Prayer Calendar April


Wednesday 1 April

Another new month and now we’re in springtime!

As the poet Geoffrey Chaucer said in the Prologue to his Canterbury Tales which some of us may recall from our long ago schooldays:

Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote
The droghte of March has perced to the roote…..
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages……
And palmers to go seeking out strange strands
To distant shrines well known in sundry lands………
OR, in a more modern translation:

When April with its sweet smelling showers has pierced the drought of March to the roots….Then folk long to go on pilgrimages and professional pilgrims to seek foreign shores……….

No doubt many of us had been planning to go on “pilgrimages” of various kinds this month as it would have seen the start of the school and Easter holiday season. That won’t be possible this year because we are currently in lockdown against the horrid coronavirus. However the need to keep praying never goes into lockdown and so we continue to hope that these pointers will inform and stimulate your own prayers at this time. As the current situation re. the virus and restrictions is a rapidly changing one, we are not producing this Calendar as a leaflet as usual. Instead it will come out a week at a time on our church’s website in the hope of keeping pace with developments.

Wednesday 1 April

Continue to pray for all health workers in the front line of working to combat the virus . We have all seen their exhaustion many times on TV. Pray for renewed stamina and strength.

Thursday 2 April

Pray for all suffering from the virus and their households having to self isolate for many days. Ask that they may be swiftly healed and that the virus may not spread further among them.

Friday 3 April

Pray today for those working day and night to find a vaccine which will protect us all against the virus and for the companies which will produce it eventually.

Saturday 4 April

The lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in some areas is causing real distress and danger. Pray that adequate supplies of this and of testing packs will quickly get to the right places.

Sunday 5 April/ PALM SUNDAY

Once again, as Holy Week begins, many congregations will be able to live stream their worship for those who are on line. Our own minister’s sermon for today will be on the church website along with his prayers and reflections. Pray for wisdom to know what will uplift and sustain people in this bewildering time.

Monday 6 April

Give thanks for our District elders who are trying to help our members without the new technology to maintain their contact with the church and give them whatever help they may need; and for hard working secretary Irene running our satellite office from her home.

Tuesday 7 April

Most of our school children are being home schooled by their parents or carers during this time. Pray for those who have this additional responsibility on top of trying to keep their own jobs going from their homes also