25 March 2018

WELCOME TO AYR: ST. COLUMBA CHURCH: For 116 years, this building has stood at the heart of this part of our ancient Royal Burgh. It has witnessed wars, been favoured by a Royal visitor, welcomed holidaymakers, and been served by illustrious ministers, devoted musicians and dedicated members. Throughout these years, in anxious and sad times, in days of celebration and rejoicing, this Church has served the people as a place of sanctity, stability, and continuity. Today, in a society where the things of faith are often neglected, we strive to maintain an inclusive Christian presence, seeking ever to enhance the lives of everyone who comes into contact with us, and to reach out in mercy and compassion to a deeply troubled world. Here we explore and are not afraid to fail; here we are encouraged to ask questions; here we try to be a safe place for all ages. If you are here for the first time today, we pray that you will know something of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and that you will go home feeling inspired, strengthened, challenged and comforted.

AT THE DOORS TO WELCOME YOU TODAY: Team 11:  Mr. Stuart McKinlay, Mrs. Linda Hunter, Mr. Sandy Allan, Mrs. Annette Cuthbert, Mr. Andrew Muirhead, Mrs. Rita Mackenzie, Mr. Ross Robertson, Dr. Kirsty Muirhead, Mrs. Janice Paterson, Dr. Pauline  Robertson,  Mrs. Janette Leishman, Mr. John Ferguson.

MINISTRY OF FLOWERS: The flowers, which adorn the Sanctuary this week, have been given to the Glory of God by Mrs. Mary Knox, Mr. Jim Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Naismith and Mrs Betty McLellan.

WEDNESDAY COMMUNION: will be held on Wednesday, 28th March at 2.00pm, followed by tea in the Struthers’ Room. All welcome!

ELDERS please meet in the Struthers’ Room at 2.30 on Thursday 29th March, ahead of the Service of Thanksgiving for Mr. Jimmy Symington.

MESSY CHURCH: Easter Messy Church will be held today, SUNDAY 25th March. From 4 -6pm. This is a superb monthly event. Filled with songs, stories, crafts, games and much more, there is even a light supper of soup and sandwiches, do not be shy come and see for yourself how good this time really is! Children please bring an adult!

HOLIDAY CLUB: “The Big Top” – Monday 2nd – Friday 6th April in the Midton Road Hall from 10am – 12 noon. Put the date in your diary and watch this space for more information next week! HELP PLEASE: We are also looking for people willing to deliver leaflets round the parish – if you are able to help please contact Irene or stuartmckinlay@aol.com

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the next edition should be with the editor today, Sunday 25th March.  Articles should be emailed to the editor at: editor.columbanews@gmail.com

WELLINGTON SCHOOL SERVICES: Junior Service – 27th March at 2.00 pm and Senior Service 30th March at 10.00am

THE KILT WALK – We are looking for volunteers to take part in the ‘Kilt Walk’ to raise funds for our work at Lochside Mission. Volunteers have the choice of walking between 6 and 26 miles in four locations as part of this nationwide fundraiser. The Hunter Foundation will top-up any monies raised by an additional 40%, so far the Lochside team are planning on walking in Glasgow on 29th April. For more information please call 01292 286981 or email hello@lochsidemission.org.uk

HOLY WEEK Monday 26th March – Friday 30th March 2018

All Services will be led by Revd. Fraser R. Aitken GCSJ, M.A., B.D. and Revd. Neil McNaught B.D., M.A. with guest preachers during the week.

Easter Sunday – 1st April 2018


7.30 am:              Service on the Low Green

8.00 am:            Breakfast in the Church Hall – please add your name to the list in the Carrick Park Vestibule

9.30 am:           Family Service

11.15 am:             Morning Worship           Sacrament of Baptism

12.30 pm:           Celebration of Holy Communion

You are invited to bring a bunch of spring flowers to adorn the empty Cross. After the 11.15 service, these will be delivered to many of our members and friends who have been bereaved since last Easter, conveying to them our warmest thoughts and our faith in the Risen Christ.


AYR HOSPITAL: Mr. Willie Chalmers (Stn 12) and Mrs. Mary Knox (Stn 6)

QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL, GLASGOW: Mrs. Marlene Hamilton (Spinal Unit)

THE BEATSON: Mr. John Morrison

CROSSHOUSE HOSPITAL: Mr. Jim Wilcox (Renal Unit) (Ward 2f)

BIGGART HOSPITAL: Mrs. Edna Gemmell (Urquhart)

The funeral service for Mr. Jimmy Symington will be held on Thursday 29th March at 2.45 in Church, preceded by a private cremation. We extend warmest sympathy to Jane and all the family.