Thursday 15 October

The rapidly escalating numbers of people in hospital in the UK with Covid – 19 are very worrying. Pray for all such patients, their doctors and nurses and for those having to take important decisions, based on the best scientific advice, about how best to control the virus. Pray that, while there is concern about the effect on the economy and most consultants appear to believe that the priority needs to be the health of the nation, those involved will make appropriate and wise judgments about how best to balance these two major concerns. Remember especially those who have recently been bereaved, whether because of Covid or for other reasons: that they may find the comfort they need in the Church and its ministers, priests and people

Friday 16 October

In the light of the increase in infections, people are anxious about businesses and jobs. Pray for all in this position and for those in government who have to decide how such people can best be supported and helped through the crisis. Pray for families relying on Food Banks to help them feed their families and for the many who are hungry at this time. Pray that those of us who have plenty may be moved to share what we have with those in need, lending our support to the local Food Banks and in other ways.

Saturday 17 October

Give thanks for the many local businesses which are still trading and pray that they will be well supported by the communities they serve, especially as the run up to Christmas gets underway. Many people are weary of the current restrictions, while a section of the population chooses to sit too lightly to them and fails to understand the gravity of the situation. Pray for wisdom and kindness to prevail in these very difficult times for everyone.

Sunday 18 October

“This is the Day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!” Pray for all who will be attending worship today and for all who have the privilege and responsibility of leading it in churches or online: that in the midst of the current doom and gloom there will be nuggets of joy to encourage and uplift. Pray for those whose churches cannot yet open or cannot offer services online or by telephone: that those who are ministering to them may be able to find other ways to cheer and encourage them. Remember too those worshipping at Lochside and those who join with the Moderator and other Scottish church leaders to offer prayer in  the current situation at 7.p.m. this evening.

Monday 19 October

As local schools resume after the holidays today or tomorrow, pray that staff and pupils alike will return refreshed and restored by their recent holiday break. Pray that our children may find school interesting and fun and that they may learn about the things which really matter in terms of values, thoughtfulness and kindness to others, particularly those less fortunate than themselves.

Tuesday 20 October

Our congregation’s winter magazine is being prepared and sent out this week. Pray for all who have worked hard to enable its production, especially the Editor, Norman Reid and our hard working Church Secretary, Irene on both of whom much of the load for this has fallen, in times when our regular printers, for example, have not been available. Give thanks for their commitment and enterprise and pray that they both feel appreciated for all that they do to keep the congregation in touch with one another in this special way.

Wednesday 21 October

A number of new ministers were inducted to their first charges in different parts of Scotland last week, last night or willbe inducted tomorrow. Some have come here from other countries, while others have given up different careers to enter the ministry. All will have been trained in ways which are different from times past. Give thanks that they have offered for service in this special way and pray that they will be blessed and encouraged in their ministries. Pray that their congregations will be welcoming, supportive, patient and helpful, particularly in places where the charge will be their minister’s first.