24 March 2019

WELCOME TO ST COLUMBA CHURCH: People have been coming to this building to worship God for over a hundred years. While our town has journeyed through many changes over those years, the constancy of the witness of the “Church on Midton Road” has remained uninterrupted. The mission of any Church is to reflect through its presence, its music, its fellowship and its beauty the transcendence of God, and we seek to do that here in all that we share.
We hope that everyone who enters these doors will find an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we are far from perfect, we are regularly discovering truths that are changing us individually and enriching our lives as a church community. As we worship together, learn from the Bible, and pray for one another, we are strengthened in our commitment to Jesus Christ as well as to each other. If this is your first time here, we welcome you, and invite you to share the joy that we have found.
AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 1: Mr. Bob Cowan, Mrs. Hazel Steele, Mr. Graham Hamilton, Dr. Helen Hunter, Mr. Robin White, Mr. Michael Allan, Mrs. Ann Vance, Miss Lesley Hunter,
Mrs. Carol Morrison, Mr. Graeme Savage, and Mr. Brian Morrison
MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. William Pettigrew, Mrs. Moira Young and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Naismith

9.30 am and 11.15am Fraser’s Valedictory Services
Duty Team: 2 9.30 am Sound: Mr. Alan Hawthorn 11.15 am Sound: Mr. George McMillan
10.00 am St. Columba Kids
20’s IN THE PEWS: Total collected in February is £81.24. The Kirk Session has agreed that this year’s recipient will be Alzheimers (Scotland). Thank you for your continued generosity.
LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of the March edition are available for uplifting at the main door of the Church. There are extra copies available at both doors priced £2.80
RETIREMENT LUNCH BUSES: there will be buses parked at the Old Racecourse – if you are attending the 9.30am service you are encouraged to leave your car on Racecourse view and use these buses, which will be arriving at the Racecourse from 12 noon. Once full each bus will leave. After the 11.15am service you are asked to make your way directly to the buses parked on Midton Road. Please do not wait for friends. If it is essential that you drive to Church please park with great care. Police Scotland have been alerted to the possible increase in traffic and there will be a police presence in the area.
COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the next edition should be with the editor today Sunday 24th March. Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com.
HALL LETS MEETING: this meeting will be held in the Struthers’ Room on Tuesday 23rd April at 7.00pm
HOLIDAY CLUB: Holiday Club – Polar Explorers – please continue to collect the empty 4pint plastic milk cartons (to make an igloo) PLEASE wash out the cartons and 2ltr water/drinks bottles which we will turn into penguins! Thank you to everyone who has already – keep up the good work!
FOOD BANK: The demand for the Food Bank does not diminish – the following are urgently required this month: UHT Milk, 750ml Diluting Juice, Tinned Custard, Tinned Pudding Rice, Tinned Vegetables, Stew, Mince and Curry.
OASIS CAFÉ: Meets every Thursday 10.30 – 12.00 in the Struthers’ Room, a place to relax, read the papers, and enjoy a chat – and quality baking!! A friendly welcome is extended to all.
SPRING CLEAN TIME. Ayr & Prestwick Lions Club has the Maybole charity shop for a week from 30 March and is collecting good quality clothes, household goods, ornaments,
Bric-a-brac, toys, books, CDs, DVDs etc. Please contact Alec Mooney on 01292 443381 to arrange uplift.
AYR HOSPITAL: Mrs Muriel Morton (Stn 6)
THE BIGGART: Mr. Charles Hamilton (Urquhart), Mrs. May Speirs (Drummond), Mrs. Sarah McKnight (Urquhart) and Mr. John Cramp (Drummond)
The Service of Thanksgiving for Mr Duncan Anderson, our Assistant Session Clerk, will be on Tuesday first, 26 March, at 9.45 here at St Columba, followed by the committal at Masonhill at 10.30. Our love and prayers surround his wife, Ann, Kevin and Lesley and all the family.
The funeral service for Mr Hugh Nelson, Marina Road, Prestwick, will be held at Masonhill on Friday 29th March at 9.45am our condolences are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Symington and the family.

Congratulations to Mr. Sam and Mrs. Janette Leishman who celebrated their Golden Wedding this past week.