Thursday 25 June
Give thanks for the announcement yesterday of the gentle, phased further easing of the lockdown in Scotland which will take place between now and 15 July. Pray that people will be careful and wise in implementing it and that there will be no spike in the number of new infections in the wake of it. Pray for those in countries like Germany and China where there has been a second wave of infection. Pray that in making decisions about easing lockdown our governments in Holyrood and Westminster will heed yesterday’s warnings from all the General Medical Associations that, without extreme care, the country can expect greater infections in the forthcoming winter.
Friday 26 June
Pray for our Session Clerks, Bob and Walter, and our Beadle John and their teams as they plan for the opening of the church for private prayer on Sundays next month. This has to be done with reference to the national guidelines and Church of Scotland advice about ensuring that those who come can be kept safe. Pray too for the planning for the time – date as yet unknown – when services can take place again and will have to be organised with great care.
Saturday 27 June
We are fortunate to live in a largely rural area with wide open spaces, the coast and gardens in which we can take daily exercise. Let us spare a thought for the people of our nation, especially in large cities, who have no private outside space, living in tower blocks, many with small children, trying to keep them occupied in this lockdown period. Pray for all in this situation, asking that they may have the strength and fortitude to carry on until we can, once again, roam free without restriction.
Sunday 28 June
No church and no normal services! How then can we worship? Give thanks for the many services on TV and the internet, praying for those who plan and conduct these or, like our own minister, prepare worship and prayer material for our church website and magazine. Pray too for those who do not have internet access and perhaps make contact with them by phone, especially any who live alone and are finding lockdown very hard.
Monday 29 June
A new working week – even if from home – but also a week when many would have gone on holiday but now can not. Pray that even in holidaying at home we may give our days structure and focus so that we use the time for real refreshment and renewal. Remember organisations like the BB, Scouts, Guides and Scripture Union all of which would normally have been setting out soon on summer camps and missions. Give thanks for the many imaginative on line activities and ideas that they are providing for their youngsters (see their various websites for information about these) and pray for good take-up of these…
Tuesday 30 June
Despite our current restrictions, pray that, as one writer on social media reminded readers this week, we may all “Count our blessings, name them one by one”. Continue to pray for all our hospital staffs, health care workers and for those who are still recovering from the after effects of having had Covid -19. Remember, too, the many families who have been bereaved in recent months. Ask God to help us all to see how we can ease the burdens that others are carrying at this time.