Thursday 8 October
From 5 – 11 October is being marked as Challenge Poverty Week – Together we can, and many of the Church of Scotland’s congregations in its Urban Priority areas are marking this in some way, either by highlighting feeding or other projects in which they have been serving their parishes during the pandemic. Pray for those in such congregations, which are often in areas of multiple deprivation in our cities, and those who work there: that they may have strength for all they are called to do and joy in giving such service.
Friday 9 October
Give thanks for the success of last week – end’s virtual General Assembly and the skilled technical team which enabled it to happen. Much interesting information was shared, some of which will hugely impact the church of the future, making it “leaner and fitter for purpose today”. The Committee on Climate Change’s report also brought the good news that since 2008 and until the coming of Covid – 19 the economy has improved while becoming less reliant on carbon emissions. Give thanks for this and pray that these and similar messages coming from the Assembly will be welcomed and further implemented by Presbyteries and Kirk Sessions which will have the difficult task of acting on them and communicating them to members.
Saturday 10 October
Yesterday pupils and teachers began their autumn holidays. Pray for good weather for all so that they can get out to enjoy the fresh air and build their strength and stamina for the coming winter. Give thanks that we live in such a beautiful area with parks, sports fields and beaches on which to play and pray that all may be kept safe as they do so.
Sunday 11 October
Pray for all services taking place today in our sanctuaries or online: that they may uplift and challenge the people of God and inspire and encourage them in this difficult time for our world. Many are becoming weary of the national restrictions but pray that something of our wartime spirit in past years may be built up and see us through the situation, by the grace of God. Continue to pray for the many working so hard to find a vaccine in the long battle they face. Remember too and give thanks for those bravely willing to subject themselves to experimental tests as they work.
Monday 12 October
As we all live through change, pray that generations do not blame but value each other – the elderly for their knowledge, experience and wisdom; the middle aged for their burdens of responsibility for work and family; and the young for their energy and excitement for living. Ask that we may all be tolerant, compassionate and patient.
Tuesday 13 October
October has been marked as Black History month in the UK since 1987. It is a time to celebrate and give thanks for the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to all aspects of life in the UK and to take stock of the challenges the UK still faces in tackling racism and integration. Pray for this work and for all who because of their skin colour have been subjected to abuse and poor treatment in terms of things like housing and education
Wednesday 14 October
As the numbers of people in our hospitals suffering from the virus continue to increase, pray for our doctors, nurses, ambulance staff and other health workers all in the line of caring for and supporting them. Pray that they will not be overwhelmed by the demands being made on them and that the numbers may soon go down. Pray too for those whose routine surgery or cancer and other treatments have had to take second place in the face of the pandemic.