Tickets priced £5 including refreshments are available after services today and from the Office.

MACMILLAN COFFEE at AYR ST COLUMBA: 27th September in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 3pm. Coffee, Craft stalls and Prize Ticket! Tickets available after the Service and from the Office priced £3.

GLASS JARS: for the children at CLIC Sargent to paint! There is a box in the Carrick Park Vestibule to collect clean, empty glass jars (jam, pickle etc.) which the children paint and add a tea light to make a Christmas Decoration. Please help this very worthwhile cause which will cost you NOTHING!

LOCHSIDE: A weekly hour long Kids Club is starting at Lochside Community Centre from Monday 9th September 6:30 – 7:30pm . Volunteers, envisaged at 3 per evening, are required. There is a Rota in the Carrick Park entrance hall for those wishing to help. Please add names as available (6:15 – 7:45).

CAR BOOT SALE: will be held in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 1pm on Saturday 5th October. Admission including refreshments and home baking £2. Please telephone the Office (269524) to book a table at £10.

AYR: Mrs. Isobel McEwan (Stn. 8)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Mary Robson (Urquhart)
SOUTHERN GENERAL, GLASGOW: Mrs. Catherine Murray (Ward 65)
GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY (Canniesburn Unit): Mrs Linda Halliday

1 September 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor today, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by the McNair Family, the Love/Whiteford Families and Mrs. Margaret Duncan

SUNDAY 8 September 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team: 8 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for August is £78.27

KIRK SESSION MEETING: the next full meeting of the Kirk Session will be on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm in Cathcart Street Hall. Minutes and Agenda are available today.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the September edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: there is a shortfall in the following items: small bags of sugar (500g), small bags of tea bags (40) and any size of custard – tins, cartons or packets. Thank you

CHOIR: Choir practice will resume on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm. All members and potential members will be most welcome.

LUNCH CLUB: there will be a start- up meeting of all the Helpers on Tuesday 17th September at 10.30am in the Session Room

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available!

ORGAN RECITAL: on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm we are hosting a superb Organ Recital by Ernst Wally, organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Ernst is an organist of international acclaim and this will be his UK debut. We are highly honoured and excited to have been invited to host this event. Admission is Free … with a retiring collection!

MEMORIAL CONCERT for the late Joyce Orr – in aid of the AYRSHIRE HOPSICE – will be held in Church on Saturday 21st September. Music is by Cantanti and Guests. Tickets priced £5 including refreshments are available from the Office.

AYR: Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14) and Mrs. Isobel McEwan (Stn. 8)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Mary Robson (Urquhart)

Monday 2 September: Matthew Hynes – Organ Recital – Ayr Town Hall 12 noon – 1pm
Tuesday 10 September: Organ Recital – Ernst Wally – 7.30pm – Retiring Collection
Saturday 21 September: Memorial Concert for the late Joyce Orr – 7.30pm
Sunday 22 September: Swedish Choir in Concert – 6pm – Retiring Collection

25 August 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the family of Iris who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Robbie Park, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Jessie Aitken, Mrs. Jessie Davidson and Mrs. Betty Gray.

SUNDAY 1st September 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 7 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan
6.30 p.m. Evening Service

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for July is £121.51

SESSION MEETING: the next full meeting of the Kirk Session will be on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm in Cathcart Street Hall.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

KIRK CAFÉ: today is your final opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea between the Services. Very many thanks to all the ladies who have provided this welcoming service throughout the summer.

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: there is a shortfall in the following items: small bags of sugar (500g), small bags of tea bags (40) and any size of custard – tins, cartons or packets. Thank you

ORGAN RECITAL: on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm we are hosting a superb Organ Recital by Ernst Wally, organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Ernst is an organist of international acclaim and this will be his UK debut. We are highly honoured and excited to have been invited to host this event. Admission is Free … with a retiring collection!

MEMORIAL CONCERT for the late Joyce Orr – in AID of the AYRSHIRE HOPSICE – will be held in Church on Saturday 21st September. Music by Cantanti and Guests. Tickets priced £5 including refreshments are available from the Office.

CHOIR: Choir practice will resume on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm. All members and potential members will be most welcome.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available!

AYR: Mr. Dick Dunlop (Stn. 2) and Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Mary Robson (Urquhart)

Our sympathy and thoughts are extended to Mr and Mrs David Drummond and the family, Malcolmson Farm, Hollybush, on the death of David’s mother, Margaret. The funeral service was held on Friday.

Monday 2 September: Matthew Hynes – Organ Recital – Ayr Town Hall 12 noon – 1pm
Tuesday 10 September: Organ Recital – Ernst Wally – 7.30pm – Retiring Collection
Saturday 21 September: Memorial Concert for the late Joyce Orr – 7.30pm
Sunday 22 September: Swedish Choir in Concert – 6pm – Retiring Collection

18 August 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the family of Constance who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Maureen Fullerton, Mr. John Halliday and Mrs. Mary Reid.

SUNDAY 25 August 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team: 6 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 a.m. Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for July is £121.51

SESSION MEETING: the next full meeting of the Kirk Session will be on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm in Cathcart Street Hall.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

ORGAN RECITAL: on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm we are hosting a superb Organ Recital by Ernst Wally, organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Ernst is an organist of international acclaim and this will be his UK debut. We are highly honoured and excited to have been invited to host this event. Admission is Free … with a retiring collection!

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available!

AYR: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 14), Mr. Dick Dunlop (Stn. 2) and Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond)

Monday 2 September: Matthew Hynes – Organ Recital – Ayr Town Hall 12 noon – 1pm
Tuesday 10 September: Organ Recital – Ernst Wally – 7.30pm
Saturday 21 September: Memorial Concert for the late Joyce Orr – 7.30pm
Sunday 22 September: Swedish Choir in Concert – 6pm

11 August 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. Ian Cathcart, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Muir, Mrs. Ann Vance and Mrs. Catherine Overdijking

SUNDAY 18 August 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team5 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Cradle Roll Service – Sound: Mr. David Campbell

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for July is £121.51

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

LOCHSIDE MISSION VOLUNTEERS urgently required for Thursday 15 August. As a follow on to the Holiday Club these additional days have been arranged for the children with a “Messy Church” planned on the 15th for families. Please help 12:00 to 3:00pm – contact Joel in the office or Malcolm Mackay Tel: 264509 or email: Many thanks.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor today Sunday 11th August 2013. All articles should be emailed to the editor at:

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

MONDAY CLUB: The ladies of the committee are reminded of the meeting on Monday first, 12th August, at 7.15pm in the Session Room.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available!

HATS for MALAWI: Jean Stewart wishes to thank members of the Congregation who sponsored this venture. £224.00 was raised and donated to The Lunch Club CHAS Day to help our own little children. The next event is Crosshouse Caps and once again the monies will be given to CHAS at the Lunch Club Sales Table.

THE MINISTER: is organising a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2014. If you would like to consider being part of the Group, please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

AYR: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 14) and Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond)

Our sympathy is extended to Linda and the family on the passing of Mr. Jim Hannah, Belmont Road. The funeral service will be held in the Church on Wednesday 14th August at 2.00 pm, followed by the committal at Masonhill. Support and condolences are also extended to the family of Mrs. Cathie Miller, Holmston Road the funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Thursday first at 12 noon.

4 August 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Helen Craig, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, Mrs. Shauna Jack and in memory of Mrs. Min Monteith.

SUNDAY 11 August 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 4 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for July is £121.51

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the August edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

LOCHSIDE MISSION VOLUNTEERS urgently required for Thursday 8 & 15 August. As a follow on to the Holiday Club these additional days have been arranged for the children with a “Messy Church” planned on the 15th for families. Please help 12:00 to 3:00pm – contact Joel in the office or Malcolm Mackay Tel: 264509 or email: Many thanks.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by next Sunday 11th August 2013. Early copy would be very much appreciated all articles should be emailed to the editor at:

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received. Blanket Pattern now available!

THE MINISTER: is most grateful to the Revd Neil McNaught, the Revd. David Ness, Revd. John Matthews and Dr. Joel for covering for him during his holiday.

HATS for MALAWI: Jean Stewart wishes to thank members of the Congregation who sponsored this venture. £224.00 was raised and donated to The Lunch Club CHAS Day to help our own little children. The next event is Crosshouse Caps and once again the monies will be given to CHAS at the Lunch Club Sales Table.

AYR: Mr. Jim Hannah (Stn. 16), Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 14), Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 16), Miss Ena Bryan (Stn. 16), Miss Jean Semple (Stn. 1) and Mrs. Winnie Alexander (Stn. 10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond)

Mrs Mary Macallan of Seatower is now resident in Creggan Bahn

28 July 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Alec Morton, Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Elaine Kerr.

SUNDAY 4 August 2013
9.30 a.m. – Family Service – Duty Team: 3 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 a.m. – Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. – Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. George McMillan

THE MINISTER is on holiday from Monday 8th July until Monday 29th July. If you require the services of a Minister, please telephone the office. 01292 269524

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for June is £119.95

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

LOCHSIDE MISSION VOLUNTEERS urgently required for Thursday 1, 8 & 15 August. As a follow on to the Holiday Club these additional days have been arranged for the children with a “Messy Church” planned on the 15th for families. Please help 12:00 – 3:00pm – contact Joel or the office.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the September edition should be with the editor by Sunday 11th August 2013. Early copy would be very much appreciated all articles should be emailed to the editor at:

DR. JOEL has begun his visits to young couples and families in the Congregation. Please welcome him to your home.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING: The knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received.

IRONMAN!: we wish Alastair Ness and his daughter Logan the very best of good fortune as they tackle the Ironman and Ironkids competitions today. Details of how you can donate to this fantastic effort are on the Notice Board in the Carrick Park vestibule.

AYR: Mr. Jim Hannah (Stn. 16), Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 14), Mrs. Catherine Murray (Stn. 16), Miss Ena Bryan (Stn. 16) and Miss Jean Semple (Stn. 1)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)

21 July 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Graeme Hamilton, Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Nan Lorimer, Mr. Fraser Walker and Mr. Ken and Mrs Dorothy McConnell (USA) in memory of Dan Craig.

SUNDAY 28 July 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00 a.m. Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

THE MINISTER is on holiday from Monday 8th July until Monday 29th July. If you require the services of a Minister, please telephone the office. 01292 269524

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for June is £119.95

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

DR. JOEL is planning to begin regular visits to young couples and families in the Congregation in the near future. Please welcome him to your home.

WANTED: Lochside Mission Volunteers for four Thursdays, 1:00 to 3:00pm, 25 July, 1, 8 & 15 August. As a follow on to the Holiday Club these additional days have been arranged for the children with a “Messy Church” planned on the 15th for families. If available to help please contact Malcolm Mackay Tel: 264509 or email: Many thanks.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING!: the knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received.

ALASTAIR NESS (son of our own Revd. David Ness) is doing Ironman Zurich on the 28th of July. This involves a 2.4 mile swim in the lake, then a 112 mile bike race and finally a marathon (26.2miles). His daughter, Logan (8) is doing Ironkids: a 100m swim in the lake and a 600m run. They are doing it in memory of Alex Jack, a PE teacher friend who sadly died last year of Motor Neurone Disease, leaving behind his wife and 3 sons. If you would like to give a donation to Motor Neurone Disease Scotland, please go to – or you can text a donation directly to their “Just Giving” page by texting IMZU99 £(any amount from £1 upwards) to 70070. Also please vote for Alastair and Logan (free of charge) at Mountain Warehouse is offering to donate £5000 to charity for the most voted-for challenge.

AYR: Mrs. Helen Caddis (stn. 9) and Mr. Jim Hannah (Stn. 16)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

14 July 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. John Halliday, Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. William McCulloch, Mrs. Jean Lindsay and Mrs. Janice Paterson.

SUNDAY 21 July 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 a.m. Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. David Campbell

THE MINISTER is on holiday from Monday 8th July until Monday 29th July. If you require the services of a Minister, please telephone the office. 01292 269524

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for June is £119.95

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

WANTED: Lochside Mission Volunteers for four Thursdays, 1:00 to 3:00pm, 25 July, 1, 8 & 15 August. As a follow on to the Holiday Club these additional days have been arranged for the children with a “Messy Church” planned on the 15th for families. If available to help please contact Malcolm Mackay Tel: 264509 or email: Many thanks.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!

KIRK CAFÉ: between the services you are invited for a cup of tea and a chat in the Session Room. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and make new ones!

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING!: the knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received.

ALASTAIR NESS (son of our own Revd. David Ness) is doing Ironman Zurich on the 28th of July. This involves a 2.4 mile swim in the lake, then a 112 mile bike race and finally a marathon (26.2miles). His daughter, Logan (8) is doing Ironkids: a 100m swim in the lake and a 600m run. They are doing it in memory of Alex Jack, a PE teacher friend who sadly died last year of Motor Neurone Disease, leaving behind his wife and 3 sons. If you would like to give a donation to Motor Neurone Disease Scotland, please go to – or you can text a donation directly to their just giving page by texting IMZU99 £(any amount from £1 upwards) to 70070. Also please vote for Alastair and Logan (free of charge) at Mountain Warehouse are offering to donate £5000 to charity for the most voted-for challenge.

AYR: Mrs. Helen Caddis (stn. 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

7 July 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Janette Leishman and Mr. Tom Laurie

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Anne McNair and Mrs. Jean Nicolson.

SUNDAY 14 July 2013

9.30 a.m. – Family Service – Duty Team 12 – Sound: Alan Hawthorn
10.00 a.m. – Kirk Café
11.15 a.m. – Morning Worship – Sound: Jim W. Brown

THE MINISTER is on holiday from Monday 8th July until Monday 29th July. If you require the services of a Minister, please telephone the office. 01292 269524

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for June is £119.95

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the July edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: Sincere thanks are extended to Malcolm and Helen Mackay and all the team of volunteers for their sterling efforts with a very successful Holiday Club.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – there are no specific shortfalls this week so please feel free to make contributions of any kind of non-perishable groceries which are greatly appreciated and most welcome but please not Beans or Soup!”

KIRK CAFÉ: starts today between the services, in the Session Room. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING!: the knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received.

AYR: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn 7) and Mrs. Helen Caddis (stn. 9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

Our warmest congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr Bill and Mrs Norma Wallace of Mount Charles Crescent, who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary this past week.

30 June 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – we warmly invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table today, all who love Him and are members of any branch of His Church. A special welcome if you are visiting our Church for the first time today, whether you are seeking faith, visiting Ayr on holiday or business, or looking for a congregation to join, we are pleased to have you with us today. We are a diverse fellowship, seeking to be a vital Christian presence in the heart of Ayr. We try to make the love of Jesus known in our town through our worship, preaching, prayer, fellowship, service and openness to the Holy Spirit.

ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray.

There will be a Retiring Offering today for Lochside Church

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne

Team 9: Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart

Team 10: Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley,Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Revd. & Mrs. Roddy McNidder, Mr. & Mrs. Alan McKinlay, Mrs. Rine Kidd and Mrs. Diana Johnston.

SUNDAY 7 July 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 11 – Sound: Alan Hawthorn
10.00 a.m. No Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: George McMillan

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for May is £92.68

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: Running 10:00am to 1:00pm Mon 1st to Fri 5th July at Lochside Church. Volunteers urgently required to help out one day or more if possible. If available please see or contact Malcolm Mackay Tel 264509 or email:

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – Tinned Tuna, Vegetables, Main Meals, Custard, Long Life Milk, Small jars coffee and sweets. The Food bank hope these generous donations will continue as the number of families in crisis continues to rise.

KIRK CAFÉ: starts on Sunday July 7th, between the services, in the Carrick Room. If you would like to help make tea, serve, wash up etc. please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

KNITTING!: the knitting that so many of you enjoy has been extended – little hats and jackets for Malawi (not white, please) and baby blankets for Malawi and the Maternity unit at Crosshouse Hospital – would be most gratefully received.

AYR: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn 14) AND Mrs. Helen Caddis (stn. 7)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4b)

Our warmest sympathy and prayerful support is extended to Mr Kenneth King of Drummore on the death of his aunt, Mrs Enid Taylor in Glenfairn Care Home this past week. The funeral service is on Wednesday 3rd July at 1.15 at Masonhill.

23 June 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family, now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God.

It is a delight to welcome our Guest Preacher today, The Revd. Ian Paterson, and his wife, Lorna. Ian is Minister Emeritus of St. Michael’s Church, Linlithgow and is a Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland. And a special welcome too to Lady Rhoda McQuarrie and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (Priory of St. Margaret of Scotland).

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Irene Paterson, Mrs. Catherine Ritchie, the Sharp Family AND IN MEMORY OF Mrs. Marjorie Mackay

9.30 am – Team: 8 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
Crèche in the Midton Room.
11.15 am – Team: 9 – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
Crèche in the Midton Room.
6.30 pm – Team: 10 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan

Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church

THE ASSISTANT MINISTER will be on holiday from Monday 17th – Sunday 30th June
THE ASSOCIATE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 16th June – Sunday 30th June

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for May is £92.68

ELDERS: PLEASE… check the COMMUNION Lists in the Carrick Park vestibule. It is important to indicate availability or absence on this list.

COLUMBA NEWS & Communion Invitation Cards– please uplift for immediate delivery before the Services of Holy Communion next Sunday.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

CORONATION LUNCH: the seating plan is available to view in the Carrick Park Vestibule.

DUTY TEAM MEMBERS: any member who has not received a copy of the Duty Team notes please uplift from the Carrick Park Vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – Tinned Tuna, Vegetables, Main Meals, Custard, Long Life Milk, Small jars coffee and sweets. The Food bank hope these generous donations will continue as the number of families in crisis continues to rise.

KIRK CAFÉ: starts on Sunday July 7th, between the services, in the Carrick Room. If you would like to help make tea, serve, wash up etc. please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

LOCHSIDE HOLIDAY CLUB: the Club will be running from 10:00am to 1:00pm Mon 1st to Fri 5th July at Lochside Church. Volunteers urgently required to help out one day or more if possible. If available please contact Malcolm Mackay Tel 264509 or email: Team training and briefing evening Thursday 27th June at 7:00pm at 3 Springvale Park.

THE LINEN TEAM please meet in the Church next Saturday at 10.30am to dress the Church for Communion.

BUTTERFLY GARDEN PARTY: in aid of Cancer Research today from 1pm – 5pm at 7 Bellevale Avenue, Ayr. Enjoy a superb afternoon in a beautiful garden with stalls and afternoon tea. Tickets at the gate Adults £5 and children £2.50

AYR: Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn 7)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

The funeral service for Mrs. Beth Reid of Allanvale Road, Prestwick is on Wednesday 26th June at 1.15pm. We extend our sympathy to her husband, Stan and the family.

Our warmest Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ritchie of Middleridge, Kirkoswald who celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary this weekend.

16 June 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Mr. Robbie Park, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mrs. Pamela Naylor, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. David Savage, Ms Sharon Lindsay and Miss Ann Thomson

SUNDAY 23 June 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team – Sound: Dennis Johnston
10.00 a.m. NO Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: David Campbell
1.00 pm Coronation Lunch – Enterkine House Hotel

THE ASSISTANT MINISTER will be on holiday from Monday 17th – Sunday 30th June
THE ASSOCIATE MINISTER will be on holiday from Sunday 16th June – Sunday 30th June

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for May is £92.68

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

CORONATION LUNCH: Tickets for the Coronation Lunch next Sunday MUST be uplifted and PAID today. Please add your name to the seating plan in the Carrick Park Vestibule.

DUTY TEAM MEMBERS: any member who has not received a copy of the Duty Team notes please uplift from the Carrick Park Vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – Tinned Tuna, Vegetables, Main Meals, Custard, Long Life Milk, Small jars coffee and sweets. The Food bank hope these generous donations will continue as the number of families in crisis continues to rise.

THE FLOWER TEAM is reminded of their next meeting, Wednesday 19th June at 7.30 pm in the Carrick Room, when we will make up the rota for the summer months. As always, any new members will be made most welcome. Grateful thanks are extended to the Congregation for their continued and very generous donations to the Flower Fund. We are very fortunate to have such beautiful flowers each week.

KIRK CAFÉ: starts on Sunday July 7th, between the services, in the Carrick Room. If you would like to help make tea, serve, wash up etc. please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

CHURCH VISITING CARDS are now available – if you are going away on holiday and planning to go to Church. Please take a couple of our Church visiting cards to leave.

AYR: Mrs. Marlene Rae (Stn 12),
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

We record with sadness the passing of Mrs. Marjorie Mackay of Holmston Drive our sympathy and prayers are extended to her husband, David and all the family.

Warmest congratulations to Jane and Jim Hunter of Willow Park and to Alan and Beryl McKinlay of Bathurst Drive. Both couples celebrate their Ruby Wedding Anniversary today.

9 June 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Espie, Mr. Douglas Paton, and Mr. John Forsyth

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrie, Mr. Hugh Nelson, Miss Nan Picken and Mrs. Jean Stewart.

SUNDAY 16 June 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 6 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00 a.m. NO Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for May is £92.68

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band! If you have secured your ticket please add your name to the seating plan in the Carrick Park Vestibule.

DUTY TEAM MEMBERS: any member who has not received a copy of the Duty Team notes please uplift from the Carrick Park Vestibule.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – Tinned Tuna, Vegetables, Main Meals, Custard, Long Life Milk, Small jars coffee and sweets. The Food bank hope these generous donations will continue as the number of families in crisis continues to rise.

THE FLOWER TEAM is reminded of their next meeting, Wednesday 19th June at 7.30 pm in the Carrick Room, when we will make up the rota for the summer months. As always, any new members will be made most welcome. Grateful thanks are extended to the Congregation for their continued and very generous donations to the Flower Fund. We are very fortunate to have such beautiful flowers each week.

CHRISTIAN AID A sincere ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed to this year’s Christian Aid Week. Your generous donations realised the sum of £1247. This money will go a long way to helping the “Bite Back at Hunger” campaign

KIRK CAFÉ: starts on Sunday July 7th, between the services, in the Carrick Room. If you would like to help make tea, serve, wash up etc. please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETY: The Kyle Branch Annual Coffee Morning will be held in Ayr Newton Wallacetown Church Hall, Main Street, on Saturday 15th June from 10 am until 12 noon. Tickets, priced £2.50 each, are available from Aileen Hope and will be available in the Carrick Park Hallway, after each service. A Scottish Towns and Villages Quiz Sheet in aid of the Bible Society is also available price £1.00

AYR: Mrs. Marlene Rae (Stn 12), Mrs. Margaret Black (Stn. 14), Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 14) and Mrs Mary Macallan (Stn.6)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Margaret Wilson (Urquhart)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)
THE AYRSHIRE HOSPICE: Mrs. Marjorie Mackay

Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of Walter McConnachie who died last week. The funeral will be held on Tuesday 11th June at 2.45pm at Masonhill. We extend our warmest condolences and support to Mr. & Mrs. Derek McNish of Kilwinning on the death of Derek’s father, Hugh, of Mossblown. The funeral service will take place on Wednesday at 12 noon at Masonhill.

2 June 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we are a family – a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the family of twins, Alyssa and Alexander who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. Ian Cathcart, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs Nan Conway & Mrs. Marilyn Miller, Miss Mattie Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer Ballantyne and The Rutherford Wedding.

SUNDAY 9 June 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 5 – Sound: Alan Hawthorn – Presentation of Sunday School & Bible Class Awards.
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: George McMillan
1.00 p.m. Family Outing & BBQ – Foresters Field, Rozelle

THE MINISTER has received a gracious invitation to be part of the congregation in Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 4th June at a Service of Thanksgiving to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of The Queen. He will be in London from tomorrow till Wednesday.

KIRK SESSION: meeting in Cathcart Street Hall on Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm. Please uplift Agenda and Minutes from your pigeonhole today!

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for May is £92.68

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the June edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SENIOR’S OUTING: to The Falkirk Wheel with High Tea at Malin Court on Thursday 6th June. There are still a few seats left if anyone is interested phone Jane: 281013

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band!

THE GUILD – Ayr Presbyterial Council, Summer Rally is on Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm in Ochiltree Parish Church, with the speaker being Revd. Andrew McGurk. All Guild members are welcome to attend.

THE FAMILY OUTING – Next Sunday – Tickets priced £2.50 per head or £10 for a family ticket (2 adults and 3 children) can be purchased today.

THE MONDAY CLUB – Committee members are reminded of the meeting in the Session Room tomorrow evening (3rd June) at 7pm

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: List update – Tinned Tuna, Vegetables, Main Meals, Custard, Long Life Milk, Small jars coffee and sweets. The Food bank hope these generous donations will continue as the number of families in crisis continues to rise.

THE FLOWER TEAM is reminded of their next meeting, Wednesday 19th June at 7.30 pm in the Carrick Room, when we will make up the rota for the summer months. As always, any new members will be made most welcome. Grateful thanks are extended to the Congregation for their continued and very generous donations to the Flower Fund. We are very fortunate to have such beautiful flowers each week.

CHRISTIAN AID: A sincere ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed to this year’s Christian Aid Week. Your generous donations realised the sum of £1247. This money will go a long way to helping the “Bite Back at Hunger” campaign

AYR: Mrs. Marlene Rae (Stn 16)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Margaret Wilson(Urquhart)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)
THE BEATSON, GLASGOW: Mrs. Marjorie Mackay (Ward B5)

Our sincerest and heartfelt sympathy is extended to Mrs. Angela Sharp and the family, Castlehill Road, on the death of John. The funeral service was held yesterday.

26 May 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Dr. Ruth Martin, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Dorothy Kane, Mrs. Jay Mair, Mrs. Janice Paterson and Mrs. Shirley Scott.

SUNDAY 2 June 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 4 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

THE OFFICE will be closed on Monday for the Bank Holiday.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for April is £149.71

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SENIORS’ OUTING: to The Falkirk Wheel with High Tea at Malin Court on Thursday 6th June. There are still a few seats available. If you would like to go, please contact the Office before next Friday (30th May). All welcome.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – Variety pack cereals, also 375-500g packs, tinned tomatoes, puddings, vegetables, meals, fruit, sweeties, and 500g packs of sugar. They are still amazed and extremely grateful for the generous donations from St Columba.

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band!

KNITTING: following the wonderful response we have had for the “Fish & Chip” jumpers, we have now been asked to knit much needed hats to be sent abroad. Patterns are available in the Carrick Park vestibule. All gifts received to date are so very much appreciated.

COLUMBA NEWS: The submission date for the next edition of the Church magazine is today Sunday 26th May. All articles should be sent to the editor by email –

SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC: The Annual Picnic will be held at Foresters Field, Rozelle on Sunday 9th June at 1.00pm. Tickets priced £2.50 per head or £10 for a family ticket (2 adults and 3 children) will be available next week.

PARENTS & TODDLERS : Bank Holiday weekend – there will be no meetings on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th.

SCOUT GROUP: Many thanks from our Scout Group to all who supported their Coffee Morning the splendid sum of £1,100 was raised.

AYR: Mrs. Marlene Rae (Stn 16 )
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Margaret Wilson (of Kyle Court)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

19 May 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the families of Georgia-Grace who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Alec Morton, Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mrs. Jean Watson, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Claire Howat, Mrs. Dorothy Beesley, Mrs. Sheena Boyd and Mrs. Rosina Farrell

SUNDAY 26 May 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 3 – Sound: Dennis Johnston
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: David Campbell

OUR THANKS: to Mr. David Mackay, who is deputising for our Organist this weekend and to the Band who are playing at the 9.30am Service.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for April is £149.71

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SENIOR’S OUTING: to The Falkirk Wheel with High Tea at Malin Court on Thursday 6th June. Flyers with full details available at both doors as you leave. All seniors welcome to apply – seats are limited to first 50 applicants!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – Variety pack cereals, also 375-500g packs, tinned tomatoes, puddings, vegetables, meals, fruit, sweeties, and 500g packs of sugar. Foodbank staff had to go out and purchase milk, diluting juice, sugar and veg today as stocks completely run out. They are still amazed and extremely grateful for the generous donations from St Columba.

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band!

KNITTING!: following the wonderful response we have had for the “Fish & Chip” jumpers, we have now been asked to knit much needed hats to be sent abroad. Patterns are available in the Carrick Park vestibule. All gifts received to date are so very much appreciated.

COLUMBA NEWS: The submission date for the next edition of the Church magazine is Sunday 26th May. All articles should be sent to the editor by email –

SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC: The Annual Picnic will be held at Forresters Field, Rozelle on Sunday 9th June at 1.00pm. Tickets priced £2.50 per head or £10 for a family ticket (2 adults and 3 children) will be available next week.

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond)
CROSSHOUSE: Dr. Bob Henderson (Ward 4)

Our warmest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Margaret Dick, Midton Road, Prestwick on the death of her husband, Mac. The service of thanksgiving will be held here in the Church tomorrow at 12noon; the funeral service for Mrs. Dolores Reid, Arran Terrace will be held at Masonhill next Friday 24th May at 1.15pm.

12 May 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Dr. Helen Hunter,Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Les Wallace and Mrs. Jean Rosamond.

SUNDAY 19 May 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. Alastair Swan
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for April is £149.71

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

HALL LETS: anyone wishing to make any kind of booking for accommodation at Cathcart Street or Carrick Park/Midton Road …. including continuing Lets please note it is imperative that a member of your Group attends the Hall Let meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30pm in the Session Room, Carrick Park. As per the intimation in the Columba News, you are also required to bring ALL your Church keys. These are to be checked as there are problems with the lock tumbler.

“BITE BACK AT HUNGER” is the slogan for “Christian Aid Week 2013” which will be held from May 12th to May 18th. Together, this Christian Week we can help some of the world’s poorest families get enough food to eat – for good! As is our custom Christian Aid envelopes have been included with your pew leaflets today. You are asked to return them to the church next Sunday or hand them in to the church office at any time. If anyone is unable to return their envelope and would like it uplifted please call Mo Howie on 01292 288463 and this will be arranged. Thank you for your support.

SENIOR’S OUTING: to The Falkirk Wheel with High Tea at Malin Court on Thursday 6th June. Flyers with full details available at both doors as you leave. All seniors welcome to apply – seats are limited to first 50 applicants!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – cereal, custard, tinned tomatoes, tinned fish, and meals. 750ml juice, 500gr sugar, jam, biscuits and sweets. Due to increased demand stocks are running low so anything greatly appreciated. Your donations are making a real difference and the response has been so touching these past five months – thank you so much!

SCOUT GROUP COFFEE MORNING: will be held on Saturday 18th May in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets available after all Services.

PRESBYTERY OF AYR – PRAYERS ACROSS SCOTLAND: A service of prayers for the Church of Scotland General Assembly is to be held this afternoon at 3pm in Kingcase Parish Church, Waterloo Road, Prestwick. All are welcome to attend.

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band!

RETIRING COLLECTION for David Waters who spoke about his forthcoming trip to Borneo last Sunday raised £705. David is most grateful for your support.

KNITTING!: following the wonderful response we have had for the “Fish & Chip” jumpers, we have now been asked to knit much needed hats to be sent abroad. Patterns are available in the Carrick Park vestibule. All gifts received to date are so very much appreciated.

COLUMBA NEWS: submission date – Sunday 26th May. Articles to

AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Mark Parlour (Stn 2) and Mr. Matt McLeish (Stn. 8)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond) and Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond)

5 May 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we think of ourselves as being a family, we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the families of Arran and James who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. John Halliday, Mr. Peter Muir, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. George Templeton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and Mrs. Catherine Overdijking

OUR ASSOCIATE MINISTER, The Revd. Ness is on holiday till next Friday.

SUNDAY 12 May 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15a.m. Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for March is £126.30

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the May edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

HALL LETS: anyone wishing to make any kind of booking for accommodation at Cathcart Street or Carrick Park/Midton Road … including continuing Lets please note it is imperative that a member of your Group attends the Hall Let meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30pm in the Session Room, Carrick Park. As per the intimation in the Columba News, you are also required to bring ALL your Church keys. These are to be checked as there are problems with the lock tumbler.

“BITE BACK AT HUNGER” is the slogan for “Christian Aid Week 2013” which will be held from May 12th to May 18th. Together, this Christian Week we can help some of the world’s poorest families get enough food to eat – for good! As is our custom Christian Aid envelopes will be distributed along with pew leaflets on Sunday 12th May and you are asked to return them to the church the following Sunday or hand them in to the church office at any time. If anyone is unable to return their envelope and would like it uplifted please call Mo Howie on 01292 288463 and this will be arranged. Thank you for your support.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – cereal, custard, tinned tomatoes, tinned fish, and meals. 750ml juice, 500gr sugar, jam, biscuits and sweets. Due to increased demand stocks are running low so anything greatly appreciated. Your donations are making a real difference!

SCOUT GROUP COFFEE MORNING: will be held on Saturday 18th May in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets available after all Services.

PRESBYTERY OF AYR – PRAYERS ACROSS SCOTLAND: A service of prayers for the Church of Scotland General Assembly is to be held on Sunday 12 May at 3pm in Kingcase Parish Church, Waterloo Road, Prestwick. All are welcome to attend.

CORONATION LUNCH: Our summer Lunch will be held in Enterkine House on Sunday 23rd June following the 11.15am service. Tickets are on sale from today priced £25. This will include lunch, two drinks and the Jazz band!

SENIOR MEMBERS’ OUTING: Thursday 6th June … full details available next Sunday!

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Jean Rosamond (Stn 1) and Mr. Mark Parlour (Stn 2)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
CROSSHOUSE: Mrs. Agnes Crawford (Ward C)

Mr. Tommy Love formerly of Gemmell Court is now resident in Heathfield Care Home, Ayr

Mrs. Irene Brown is now resident in Glenfairn Care Home.

Mrs Helen Cockburn wishes to thank members of the Congregation who sent cards and flowers during her recent illness. Their kindness is deeply appreciated.

28 April 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – we warmly invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table today, all who love Him and are members of any branch of His Church. A special welcome if you are visiting our Church for the first time today, whether you are seeking faith, visiting Ayr on holiday or business, or looking for a congregation to join, we are pleased to have you with us today. We are a diverse fellowship, seeking to be a vital Christian presence in the heart of Ayr. We try to make the love of Jesus known in our town through our worship, preaching, prayer, fellowship, service and openness to the Holy Spirit.

ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray.

There will be a Retiring Offering today for Lochside Church

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9:: Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Fraser Walker,Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart

Team 10: Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley,Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. George Templeton, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn

Team 11: Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mrs. Janette Leishman, and Mr. Tom Laurie

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Graeme McKinstry

Services conducted by the Minister
9.30 a.m. – Team: 9
11.15 a.m. – Team: 10
6.30 p.m. – Team: 11

SUNDAY 6th May 2013
9.30am Family Service – Duty Team 12
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship
6.30 pm Evening Service

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for March is £126.30

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

HALL LETS: anyone wishing to make any kind of booking for accommodation at Cathcart Street or Carrick Park/Midton Road …. including continuing Lets please note it is imperative that a member of your Group attends the Hall Let meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30pm in the Session Room, Carrick Park. As per the intimation in the Columba News, you are also required to bring ALL your Church keys. These are to be checked as there are problems with the lock tumbler.

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – Tinned fish, vegetables, small bags sugar, Pasta Sauces, 40’s teabags, Diluting juice and sweets. Your donations are making a real difference!

YOUNG ADULTS – this Group had their first gathering last Sunday when they enjoyed lunch together. If you would like to know more, Dr. Joel or Buchanan, will be pleased to hear from you. /

THE LUNCHEON CLUB: The Annual Outing will take place on Friday 3rd May. The bus will leave the Church at 9am travelling to Kirkcudbright via Castle Douglas, returning to Malin Court for High Tea. Enquiries to Jean 262243.

THE COMPASS CLUB: present “Outside Edge”, a hilarious comedy – in the Gaiety Theatre on 3rd and 4th May at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office priced £12 (£10 concessions).

SCOUT GROUP COFFEE MORNING: will be held on Saturday 18th May in the Midton Road Hall. Tickets available after all Services.

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)

Mrs Helen Craig wishes to thank all the St. Columba Church family for their cards, flowers, kindness and support following the death of her beloved Dan.

21 April 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family, we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone,Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Linda Sharp, Mrs. Ellen Faulds, Mrs. Jo Bruce and Mrs. Jennifer Lowe.

9.30 am – Team: 9 – Sound: John Crone – Crèche in the Midton Room.
11.15 am – Team: 10 – Sound: Jim W. Brown – Crèche in the Midton Room.
6.30 pm – Team: 11

Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church
9.30 am Sunday school and Bible Class

THE WEDNESDAY SERVICE of HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated here in the Church on Wednesday 24 April, at 2.00pm, followed by tea in the Session Room. Everyone is most warmly invited.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for March is £126.30

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COMMUNION LINEN: The Team will dress the Church on Saturday 27th April at 10.30am

HALL LETS: anyone wishing to make any kind of booking for accommodation at Cathcart Street or Carrick Park/Midton Road …. including continuing Lets please note it is imperative that a member of your Group attends the Hall Let meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30pm in the Session Room, Carrick Park. As per the intimation in the Columba News, you are also required to bring ALL your Church keys. These are to be checked as there are problems with the lock tumbler.

ELDERS: The Duty list for the Service of Communion on Sunday 28th April is in the Glass Cabinet, PLEASE READ and tick off your name.

DISTRICT ELDERS: Changes have been made to a number of Districts. Please check your Columba News list very carefully – it may not correspond to your Communion Cards. There are new cards available in the Church Office.

COLUMBA NEWS: Elders are asked to uplift their Magazines and Communion Cards from their pigeonhole for immediate delivery. Thank you!

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: This week’s wish list – Tinned fish, vegetables, small bags sugar, Pasta Sauces, 40’s teabags, Diluting juice and sweets. Your donations are making a real difference!

YOUNG ADULTS – this Group had their first gathering last Sunday when they enjoyed lunch together. If you would like to know more, Dr. Joel or Buchanan, will be pleased to hear from you. /

THE MONDAY CLUB -The visit to Hansel Village is on Monday 29th April when the bus will leave from the Church at 1pm for lunch at 1.30pm. The coach will collect us again at 4pm to return to the Church.

SONGS of PRAISE: The Rotary Club of Alloway are hosting a Songs of Praise in aid of Colombia’s displaced Children, in Alloway Church tonight at 7pm. All welcome

MEN’S ASSOCIATION Committee Meeting. Would members please note that as the syllabus is well in hand the proposed meeting will not now be required

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)

The funeral service for Mr. Will Andrew of Ewenfield Avenue, who died last week, will be held at Masonhill tomorrow at 12 noon. We extend our warmest sympathy to his wife, Christine, and the family.

Mr. Robin Morton, Victoria Park is now resident in Glenfairn Care Home.

14 April 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 7: Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. Robbie Turnbull and Mrs. Pat Jackson.

SUNDAY 21 April 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 8 – Sound: Dennis Johnston
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: David Campbell

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for March is £126.30

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

ELDERS: The Duty list for the Service of Communion on Sunday 28th April – PLEASE READ and tick off your name.

DISTRICT ELDERS: Changes have been made to a number of Districts. Please check your Columba News list very carefully – it may not correspond to your Communion Cards. There are new cards available in the Church Office.

COLUMBA NEWS: Elders are asked to uplift their Magazines and Communion Cards from their pigeonhole for immediate delivery. Thank you!

THE GUILD: For the outing to Dumfries House on Tuesday, 16th April, the coach will leave the Horizon Hotel at 1.30pm and return after the visit to the Horizon for high tea at 5 p.m.

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

THE OFFERING from our Joint Holy Week Services with Alloway amounted to £1,622 and this will be divided between Hansel Village and Al Shurooq School for the Blind in Bethlehem. Thank you everyone who supported this so generously.

FISH ‘N’ CHIP BABY VESTS: we have received a letter of thanks from Anne Ferrans for all the fabulous knitting that has been ingathered in Church. All your efforts are very much appreciated.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Pasta Sauce, Packets Pasta, Biscuits, Puddings, Vegetables, Variety Packs Cereal 350g,Teabags 40’s and Milk. Your donations are making a real difference!

YOUNG ADULTS – this Group had their first gathering last Sunday when they enjoyed lunch together. If you would like to know more, Dr. Joel or Buchanan, will be pleased to hear from you. /

LIONS CLUB CONCERT: Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra Concert – An evening of Traditional Scottish Music, on Friday 19 April at 7.30pm in Alloway Church Hall. Tickets £8 available at the door.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Marjorie Mackay (Stn. 8)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)

The service of thanksgiving for Mr Dan Craig of Bellevue Road who died suddenly last week will be held here in the Church tomorrow at 1.00p.m., followed by the committal at Masonhill Crematorium at 2.00. Elders who are able to be present are asked to meet in the Session Room at 12.45p.m. Our warmest support is extended to Helen and all the family.

The funeral service for Mr. Colin McKelvie of Ferguson Avenue, Prestwick, who died last week, will be held here in the Church on Thursday first (18th April) at 10.15am followed by the committal at Ayr Cemetery. Our sincerest sympathy is extended to his wife, Angela, and the family.

7 April 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 6: Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Fiona Taylor, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mr. Robbie Park, Mr. Tom Rodger,Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Nancy Murray and Mr. Alec Mooney.

SUNDAY 14 April 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 7, Sound: Alastair Swan
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: George McMillan

THE MINISTER is covering pastoral duties for the Auld Kirk of Ayr from 2nd to 12th April.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the April edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE GUILD: For the outing to Dumfries House on Tuesday, 16th April, the coach will leave the Horizon Hotel at 1.30pm and return after the visit to the Horizon for high tea at 5 p.m.

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

THE OFFERING from our Joint Holy Week Services with Alloway amounted to £1,622 and this will be divided between Hansel Village and Al Shurooq School for the Blind in Bethlehem. Thank you everyone who supported this so generously.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Pasta Sauce, Packets Pasta, Biscuits, Puddings, Vegetables, Variety Packs Cereal 350g,Teabags 40’s and Milk. Your donations are making a real difference!

YOUNG ADULTS (20 – 39 years) – one of our folks is interested in setting up a group of likeminded but individual members and friends. The idea is to meet over some food and discuss/chat about whatever matters to you or affects our everyday lives. If you are interested in learning more about this idea or contributing your own thoughts please contact Buchanan at

MUSIC – please remember to look out your instruments and polish your vocal chords – the Music Group will hold its first meeting on Friday 12th April at 7,30pm. All welcome.

MONDAY CLUB: The ladies of the committee are reminded that there is a meeting at 7pm in the Session Room tomorrow evening, Monday 8th April.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Marjory Mackay (Stn. 8 )
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion
Duncan (Lindsay), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Marlene Hamilton (Ward 4b)

With great sadness we announce the passing of Mrs Joyce Orr of Auchenbeg Crescent after a long and dignified battle with cancer. The service of thanksgiving for Joyce’s life will be here in the Church on Wednesday 10th April at 11.30 a.m., preceded by a private cremation. Our love and prayers are extended to her husband, Gavin, daughter, Alison, and all the family.

The funeral service of Mr Charles McIntosh of Sandgate, who died on 29th March will be held at Masonhill on Friday 12th April at 2.00p.m.. Our sympathy and prayers are extended to his son, Wilson, and the family.

31 March 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the families of Hugo who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. Douglas Espie, Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Paton and Mr. John Forsyth

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Jean Watson and Mrs. Mary Knox.

SUNDAY 7 April 2013 – Low Sunday
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 6 – Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn
10.00a.m. No Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay
6.30pm Evening Service


20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Pasta Sauce, Packets Pasta, Biscuits, Puddings, Vegetables, Variety Packs Cereal 350g,Teabags 40’s and Milk. Your donations are making a real difference!

LUNCH CLUB: Many thanks to all who supported the last Lunch Club despite the dreadful weather, the Lunches realised £350 and the Sales Stall £250. The Group are delighted to donate this £600 to Clic Sargent. This was the final Lunch Club for this Session.

JUNGLE JAMBOREE – Holiday Club will be held in Lochside Church from Tuesday 2nd – Friday 5th April. 10am – 12.30pm. for 8 – 12year olds, Dr. Joel would love to see you. Registration forms are available in the Carrick Park vestibule. Dr. Joel URGENTLY needs volunteer help to allow this venture to run. Please speak to him today and leave your details on the list in the Carrick Park vestibule.

YOUNG ADULTS (20 – 39 years) – one of our folks is interested in setting up a group of likeminded but individual members and friends. The idea is to meet over some food and discuss/chat about whatever matters to you or affects our everyday lives. If you are interested in learning more about this idea or contributing your own thoughts please contact Buchanan at

MUSIC – please remember to look out your instruments and polish your vocal chords over the Easter weekend … the Music Group will hold its first meeting on Friday 12th April at 7,30pm.

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

With sadness we announce the passing of Mrs Anne Andrew of Ronaldshaw Park who died in Ayr Hospital on Monday. The Service of Thanksgiving for Anne’s life will be held in the Church on Wednesday 3rd April at 12 noon, followed by the service of committal at Masonhill at 1.15p.m.. We extend our prayers and love to all the family.

Our sincere thanks are extended to Anne & Alastair Swan for our beautiful Easter Cross. Also to everyone in the Congregation for all the Easter Flowers which have been placed in the Chancel.

24 March 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God.. A very special welcome to the family of Callan who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Dr. Ruth Martin, Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Miss Betty McLellan, Mr. Jim Wilcox and Mr. & Mrs. John Caddis.

SUNDAY 31 March 2013 – Easter Sunday
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 4 – Sound: Mr. John Stewart
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. David Campbell

SERVICE of HOLY COMMUNION – Wednesday 27th March at 2.00pm in the Centenary Aisle.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the April edition should be with the editor by today Sunday 24th March . All articles should be emailed to the editor –

SOUND TEAM members are asked to consult the Wedding list in the Church Office – if you are available to assist please fill in your name against the date!

EASTER BREAKFAST: please sign the Breakfast list at the main door and in the Carrick Park vestibule if you wish to order breakfast!

TRADECRAFT: Yvonne and Louise have the stall all prepared to tempt you with a wide variety of products this morning, including a selection of Easter cards and gifts. Purchasing these help support families in the developing world. Please stop and buy!

THE GUILD has arranged an outing by coach to Dumfries House on Tuesday, 16th April, leaving the Horizon Hotel at 1.30pm – high tea on return to the hotel at 5 p.m. Total cost is £25. Please contact Mrs. Dorothy Bone (Tel. 01292 44-1651) if you would like one of the few available places.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Boxes of Cereal, Sugar, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Sponge Puddings, Custard & Rice, Long life carton Fruit Juice, and UHT or powdered Milk. Your donations are making a difference!

FISH & CHIP VESTS! Thank you so much for all your donations of hats and vests, they are so greatly appreciated. The first batch are already winging their way to their destination via New Cumnock!

FASHION SHOW: M &Co are doing a fashion show on behalf of food bank on Wednesday 27th March In store at 14 Alloway Street at 6.30pm. Tickets price £4 are available in store at M & Co

JUNGLE JAMBOREE – Holiday Club will be held in Lochside Church from Tuesday 2nd – Friday 5th April. 10am – 12.30pm. for 8 – 12year olds, Dr. Joel would love to see you. Registration forms are available in the Carrick Park vestibule. Volunteer help will be much appreciated. Please speak to Dr. Joel.

YOUNG ADULTS (20 – 39 years) – one of our folks is interested in setting up a group of like minded but individual members and friends. The idea is to meet over some food and discuss/chat about whatever matters to you or affects our everyday lives. If you are interested in learning more about this idea or contributing your own thoughts please contact Buchanan at

CROSSHOUSE: Mr. John Caddis (Ward 2)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan), Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

With sadness we announce the passing of Mrs Agnes Paterson of Heiton, Kelso, formerly of “Craigmote”, Ayr – the funeral service took place in the Church on Thursday; our warmest sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of Mrs Sheila Campbell of Meadowbank Lane, Prestwick who died last week. The funeral service will take place on Tuesday 26th March at 12 noon at Masonhill; and to Mrs Christine Telfer and the family of Belmont Road, on the death of her husband, Willie. The funeral service will be held on Tuesday 26th March at 3.30 at Masonhill.

17 March 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family, we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the families of Eva who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jean Watson, Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Alec Morton, Mrs. Helen Greig , Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Isobel Kelly, Mr. Ronald Brash and Mr. and Mrs. Denis Grier.

SUNDAY 24 March 2013 – Palm Sunday
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 3 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: will be held in the Church on Thursday 21st March at 7.30pm, followed by cheese, wine/soft drinks. Congregation copies of the Accounts are available today.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the April edition should be with the editor by Sunday 24th March . All articles should be emailed to the editor –

ELDERS – MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION: would ALL Elders please check the list in the Glass cabinet and confirm your availability for duty on Thursday 28th March.

EASTER BREAKFAST: please sign the Breakfast list at the main door and in the Carrick Park vestibule if you wish to order breakfast!

THE MENS’ ASSOCIATION: Any member wishing to attend the end of term lunch on Thursday 21st March at 12.30 p.m. in the Carrick Lodge Hotel and has not yet spoken to me should give me a ring on 443793 – George Templeton.

THE GUILD – will hold the last meeting of this session tomorrow, Monday 18 March, in the Midton Road Hall. Following the Annual General meeting at 7.30pm, Mr. Alastair Swan will entertain us with a photographic treat in “Travels of the Ugly Duckling”.

THE GUILD has arranged an outing by coach to Dumfries House on Tuesday, 16th April, leaving the Horizon Hotel at 1.30pm. This will be followed by high tea on return to the hotel at 5 p.m. Places are available for any ladies in the congregation who wish to join us. Cost is £25 altogether. Please contact Mrs. Dorothy Bone (Tel. 01292 44-1651) if you would like to come along that afternoon.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Sugar, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Sponge Puddings, Custard & Rice, Long life carton Fruit Juice, and UHT or powdered Milk. Your donations are making a difference!

FASHION SHOW: M &Co are doing a fashion show on behalf of food bank on Wednesday 27th March In store at 14 Alloway Street at 6.30pm. Tickets price £4 are available in store at M&Co

MENS’ ASSOCIATION. Tomorrow evening the 18th is our end of term A.G.M. when the business part of the evening will be followed by short presentations from 2 of our members. Thursday 21st is our end of term lunch which is being held in the Carrick Lodge Hotel at 12.30 for 1.00p.m.

MUSIC: do you play an instrument; do you own one and wish you could play; Dr. Joel seeks to form a fun music group ….with the potential for greater things! Please come along and meet like-minded people on Friday 5th April at 7.30 in the Session Room. All ages welcome!!!

CROSSHOUSE: Mr. John Caddis (Ward 2)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan), Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

Warmest congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Jack Goodwin of Carrick Gardens who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Thursday

10 March 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Mr. Malcolm Mackay, Dr. Helen Hunter,Mr. Robin White, Mrs Helen Mackay, Mr. Graeme Savage, Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mrs. Ann Vance, Mr. Jim Younger, Mr. Bob Cowan, Mr. Jim Brodie,Mrs. Margaret Grier and Mr. Brian Morrison.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Revd David & Mrs. Moira Ness and Mrs. Margaret Dickie.

SUNDAY 17 March 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 2 – Sound: Mr. Dennis Johnston
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sacrament of Baptism – Sound: Mr. George McMillan

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: will be held in the Church on Thursday 21st March at 7.30pm, followed by cheese, wine/soft drinks. Congregation copies of the Accounts are available today.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the April edition should be with the editor by Sunday 24th March . All articles should be emailed to the editor –

THE MENS’ ASSOCIATION: Committee members are reminded that a committee meeting will be held in the Session Room at 7.00 p.m. tomorrow evening the 11th March. Any member wishing to attend the end of term lunch on Thursday 21st March at 12.30 p.m. in the Carrick Lodge Hotel and has not yet spoken to me should give me a ring on 443793 – George Templeton.

MONDAY CLUB: The final meeting of the current session is tomorrow evening at 7.30pm when a good turnout of members is requested for the AGM which will be followed by entertainment provided by the Tanglin Singers. The committee look forward to seeing you all then.

THE GUILD – The Spring Rally of Ayr Presbyterial Council will be held in Prestwick South Church on Thursday, 14th March, at 2.00.p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Mary Ford, National Convener of The Guild. All Guild members are invited to attend. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF TIME.

THE GUILD has arranged an outing by coach to Dumfries House on Tuesday, 16th April, leaving the Horizon Hotel at 1.30pm. This will be followed by high tea on return to the hotel at 5 p.m. Places are available for any ladies in the congregation who wish to join us. Cost is £25 altogether. Please contact Mrs. Dorothy Bone (Tel. 01292 44-1651) if you would like to come along that afternoon.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Cereals, Sugar, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Sponge Puddings, Long life carton Fruit Juice, and UHT or powdered Milk. Your donations are making a difference!

SHOP MANAGER – Prestwick Charity Shop: A well-organised and numerate person with good people skills is required to manage our new charity shop in Prestwick. For an application form and job description, contact Barbara Grace on 01349 830777 or email The closing date for completed applications is Friday 22 March 2013.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Douglas Boocock (Stn. 12) and Mr. John Caddis (Stn 10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion
Duncan (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan), Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL: Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

Our warmest sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Sean Granger and the family, Renwick Way, Prestwick, on the death of Sean’s father, James of Coronation Street, Monkton. The funeral service took place on Thursday.

3 March 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer. A very special welcome to the families of Cormac who will be baptised at the 11.15am Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 12: Mrs. Elaine Kerr, Dr. Lindsay Miller, Mr. Jim Richardson, Mr. John Halliday, Mr. Peter Muir, Mr. Walter Muir, Mr. Gavin Gemmell, Mr. George McMillan, Mrs. Jean Lindsay, Mr. Drummond Cameron, Mr. James Kane and Mr. George Rae

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Miss Phyllis Thornton, Mrs. May Kerr, Mr. Iain McCrae and Mrs. Morag Bryden

SUNDAY 10 March 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 1 – Sound: Alastair Swan
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Brian McKinlay

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: this will be held in the Church on Thursday 21st March at 7.30pm. Congregation copies of the Accounts are available today.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for February is £125.72.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

THE GUILD meets tomorrow, Monday 4th March, at 2 p.m. in Midton Road Hall, Mrs. Charlotte Rostek, Curator of Dumfries House, will come to tell us about its treasures and history.

FOODBANK: there are letters of thanks for the ongoing support which is so much appreciated, on the notice board.

FOOD BANK WISH LIST: Tinned – vegetables, custard, Rice, Puddings; Sugar, Long life Milk and Juice (not diluting), Bottled & Packet Pasta Sauces and Sweets. Your donations are making a difference!

MONDAY CLUB: The ladies of the committee are very grateful to all who helped to make the coffee morning such a success – £754 was raised. Sincere thanks to all who assisted before, during and after the event, to those who donated baking and to all who came along to enjoy their morning coffee in a very friendly atmosphere. The proceeds of the event will be donated to the Club’s two nominated charities.

SHOP MANAGER – Prestwick Charity Shop: A well-organised and numerate person with good people skills is required to manage our new charity shop in Prestwick. Retail experience is essential, with charity shop retail an advantage. The position is for 30 hours per week over five days, inclusive of Saturdays. The position is initially for 6 months, when it will be reviewed. It requires sympathy with the aims of Blythswood Care, which is a Christian charity involved in care projects in Europe and Asia, in international aid and in the distribution of Christian literature. For an application form and job description, contact Barbara Grace on 01349 830777 or email The closing date for completed applications is Friday 22 March 2013.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Edwina Mabon (Stn. 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay), Mr John Weir (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan),
Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay) and Mrs. Irene Brown (Macmillan)
AILSA HOSPITAL : Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

THANK YOU: Irene Wybar would like to thank everyone in the Congregation who has taken the time to send cards and visit her in hospital. Your prayers, care and concern are very much appreciated.

WARMEST CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Helen Wells of Kincaidston Drive who celebrated their Golden Wedding on Friday 1st March!

24 February 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family. A strong family. A family of faith. And we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11: Mrs. Janette Leishman, Mrs. Edwina Mabon, Mr. Alastair Fraser, Mr. Jim Orr, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mr. John Ferguson, Mr. Archie Jamieson, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Dr. Pauline Robertson and Mr. Tom Laurie

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Pettigrew and Mrs. Helen Mackay.

SUNDAY 3 March 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Alan Hawthorn
10.00a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 am Morning Worship – Sound: Brian McKinlay
6.30 pm Evening Service –
Duty: Guides

WEDNESDAY COMMUNION: SERVICE of HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated here in the Centenary Aisle on Wednesday 27 February, at 2.00pm, followed by tea in the Session Room. Everyone is most warmly invited.

TRUSTEE MEETING: Elders are asked to collect copies of the Budget and Accounts from their pigeonhole today ahead of the Trustees Meeting on Tuesday 26th February. Extra copies are available from the Office.

ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: this will be held in the Church on Thursday 21st March. Congregation copies of the Accounts will be available ahead of this meeting.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for January is £104.28.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the February edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

SOUND of MUSIC: Saturday 2nd March at 7.30pm – Hospitality will be hosting an evening of Music and fun! There will be a “Sing-a-long” Sound of Music in the Church with Apple Strudel & a Glass of Wine at the interval. Dressing for the part is optional! Tickets priced £5 per adult and children are free – on sale today! Children are encouraged to bring their parents!

THE MONDAY CLUB: The penultimate meeting of the group is tomorrow evening when our speaker is Mrs Jean Maddock who is a retired home economics teacher. We are to have a demonstration of “Ideas for Easter” which should be very interesting for all those creative ladies in the congregation. We look forward to welcoming both members and visitors who would like to join us for the evening.

MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow evening the 25th is our last meeting of the session with a guest speaker, when Stanley Sarsfield will tell us about Ayrshire’s forgotten Poet – Robert Hettrick, a Dalmellington Blacksmith. I have just visited the Carnegie Library and was impressed by Hettrick’s poems and songs published in 1826 . I am sure this will be yet another interesting look back into our local history, so please come along and join us.

FOODBANK: there are letters of thanks for the ongoing support which is so much appreciated, on the notice board. Please note there are shortfalls in tinned meals (Irish Stew, Mince etc.) and Puddings (Streamed sponge, rice etc.)

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn9) and Mrs. Helen Caddis (Stn 2).
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay), Mr John Weir (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan) and Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
AILSA HOSPITAL : Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

The service of Thanksgiving for the life of Dr. Jennifer Watson of Cunningpark Drive who died last week will be held in the Church on Thursday 28th at 1.00pm, preceded by a private committal. Our prayers surround Dr. Gerry Watson and all the family.

17 February 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family. A strong family. A family of faith. And we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 10: Mr. George Templeton, Mrs. Lorna Hilderley, Mr. Iain Campbell, Mrs. Anne Swan, Mr. George Park, Mr. Norman Wallace, Mr. Alex Eccles, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Millar Muir, Mr. Alastair Swan, Mr. Alan McHarg and Mr. Alan Hawthorn

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Miss Sheena Struthers, Lady Annie O’ Halloran, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wilson, Miss Alice Montgomerie and in memory of Mrs. Janet Burgess.

SUNDAY 24 February 2012
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 11 – Sound: Mr. John Crone
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.00 a.m. Kirk Session meet
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Admission of New Communicants – Sound: Mr. Jim Brown

CHURCH OFFICER / BEADLE: THE KIRK SESSION seeks applicants for the post/posts. There is a small remuneration attached to these positions. Details of expected duties are available on request. All enquiries should be made to the Session Clerk. before Friday 22nd February 2013

TRUSTEE MEETING: Elders are asked to collect copies of the Budget and Accounts from their pigeonhole today ahead of the Trustees Meeting on Tuesday 26th February. Extra copies are available from the Office.

ANNUAL BUSINEES MEETING: this will be held on the Church on Thursday 21st March. Congregation copies of the Accounts will be available ahead of this meeting.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be Hansel Village, who celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year. The collection for January is £104.28.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the February edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The next meeting of the Flower Team will be held on Wednesday 20th February at 7.30 pm, in the Carrick Room. Please bring your diary with you! New members will be warmly welcomed! If you need any further information please phone, Anne Swan on 01292 442584.

SOUND of MUSIC: Saturday 2nd March – Hospitality will be hosting an evening of Music and fun! There will be a “Sing-a-long” Sound of Music in the Church with Apple Strudel & a Glass of Wine at the interval. Dressing for the part is optional! Tickets priced £5 per adult and children are free – on sale today!

THE GUILD: will meet tomorrow, Monday 18th February, at 7.30 p.m. in Midton Road Hall. Suzanne Holden will come to tell us about her local charity “Wheels in Motion”. This will be a very interesting evening at which we hope many ladies may wish to join us.

THE MONDAY CLUB COFFEE MORNING: This is being held on Saturday 23rd February from 10am to 12 noon in the Midton Road hall. Tickets are now on sale from members of the group and are priced £2 each.

CEILIDH – there will be a Ceilidh, with music by “Coila”, held in the Cathcart Street Halls on Saturday 23rd February from 7.30pm. to raise funds for Raleigh International. One of our young folks is heading off for 3 months to Borneo to take part in a sustainable environmental project – your support for this challenging adventure would be very much appreciated. Tickets available from the Office.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn9)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay), Mr John Weir (Lindsay), Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan) and Mrs. Mary Macallan (Lindsay)
AILSA HOSPITAL : Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

10 February 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith and we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 9: Mr. Fraser Walker, Mr. Andrew Cardie, Mrs. Margaret Cardie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Mr. Ron Currie, Mr. David Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardiner, Mrs. Joan Dunlop, Mr. Duncan Anderson, Mr. Bill Caven, Mr. Alastair Gardiner and Mr. John Stewart

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Terry Swinn, Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Fiona Boyd, Mrs. Claire Muir and Mr. Bill Caven.

SUNDAY 17 February 2012
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 10 – Sound: Dennis Johnston
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship – Sound: George McMillan
12.30 p.m. Enquirer’s Class in the Centenary Aisle

CHURCH OFFICER / BEADLE: THE KIRK SESSION seeks applicants for the post/posts. There is a small remuneration attached to these positions. Details of expected duties are available on request. All enquiries should be made to the Session Clerk.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for January is £104.28.

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the February edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The next meeting of the Flower Team will be held on Wednesday 20th February at 7.30 pm, in the Carrick Room. Please bring your diary with you! New members will be warmly welcomed! If you need any further information please phone, Anne Swan on 01292 442584.

THE FOOD BANK: is extremely grateful for all the donations and help received. There will be a regular update in the Carrick Park vestibule. Goods required – sugar, tinned fish, long life milk/juices and jars of baby food and tinned puddings (rice /steamed) would be very gratefully received.

SOUND of MUSIC: Saturday 2nd March – Hospitality will be hosting an evening of Music and fun! There will be a “Sing-a-long” Sound of Music in the Church with Apple Strudel & a Glass of Wine at the interval. Dressing for the part is optional! Tickets priced £5 per adult and children are free – on sale today!

THE MONDAY CLUB: At our meeting tomorrow evening, the speaker is Mrs Hornby from Troon, who will tell us of her experiences as a child in Quarriers Homes. This should be a most interesting talk and we look forward to a good attendance of members and friends.

THE MONDAY CLUB COFFEE MORNING: This is being held on Saturday 23rd February from 10am to 12 noon in the Midton Road hall. Tickets are now on sale from members of the group and are priced £2 each.

MEN’S ASSOCIATION: After travelling the world with our recent speakers, tomorrow evening the 11th Feb, our guest speaker Robert Ferguson will enlighten us on the history of Dalgarven Mill, come along and join us.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn9) and Mrs. Mary Macallan (Stn10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay) and Mrs. Anne Andrew (Buchanan).
AILSA HOSPITAL : Mrs Irene Wybar (Croy House)

We extend our prayerful support to Mrs Ivy McNee and the family of Glendale Crescent on the death of her husband, James. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Wednesday first at 12 noon; and we record with sadness the death of Mr Jim Wilson, Fort Street, Ayr, who died on 28th January. The funeral service will be held at Masonhill on Tuesday first at 9.45a.m. The funeral service for Mrs Elspeth Ritchie of Auchendoon Crescent will be held on Thursday first, 14th February, at 12 noon at Masonhill.

Helen (Thayne), wishes to thank all the kind special people of Ayr St. Columba who encouraged her through her time in hospital with such beautiful cards, good wishes and prayers. All is going well now – with my love and thanks. Helen.

3 February 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith. And we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8: Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mrs. Helen Cockburn, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mr. John Hamilton, Mr John Kiltie, Revd. Jack Bone,Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mrs. Larraine Christian and Mr. John Ballantyne

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Minister, Mrs. Jean Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnston and Mrs. Joyce Kennedy.

SUNDAY 10 February 2013
9.30 a.m. Family Service – Duty Team 9
10.00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15 a.m. Morning Worship

YOUTH GROUP: there will a meeting for all young people over the age of 10years in the Midton Road Hall after the evening Service at 7.30pm.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for December is £103.15

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the February edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The next meeting of the Flower Team will be held on Wednesday 20th February at 7.30 pm, in the Carrick Room. Please bring your diary with you! New members will be warmly welcomed! If you need any further information please phone, Anne Swan on 01292 442584.

TRAIDCRAFT: Yvonne and Louise have a large array of ethically produced goods to tempt you! Please stop and take a look – your purchases help to sustain the workforce in developing countries.

THE GUILD: meet tomorrow, Monday 4thFebruary, at 2pm in Midton Road Hall. Miss Shelagh Bond will come to talk about “Hums and Hummels”. Any ladies who wish to join us tomorrow afternoon will be very welcome.

FOOD BANK COLLECTION: following the distribution of the Food Bank notice last week there are boxes available in the Carrick Park vestibule to receive your donations.

The Presbytery’s HEALTH and HEALING GROUP invite all those interested in the Healing Ministry of the Church to attend a Conference on Saturday 16th February 2013 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in Kingcase Church Hall, Prestwick. A donation of £3 will help defray expenses involved. Please let Jay Mair (264947) or Revd. Michael Dickie, 8 Noltmire Road, Ayr (618512) know if you are attending.

HALL LETS – Carrick Park / Midton Road: all Groups/Individuals requiring Lets MUST complete a form – please do not assume there will be accommodation available.

THE MONDAY CLUB COFFEE MORNING: This is being held on Saturday 23rd February from 10am to 12 noon in the Midton Road hall. Tickets are now on sale from members of the group and are priced £2 each. All the proceeds will be divided between our nominated charities, Hansel Village and Mary’s Meals, and we would very much welcome your support at this our fundraising event for this session.

“FISH AND CHIPS” BABIES: Newborn babies in Africa, many suffering from AIDS, are being called “fish and chips” babies because they are being sent home from hospital wrapped in newspaper. Their mothers are too poor to provide clothes. If you are a knitter and would like to help underprivileged babies in the developing word there are patterns for vests and hats in the Carrick Park vestibule.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn 9), Mrs. Mary Robson (Stn 14) and Mrs. Mary Macallan (Stn 10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay) and Mrs. Anne Andrew (Urquhart).

Our warmest sympathy and support are extended to Dr. Lindsay Allan and the family of Upper Crofts, on the death of Lindsay’s wife, Janice. The funeral took place on Friday; and to Mr. and Mrs Neil Lawson and the family of Finlas Avenue on the death of Margaret’s Mum, Mrs. Lottie Long. The funeral service 11.15am at the Church and 12 noon at Masonhill.

27 January 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – We are always delighted to welcome any visitors who have joined us for worship! Please feel free to sit anywhere!

ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord. Unfermented wine is available in the centre of every tray.

There will be a Retiring Offering today for Lochside Church

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 5: Mr. Douglas Espie, Mrs. Helen Caddis, Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Jimmy Symington, Mr Tim Slatter, Mr. Robert Seath, Mrs. Anne McNair, Mr. Gordon McKinlay, Mr. Bill Wilson, Mr. Alec Mooney, Mr. Douglas Paton, Mr. John Forsyth

Team 6: Mr. Michael Whiteford, Mrs. Fiona Taylor, Mrs. Edna Gemmell, Mr. Jim Hume, Mr. Alex. Connell, Mrs. Margaret Loudon, Dr. Ruairidh Bain, Mr. Robbie Park, Mr. Tom Rodger, Mr. Bill McCulloch, Mrs. Jane Hunter and Mr. Jim W. Brown

Team 7: Mrs. Irene Bartholomew, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Donald Macrae, Mrs. Heather Fullerton, Mr. Charlie Jack, Mrs. Christina Kennedy, Mr. Terry Swinn, Mr. Hugh Brown, Mr. Keith Fullerton, Mr. Bob Templeton and Mr. Peter G. Macdonald

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Miss Janette Otterson and Mrs. Cathie Wilson.

Services conducted by the Minister
9.30a.m. – Team: 5
11.15a.m. – Team: 6
6.30p.m. – Team: 7

SUNDAY 3rd February 2013
9.30am Family Service Duty Team 8 Sound: Alastair Swan
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship Sound: David Campbell
6.30pm Evening Service in the Centenary Aisle followed by tea and shortbread.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for December is £103.15

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the January edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The Flower Calendar for 2013 is now in place in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Anyone wishing to give flowers to mark a special Sunday should print their name and telephone number at their chosen Sunday.

FOOD BANK COLLECTION: following the distribution of the Food Bank notice last week there are boxes available in the Carrick Park vestibule to receive your donations.

The Presbytery’s HEALTH and HEALING GROUP invite all those interested in the Healing Ministry of the Church to attend a Conference on Saturday 16th February 2013 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in Kingcase Church Hall, Prestwick. Revd. Billy Kelly, will speak on “Practical Help in the Healing Ministry.” A donation of £3 will help defray expenses involved. Please let Jay Mair (264947) know by Monday 4th February 2013 if you hope to attend, or contact Revd. Michael Dickie, 8 Noltmire Road, Ayr (618512).

HALL LETS – Carrick Park / Midton Road: all Groups/Individuals requiring Lets MUST complete a form – please do not assume there will be accommodation available.

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: will meet at the Manse on Thursday 31st at 7.30pm

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow evening the 28th Kara Craig will take us on a voyage to New Zealand and Papua New Guinea with slides taken when she was on a sponsorship trip. I understand from rotary friends who have seen this presentation that we will have an excellent evening so why not come and join us.

THE MONDAY CLUB: The next meeting is tomorrow evening,28th January, when our assistant minister, Dr. Joel Gonzalez-Garcia, has kindly agreed, at short notice, to tell us something about his background. Unfortunately the speaker arranged for that evening is unable to be with us. We look forward to welcoming a good turnout of members and friends.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn 9), Mrs. Mary Robson (Stn 14) and Mrs. Mary Macallan (Stn 10)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond), Mrs. Marion Duncan (Lindsay), Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay) and Mrs. Anne Andrew (Urquhart)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Helen Thayne (Ward 4c)

20 January 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith. And we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 4: Miss Fiona MacKay, Mr. John Robertson, Ms. Angela Lindsay, Mr. Iain McFadzean, Miss Betty Murray, Mr. Ian Cathcart, Mr. John Ewing, Mr. Scott Williams, Mr. Iain McCrae, Mr. Ken Gray, Mr. Ralph L. Riddiough and Mr. John Crone

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Younger Family.

9.30 am – Team: 5 – Crèche in the Midton Room.
11.15 am – Team: 6 – Crèche in the Midton Room.
6.30 pm – Team: 7

Retiring Offering at all Services for support of our friends in the Congregation at Lochside Church

9.30am Sunday school and Bible Class

THE WEDNESDAY SERVICE of HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated here in the Church on Wednesday 23 January, at 2.00pm, followed by tea in the Session Room. Everyone is most warmly invited.

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for December is £103.15

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the January edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The Flower Calendar for 2013 is now in place in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Anyone wishing to give flowers to mark a special Sunday should print their name and telephone number at their chosen Sunday.

FOOD BANK COLLECTION: following the distribution of the Food Bank notice last week there are boxes available in the Carrick Park vestibule to receive your donations.

The Presbytery’s HEALTH and HEALING GROUP invite all those interested in the Healing Ministry of the Church to attend a Conference on Saturday 16th February 2013 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in Kingcase Church Hall, Prestwick. Revd. Billy Kelly, will speak on “Practical Help in the Healing Ministry.” A donation of £3 will help defray expenses involved. Please let Jay Mair (264947) know by Monday 4th February 2013 if you hope to attend, or contact Revd. Michael Dickie, 8 Noltmire Road, Ayr (618512).

THE GUILD: meets tomorrow, Monday 21st January, at 7.30 p.m. in Midton Road Hall. Mr. Jim Colvin and Friends will return to entertain us. At this meeting we look forward to welcoming members of The Monday Club and also any ladies in the congregation who wish to come along.

THE CLERK’S COMMITTEE will meet at the Manse on Tuesday first, 22nd January at 7.30pm

COMMUNION LINEN LADIES please meet at 12.30 following the funeral to dress the Church.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Anne Andrew (Stn.1), Mrs. Irene Brown (Stn 9) and Mrs. Mary Robson (Stn 14)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mr. Wylie Horn (Lindsay)
CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Helen Thayne (Ward 4c)

Our sincerest sympathy is extended to Mrs Jean Stewart and the family of Alderbank on the death of Robert, a dear husband, father and grandfather – the funeral service will be 11.15 am in Church following a private Cremation on Saturday 26th January; and to the family of Mrs Elizabeth Betts, Temple House Care Home, Mossblown – the funeral service will be held on Monday 28th at 12 noon.

Our warmest condolences and thoughts are extended to Mrs Lesley Forbes and Mrs Pearl Brown on the death of their brother in Australia.

13 January 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – If you are joining us as a visitor this morning, we extend to you a very warm welcome! Here at St Columba we often talk of ourselves as being a family – now at times we can be dysfunctional because we are human. But we are a loving family, a strong family, a family of faith. And we are always on the lookout for new members to come and share with us on our journey into God. We lay great store in our belief that the Church should be a community of people trying to live and treat each other the way Jesus lived and treated people. Sometimes we get it right, at other times we fail, but we go on deepening our relationship with Christ and with each other in worship, fellowship, sharing fun and laughter, service in our community and enjoying the talents each other has to offer.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 3: Dr. Ruth Martin, Mrs. Ann Naismith, Mr. Bryce Hartshorn, Mr. David Reader, Mrs. Mo Howie, Mrs. Isabel Kelly, Mrs. Anne Hope, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mr. Colin Naismith, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolland, Mr. Bob Bartholomew and Mr. Iain Hope

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Chrissie Luke and the Swan Family Wedding.

SUNDAY 20 January 2012
9.30am Family Service – Duty Team 4
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship
12.30pm Enquirer’s Class in the Centenary Aisle

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for December is £103.15

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the January edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The Flower Calendar for 2013 is now in place in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Anyone wishing to give flowers to mark a special Sunday should print their name and telephone number at their chosen Sunday.

THE CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Our deepest gratitude to all who contributed to the Offering on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. The total is £4,798 and this will be divided between Seascape for the Homeless and The Aberlour Trust (Ayrshire) for disadvantaged children and young people.

THE MONDAY CLUB: The committee wish everyone a very happy new year and would remind members that the next meeting is on Monday 14th January when we are guests of the Men’s Association.

THE MEN’S ASSOCIATION: Tomorrow evening the 14th we are hosts of the Monday Club and will be joining them in the Church Hall to hear David Shaw tell us about the life and work of the “MISSION AVIATION ” a Christian Charity which provides aviation, communications, and learning technology services to isolated communities in 55 countries worldwide. This will be an interesting and challenging presentation, so why not come along and join us.

The Presbytery’s HEALTH and HEALING GROUP invite all those interested in the Healing Ministry of the Church to attend a Conference on Saturday 16th February 2013 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in Kingcase Church Hall, Prestwick. Revd. Billy Kelly, will speak on “Practical Help in the Healing Ministry.” A donation of £3 will help defray expenses involved. Please let Jay Mair (264947) know by Monday 4th February 2013 if you hope to attend, or contact Revd. Michael Dickie, 8 Noltmire Road, Ayr (618512).

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Anne Andrew (Stn.1)
CARRICK GLEN: Mrs. Liz Cooper
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Mrs. Irene Brown (Urquhart)
GOLDEN JUBILEE HOSPITAL: Mrs. Pat Watson (Ward 3E – 321)

Our congratulations and very best wishes are extended to a former probationer Minister, REVD. GRAEME R. WILSON BD. MTh, on his call to Bearsden Cross Parish Church. Graeme will be Inducted as the Minister on Tuesday 15th January at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

THE MINISTER is very appreciative of the host of birthday greetings received – they cheered him up as he enters his seventh decade!

CONGRATULATIONS are extended to John & Jennifer Ballantyne who celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary last week.

Miss Ena Bryan is temporarily resident in Mathieson House.

The funeral service for Mrs. Minnie Monteith of Clark Avenue is on Thursday 17th at 11.15 at Masonhill.

6 January 2013

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH – We are always delighted to welcome any visitors who have joined us for worship! Please feel free to sit anywhere! As part of The Church of Scotland, we feel a strong sense of responsibility to the community around us. We try to worship God with the best that we can offer, in services that are well-ordered and accessible. As a very diverse congregation, we exist to the glory of God, to build up and care for His people and to show the love of Jesus Christ to Ayr. We are known for our fine singing and music, for our outreach in service to others and for a tradition of thoughtful and intelligent preaching and teaching. Thank you for sharing time with us this morning. As a record of your visit, please sign our Visitors’ Book which you will find at the Main Door. We hope we may see you again!

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 2: Mrs. Jean Watson, Mrs. Jo Bruce, Mr. Alec Morton, Mrs. Helen Greig, Mrs. Diana Savala, Mrs. Margaret McLeish, Mr. Tony Greig , Mr. Alan McKinlay, Mr. Jim Watson, Mr. Graeme McKinstry, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr. John Eaglesham

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Bartholomew Family

SUNDAY 13 January 2013
09.30am Family Worship – Duty Team 3
10.00am Sunday School & Bible Class
11.15am Morning Worship
12.30pm No Enquirer’s Class in the Centenary Aisle

20s IN THE PEWS: The recipient of the 20s in the Pews for 2013 will be intimated shortly. The collection for November is £108.97

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the January edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.00.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The Flower Calendar for 2013 is now in place in the Carrick Park Vestibule. Anyone wishing to give flowers to mark a special Sunday should print their name and telephone number at their chosen Sunday.

THE CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Our deepest gratitude to all who contributed to the Offering on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. The total is £4,798 and this will be divided between Seascape for the Homeless and The Aberlour Trust (Ayrshire) for disadvantaged children and young people.

THE GUILD: Mr. David Wallace will come to talk about his experiences as a Reader in the Church of Scotland at our meeting tomorrow. This will take place in Midton Road Hall at 7.30pm We look forward to welcoming Mr. Wallace, our Guild members and any ladies who wish to join us tomorrow.

AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs. Anne Andrew (Stn.1)
BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mr. Mac Dick (Drummond), Mr. Willie Rush (Drummond) and Miss Ena Bryan (Macmillan)
IRVINE: Ben Bass

The funeral service for Mrs Grace Irving of Glenriddel Road who died in the Hospice will take place tomorrow, Monday, at 10.30 at Masonhill. Our thoughts and prayers are with her brother, Mr Brian Strathearn, and all the family. Our warmest thoughts and prayers are extended to Mr and Mrs Andrew Cardie and the family on the death of Andrew’s sister, Annette. The funeral service will take place on Wednesday at 10.30am at Ayr St. James’. We extend our sincerest condolences to Mrs Dorothy Beasley and the family of Auchenbeg Crescent on the death of her husband, Victor. The funeral will be on Saturday 12th January at 11.15am at Masonhill.

Our congratulations and very best wishes are extended to two of our former probationer Ministers on their respective calls.
REVD. MARGARET SHUTTLEWORTH BD: Margaret will be Ordained and Inducted as Minister at Sauchie and Coalsnaughton Parish Church on Thursday 10th January at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
REVD. GRAEME R. WILSON BD. MTh: Graeme will be Inducted as Minister at Bearsden Cross Parish Church on Tuesday 15th January at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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