24 December 2017

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: For 115 years this building has stood at the heart of this part of our ancient Royal Burgh. It has witnessed wars, been favoured by a Royal visitor, welcomed holidaymakers, and been served by illustrious ministers, devoted musicians and dedicated members. Throughout these years, in anxious and sad times, in days of celebration and rejoicing, this Church has served the people as a place of sanctity, stability, and continuity. Today, in a society where the things of faith are often neglected, we strive to maintain an inclusive Christian presence, seeking ever to enhance the lives of everyone who comes into contact with us, and to reach out in mercy and compassion to a deeply troubled world. Here we explore and are not afraid to fail; here we are encouraged to ask questions; here we try to be a safe place for all ages. If you are here for the first time today, we pray that you will know something of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and that you will go home feeling inspired, strengthened, challenged and comforted. A very special welcome to the family of Ritchie who will be baptised at the 11.15 Service this morning.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 8:  Mr. John Hamilton, Mrs. Fiona Boyd, Mr. Stuart Reid, Mrs. Dorothy Bone, Mrs. Linda Sharp, Mrs. Shona Frew, Mr. Jim Brown, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, Mrs. Sheena Stewart, Mr. Peter T. MacDonald, Mrs. Larraine Christian  and Mr. John Ballantyne

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by The Flower Guild

Sunday 24 December 2017 – CHRISTMAS EVE

Fourth Sunday in Advent

9.30 am        Family Service    Duty Team 8        Sound: Mr. John Ferguson

10.00 am       HOLIDAY –    St. Columba Kids

11.15 am        Morning Worship                              Sound: Mr. Brian McKinlay

7.00 p.m.     Family Carol Service by Candlelight

10.45 p.m.     Church doors open

11.30 p.m.     “Midnight at the Manger”

THE MINISTER is very appreciative of the mountain of cards and Christmas greetings which have arrived at the Manse. Thank you so much. Each one means a great deal.

REVD. NESS and THE OFFICE STAFF thank everyone who has taken time to send cards, gifts and season’s greetings.  They are all very much appreciated.

OUR CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERINGS at 7.00pm and 11.30pm, and Christmas morning will be given to the work of the Glasgow City Mission which cares for the Homeless in the city.

COLUMBA NEWS; Material for the next edition should be with the editor today, Sunday 24th December.  Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com

20’s IN THE PEWS: total collected in November is £95.79. The Kirk Session has decided to donate funds raised this year to support the work of Parkinson’s Scotland.

FLOWER CALENDAR: The Flower calendar for 2018 is now in the Carrick Park vestibule. If you would like to donate flowers on a special Sunday, please add your name and telephone number.

FOOD BANK: items most needed this week are: Coffee, jam, diluting juice, longlife milk, and packets of pasta in sauce, small packets of rice and jars of pasta sauce.


AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. John Hamilton (Stn. 15) and Mr. Willie Chalmers (Stn. 12)

CHRISTMAS DAY   Monday 25th December

10.30a.m.   Family Service  –  Children are invited to bring a toy that Santa has left!

SUNDAY 31 December 2017   

No Early Service


10.30 am       Morning Worship           Duty Team: 9           Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn

10.00am       St. Columba Kids – on holiday

11.30am        Holy Communion


Minister:       Revd. Fraser R. Aitken GCSJ, MA, BD

Associate Minister: Revd. David T. Ness LTh

Organist:       Mr. Matthew Hynes BA (Hons)

The funeral service for Mrs. Sheila Methven, Creggan Bahn, will be held on Thursday 28 December at 11.15am at Masonhill.

The funeral service for Mrs. Brenda Harrison, Templeton House, will be held on Friday 29 December at 1.00 pm at Holmeford Bridge Crematorium.

We record with sadness the passing of Mrs. Maimie McDonald, our sincere sympathies to all the family. The funeral will be held on Thursday 4th January, details to follow.