TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY                                                                                                 

SUNDAY 22 NOVEMBER – Services will be conducted at 10am and 11.15am. Demand for seats is growing rapidly, especially at 10am where the Church has been full (with the allowable 50 attendees) for the past three weeks. If possible please call Irene on 01292 265794 Monday/Tuesday or Thursday morning between 9.30am and 12 noon; or email on to reserve your place. All messages received will be acknowledged, please do not hesitate to be in touch if they are not.

RECORDING OF SERVICES The Sunday Worship Service will be recorded and uploaded to the website and to our Church Facebook page. The link will allow you to watch the Service via our YouTube channel on your smart phone, iPad, Laptop or smart TV.

SERMONS ONLINE:   The text and an audio tape of the sermon for this week is available on the Sermons Tab on the website  and the

Recorded Service is available on the Worship Service tab

HOLIDAY: The Minister is on holiday from Monday 16 to Sunday 22 November inclusive.   For funerals, please contact the Revd David Ness in the first instance on 01292 471625.

WE continue to pray for all our members and friends who are ill at home and in hospital, for our bereaved families and for the Ministers who are closely involved in their pastoral care.

THE PRAYER CALENDAR for November week THREE is available on the website.

ELDERS are encouraged to let the Minister know directly of any concerns or updates they have about members of their district.

FLOWERS: A special “Thank you” to Anne and the Flower Team who decorated the Church so beautifully for Remembrance Sunday. The flower arrangements in our worship service are a joy. Please let the Minister or Irene know of anyone who might benefit from a delivery of flowers.

DIAL-A-SERMON   It is now possible to access Scott’s Sunday Sermon by using your telephone; no internet is required.   All you need do is call 01292 851074.    The call is charged according to your landline or mobile phone package.  

PLEASE do not hesitate to let the Minister know of anyone unwell or struggling at this time.  

COLUMBA NEWS: Material for the next edition should be with the editor by today Sunday 15th November. Please email articles to the editor at

OUR ST COLUMBA KIDS GROUP has restarted and we remember the children, their leader Stuart and their teachers in our prayers. Social distancing is very important the children and their parents will be entering and leaving the building by the Fire Door (with the ramp) onto Midton Road. Please keep this door clear between 9.50am and 10.45am

THANK YOU – a huge thank you to members who have continued to collect their 20’s and coppers for our Charities.

20’s IN THE PEWS: Please continue to save your 20’s – we will provide a very large collecting jar when we all return to Church.

MARY’S MEALS: likewise your coppers for Mary’s Meals – there will always be a great need to help.

OFFERINGS: During this time when the Church building access is restricted, members may be considering how they can continue to give offerings to the Church. You can contact the Treasurer (01292 443271), the Session Clerk or the Church Secretary (both at 01292 265794).

LIFE & WORK: Pre-ordered copies of L&W are available in the Church. Please let Hazel know if you are shielding or otherwise unable to uplift your Magazine. If you do not subscribe but would like more information please contact the Life & Work Convenor – Hazel Steele on Tel. 861631

FACEBOOK – IS FREE – there is no cost in using this service. You do not require a FB account to access the Church FB page. Something new will be uploaded every day.

DAILY PRAYING   May I recommend the website which offers a daily 10 minute reflection with music, Scripture and help with sensitive praying.    It will help you reflect on the day.  You can listen first thing in the morning, during the day or towards last thing at night.  Often, I find them very peaceful, though they differ each day.     Scott 

Books for the journey………

Marcus Borg                The Heart of Christianity

                                      Days of Awe and Wonder:  How to be a Christian in the 21st century

Rowan Williams          Luminaries:  Twenty lives that illuminate the Christian way    SPCK

Thomas à Kempis       The Imitation of Christ

Anthony De Mello      Seek God Everywhere

Esther De Waal           Seeking God

Also, you can sign up for the daily meditations of Fr Richard Rohr, Centre for Action and Contemplation.

Meditative daily worship with readings, music and prayers are available from: